
Showing total 23 results
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1. A Working Conceptualization of Social Structure: Mertonian Roots and Psychological and Sociocultural Relationships.

2. Informal Networks and Organizational Crises: An Experimental Simulation.

3. Expecting and Accepting: The Temporal Ambiguity of Recovery Identities.

4. Are Surveys on Trust Trustworthy?

5. Evaluations, Enactment, and Expectations.

6. Through the Eyes of Children: Youths' Perceptions and Evaluations of Maternal and Paternal Roles.

7. The Incidence of Exchange Networks.

8. From Role-Playing to Role-Using: Understanding Role as Resource.

9. The Social Psychology of Organizations and Inequality.

10. Power and Equity: What Counts in Attributions for Exchange Outcomes?

11. Race, Gender, and Attitudes toward Gender Stratification.

12. Filling in the Blanks: A Theory of Cognitive Categories and the Structure of Social Affiliation.

13. Interpretive Reproduction in Children's Peer Cultures.

14. Social Networks in Structural Equation Models.

15. From Micro-- to Macro-Exchange Structure: Measuring Power Imbalance at the Exchange Network Level.

16. A Social Psychological Model of the Schooling Process over First Grade.

17. The Effects of Individual and Structural Characteristics on Intransitivity in Social Networks.

18. The Structure and Use of Power: A Comparison of Reward and Punishment Power.

19. The Interpretive Conception of Social Interaction and the Logic of Deductive Explanation.

20. Sequential and Institutional Contexts in Calls for Help.

21. Forgetfulness as an Interactive Resource.

22. Reflected Appraisal and the Development of Self.

23. William H. Sewell: Recipient of the 1988 Cooley-Mead Award.