Wilson, Jacob M., Wilson, Stephanie M.C., Loenneke, Jeremy P., Wray, Mandy, Norton, Layne E., Campbell, Bill I., Lowery, Ryan P., and Stout, Jeffery R.
Groups of amino acids, as well as individual amino acids, have been studied for their roles in protein balance, hormone secretion, immune function, or capacity to be converted to various anabolic or anticatabolic metabolites. Specific amino acids with extensive analysis include the essential amino acids, branched chain amino acids, arginine, taurine, glutamine, beta-alanine, and the leucine metabolite, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate. The purpose of this article is to analyze the possible roles and practical applications of these amino acids in the regulation of body composition and performance in anaerobic and aerobic sports. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]