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1. The classification of the Compositae: A tribute to Vicki Ann Funk (1947–2019).

3. A nomenclatural review of Argyreia (Convolvulaceae).

4. Phylogenetic relationships in Helichrysum (Compositae: Gnaphalieae) and related genera: Incongruence between nuclear and plastid phylogenies, biogeographic and morphological patterns, and implications for generic delimitation.

5. Why are there so many plant species in the Neotropics?

6. Phylogenetic relationships of Caralluma R. Br. (Apocynaceae).

7. Ecological differentiation of Mediterranean endemic plants.

8. Sub-Paratethyan origin and Middle to Late Miocene principal diversification of the Lactucinae (Compositae: Cichorieae) inferred from molecular phylogenetics, divergence-dating and biogeographic analysis.

9. Supporting a young age for the North American deserts: Historical biogeography of Grusonia (Cylindropuntieae) in a Plio‐Pleistocene temporal framework.

10. Phylogeny of Marsdenieae (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) based on chloroplast and nuclear loci, with a conspectus of the genera.

11. Biogeography and systematics of Carex subgenus Uncinia (Cyperaceae): A unique radiation for the genus Carex in the Southern Hemisphere.

12. Biogeography and habitat evolution of Saxifragaceae, with a revision of generic limits and a new tribal system.

13. Biogeography of succulent spurges from Brazilian Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF).

14. Iconic, threatened, but largely unknown: Biogeography of the Macaronesian dragon trees (Dracaena spp.) as inferred from plastid DNA markers.

15. Phylogeny, biogeography, and morphological evolution among and within the Neotropical and Asian clades of Schefflera (Araliaceae).

16. Widespread morphological parallelism in Korthalsella (Santalaceae, tribe Visceae): A molecular phylogenetic perspective.

17. Re‐delimitation of Tinospora (Menispermaceae): Implications for character evolution and historical biogeography.

18. Phylogeny and biogeography of Polygala (Polygalaceae).

19. RAD sequencing rejects a long‐distance disjunction in Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) and yields support for a new southern Rocky Mountains endemic.

20. Phylogenetic and morphometric analysis of Plantago section Coronopus (Plantaginaceae).

21. Phylogeny and biogeography of the hyper-diverse genus Eugenia (Myrtaceae: Myrteae), with emphasis on E. sect. Umbellatae, the most unmanageable clade.

22. Biogeography and relationships within the Melanthera alliance: A pan-tropical lineage (Compositae: Heliantheae: Ecliptinae).

23. A molecular phylogeny of the genus Diplusodon (Lythraceae), endemic to the campos rupestres and cerrados of South America.

25. Phylogeny and biogeography of Artemisia subgenus Seriphidium (Asteraceae: Anthemideae).

26. Phylogeny, biogeography, systematics and taxonomy of Salicornioideae (Amaranthaceae?/?Chenopodiaceae) -- A cosmopolitan, highly specialized hygrohalophyte lineage dating back to the Oligocene.

27. Origin of the Rapa endemic genus Apostates: Revisiting major disjunctions and evolutionary conservatism in the Bahia alliance (Compositae: Bahieae).

28. Phylogeny of Lotus (Leguminosae: Loteae): Partial incongruence between nrITS, nrETS and plastid markers and biogeographic implications.

29. Phylogeography: The history and formation of species.

30. A widespread radiation in the Periplocoideae (Apocynaceae): The case of Cryptolepis.

31. East Asian Lobelioideae and ancient divergence of a giant rosette Lobelia in Himalayan Bhutan.

32. East Asian Lobelioideae and ancient divergence of a giant rosette Lobelia in Himalayan Bhutan.

33. Morphology, phylogeny, and taxonomy of Microthlaspi (Brassicaceae: Coluteocarpeae) and related genera.

34. East Asian origin and Northern Hemisphere diversification in the Brachythecium novae-angliae-complex (Bryophyta).

35. Biogeography and diversification rates in hornworts: The limitations of diversification modeling.

36. Systematics and biogeography of Berberis s.l. inferred from nuclear ITS and chloroplast ndhF gene sequences.

37. Taxonomy and evolutionary history of Alyssum montanum (Brassicaceae) and related taxa in southwestern Europe and Morocco: Diversification driven by polyploidy, geographic and ecological isolation.

38. The species-rich, paleotropical genus Memecylon (Melastomataceae): Molecular phylogenetics and revised infrageneric classification of the African species.

39. Independent evolutionary history between the Balkan ranges and more northerly mountains in Campanula alpina s.l. (Campanulaceae): Genetic divergence and morphological segregation of taxa.

40. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the arctic-alpine genus Lagotis (Plantaginaceae).

41. A molecular phylogeny and classification of the largely succulent and mainly African Euphorbia subg. Athymalus (Euphorbiaceae).

42. Seeds of Weigela (Caprifoliaceae) from the Early Miocene of Weichang, China and the biogeographical history of the genus.

43. Biogeography: Where do we go from here?

44. Morphology, DNA-molecular variation, karyology, ecogeography, and phytosociology suggest allopatric differentiation and species rank for Potentilla rigoana (Rosaceae).

45. Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Danaideae (Rubiaceae: Rubioideae): Another example of out-of-Madagascar dispersal.

46. Phylogenetic placement, delimitation, and relationships among genera of the enigmatic Nelsonioideae (Lamíales: Acanthaceae).

47. Phylogeny and biogeography of the tribe Liabeae (Compositae subfamily Cichorioideae).

48. Mid-Miocene divergence of Ionopsidium and Cochlearia and its impact on the systematics and biogeography of the tribe Cochlearieae (Brassicaceae).

49. Systematics and evolution of the needle grasses (Poaceae: Pooideae: Stipeae) based on analysis of multiple chloroplast loci, ITS, and lemma micromorphology.

50. Western Eurasian-western North American disjunct plant taxa: The dry-adapted ends of formerly widespread north temperate mesic lineages—and examples of long-distance dispersal.