The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) was founded in New York City in 1887 as two interdenominational parachurch organizations, the Christian Alliance and the Evangelical Missionary Alliance, by Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843–1919), a former Canadian Presbyterian minister. His purpose was to bring together people from all denominations, with a common bond of emphasizing holiness, faith, healing, and missionary vision — what he and others called “the higher Christian life.” Merged together as The Christian and Missionary Alliance in 1897, it eventually evolved into a denomination many decades later. Keywords: christian and missionary alliance (CM interdenominational parachurch organizations; CM bringing together people, from all denominations; Simpson, fourfold gospel, christ as “savior, sanctifier, healer …”; CM CM Wesleyan and Keswick holiness traditions; presbyterial and congregational concepts; C&MA periodical, the alliance life