A survey of 124 protein and/or nucleic acid chemistry facilities has provided a basis for estimating the resources needed to establish a facility, the financial support needed to keep it operating, and the technical capabilities it might reasonably be expected to achieve. Based on these data, an average core facility occupied 870 ft2, was staffed by three full-time personnel, and was equipped with 4-5 major instrument systems. Because user fees generated an average of about $101,000/year in income compared with an average operating budget of about $197,000/year, even a facility that charged user fees would, on average, still require an annual subsidy of about $96,000. Although most government and industrial core facilities did not assess user fees, at least 83 of the 124 respondents did have a preestablished schedule of service charges that enabled a compilation to be made of the average cost of providing a number of typical facility analyses and syntheses. The greater than 100-fold range in charges asses...