
Showing total 30 results
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1. Dynamical downscaling of regional climate over eastern China using RSM with multiple physics scheme ensembles.

2. Effects of climate change on annual streamflow using climate elasticity in Poyang Lake Basin, China.

3. Detection of trends in precipitation extremes in Zhejiang, east China.

4. Snowfall trends and variability in Qinghai, China.

5. Observed changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China, using the standardized precipitation index and aridity index.

6. Optimization and evaluation of a monthly air temperature and precipitation gridded dataset with a 0.025° spatial resolution in China during 1951–2011.

7. Variations in droughts and wet spells and their influences in China: 1924-2013.

8. High-resolution precipitation data derived from dynamical downscaling using the WRF model for the Heihe River Basin, northwest China.

9. Out-phased decadal precipitation regime shift in China and the United States.

10. Can reanalysis datasets describe the persistent temperature and precipitation extremes over China?

11. Impacts of the superimposed climate trends on droughts over 1961-2013 in Xinjiang, China.

12. Statistical analysis of the relationship between climate-induced maize yield and rainy-season precipitation across Inner Mongolia, North China.

13. Characteristics of the precipitation recycling ratio and its relationship with regional precipitation in China.

14. Multivariate drought frequency estimation using copula method in Southwest China.

15. Changes in precipitation and temperature in Xiangjiang River Basin, China.

16. Updated precipitation reconstruction (AD 1482-2012) for Huashan, north-central China.

17. Quantitatively evaluating the effects of climate factors on runoff change for Aksu River in northwestern China.

18. Investigation of changes in water resources and grain production in China: changing patterns and uncertainties.

19. Impacts of climate change on the water balance of a large nonhumid natural basin in China.

20. Exploring spatially variable relationships between NDVI and climatic factors in a transition zone using geographically weighted regression.

21. Separation of the impact of climate change and human activity on streamflow in the upper and middle reaches of the Taoer River, northeastern China.

22. The impact of changing environments on the runoff regimes of the arid Heihe River basin, China.

23. Regionalization-based spatiotemporal variations of precipitation regimes across China.

24. Analysis of changes in the relationship between precipitation and streamflow in the Yiluo River, China.

25. Changes in temperature and precipitation extremes during 1959-2008 in Shanxi, China.

26. Change trends of air temperature and precipitation over Shanxi Province, China.

27. Decreasing trend of sunshine hours and related driving forces in North China.

28. Precipitation division and climate shift in China from 1960 to 2000.

29. Climatology and trends of wet spells in China.

30. Observed monthly precipitation trends in China 1951–2002.