Forrest, Robert, Dewart, Joanne, Dourley, John, Brown, Schuyler, McKellar, Hugh, Turner, David, Wiebe, Don, Kloppenborg, John, and Khan, Abarahim
Stefan Heym, The King David Report, reviewed by Robert W.E. ForrestC. T. McIntire and Ronald A. Wells, eds., History and Historical Understanding, reviewed by Joanne McWilliam DewartJohn P. Dourley, The Psyche as Sacrament: A Comparative Study of C.G. Jung and Paul Tillich, reviewed by Schuyler BrownJohn P. Dourley, The Illness That We Are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity, reviewed by Schuyler BrownAntonio R. Gualtieri, Christianity and Native Traditions; Indigenization and syncretism among the Inuit and Dene of the Western Arctic, reviewed by Hugh D. McKellarJoan E. O'Donovan, George Grant and the Twilight of Justice, reviewed by David TurnerJohn Kirby and William M. Thompson, ed., Voegelin and the Theologian: Ten Studies in Interpretation, reviewed by Don WiebeWerner H. Kelber, The Oral and the Written Gospel. The Hermeneutics of Speaking and Writing in the Synoptic Tradition, Mark, Paul and Q, reviewed by John S. KloppenborgJeremy Walker, Kierkegaard: The Descent Into God, reviewed by Abrahim H. Khan