Although there has been a sufficiently steady trend towards a decrease in the incidence of carcinoma of the stomach (CS), the problem related with treatment of this malignant tumor remains acute up to now in many countries. Presently, the surgical method, i.e. gastrectomy in the volume of D2 (with splenectomy being an element of it) remains the basic treatment for CS of stages I-III. A removal of an essential portion of the lymphoid tissues brings about a pronounced, prolonged and hard-to-correct immunodeficiency, which, in its turn, aggravates the risk of postoperative infectious complications and cuts the relapse-free life period. The method, offered by us, makes it possible to obtain the lymphocine-activated cells from the mononuclear cell population of the spleen, removed in operation, and to use them in the adoptive immunotherapy for the purpose of improving the life duration and quality for this category of patients. However, elaboration of methods combining the activation of both non-specific and specific anti-tumor immunity through designing the anti-tumor auto-vaccines based on dendrite cells is the most promising direction in the adoptive immunotherapy for a radically operated CS.