The strategic rare metal molybdenum ore has the characteristics of low grade, complex fractions and fine embedded grain size, with its valuable metals difficult to separate and recover. The flotation, as one of the main beneficiation methods for separation and recovery of microfine grain molybdenum ore, and its flotation molybdenum concentrate grade has been the key product indicator for the processing plant. The majority of domestic processing plants adopt a shift system sampling, manual assay to get the concentrate grade results, but this way seriously lags behind the flotation process, it is difficult to meet the production of the process for real-time monitoring and operational guidance. LSTM is a special kind of recurrent neural network, and the introduction of the gate mechanism effectively pass or selectively forget information in long time sequences, solving the long-term dependency, gradient disappearance and explosion problems in RNN. This paper analyses and collates datas from various platform sources in the Dongpo processing plant. Combined with the process and mechanism of flotation in the processing plant, screening out a number of variables that affect flotation molybdenum concentrate grade as model inputs are screened out. The input variables are subjected to data pre-processing such as outlier determination, missing value filling and data noise reduction to build a high-quality molybdenum flotation concentrate grade database. The soft measurement model adopts PyCharm software coding, uses BatchNorm batch normalization to process sample data, adds Dropout regularization to prevent overfitting, establishes LSTM-based soft measurement model for flotation molybdenum concentrate grade, updates neural network structure parameters by the forward propagation algorithm, and the predictive performance index results of the Linear model and CNN model are compared. The results show that the LSTM-based soft measurement model for flotation molybdenum concentrate grade has high prediction accuracy, smooth sample data error fluctuation, small floating range, and strong model generalization ability. The average absolute percentage error MAPE is 1. 13%, the root mean square error RMSE is 0. 7049 % and coefficient of determination R² is 0. 876 3, which realizes the online prediction of flotation molybdenum concentrate grade. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]