Purpose: This study was conducted to identify ethical climate factors in hospitals and analyze their influence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Methods: A convenience sample of 196 nurses from one national university hospital in J city participated in this descriptive study survey. Instruments included the Ethical Climate Questionnaire, Job Satisfaction Scale, and Organizational Commitment Scale. Cronbach's α and factor analysis were done to test reliability and construct validity of the scales. Data were collected from March 15 to March 25, 2013 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 18.0. Results: Seven ethical climate factors were identified; laws and professional codes, social responsibility, company rules and procedures, self-interest, personal morality, efficiency, and friendship. Factors influencing job satisfaction were friendship (β=.25), social responsibility (β=.20), laws and professional codes (β=.20), and educational level (β=.27), explaining 37.6% of variance in job satisfaction. Factors influencing organizational commitment included social responsibility (β=.29), friendship (β=.27), laws and professional codes (β=.23), and age (β= .19), with explanatory power of 44.6%. Conclusion: Results can be used as preliminary data for developing new strategies to establish positive ethical climates in hospital environments and thus enhance nurses' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]