Život nije jeftin prema tekstu Gornja Austrija, autora Franza Xavera Kroetza, naslov je diplomske ispitne predstave studentice Anamarije Jurišić pod mentorstvom izv. prof. Roberta Raponje i sumentorice Katice Šubarić na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Osijeku, na Odsjeku za kazališnu umjetnost, smjer gluma i lutkarstvo. S njom u predstavi sudjeluje kolega Luka Stilinović ,koji utjelovljuje ulogu muža Heinza. U ovom pismenom radu autorica opisuje proces rada na predstavi s naglaskom na analizu procesa kreiranja uloge Ane i sistematiziranog rada na predstavi. Na početku piše o svom procesu studiranja i osnovnim glumačkim alatima potrebnim za kreiranje uloge. Zatim iznosi činjenice o autoru, o dolasku i odabiru teksta, analizira scenske prizore, prostor igre i mikroradnje, odabir scenografije, rekvizite i glazbe te opisuje kojim je umjetničkim sredstvima uspjela doći od loše generalne probe do dobre premijere. Na kraju autorica zaključuje kako je proces kreiranja uloge i rada na ispitnoj predstavi uvelike nadogradio njezine izvođačke alate i utvrdio umjetnički identitet. Life is not cheap according to the text Upper Austria by the author Franz Xavera Kroetz is the title of the graduate exam presentation of the student Anamarija Jurišić under the mentorship of Prof. Roberta Raponja and assistant Katica Šubarić at the Academy of Art in Osijek, at the theater department, acting and puppetry. With her in the presentation is colleague Luka Stilinović who is acting a role of husband Heinz. In this written thesis author describes the work on the play with an emphasis on the analysis of the process of creating a role of Ana and describes systematized work on the play. In the beginning she writes about her study process and the basic acting tools needed to create the role. Then she tells facts about the author, and how she got and selected the text, she analyzes stage scenes, playgrounds and micro-works, selects scenery, props, and music and describes the artist's ability to come from a bad general rehearsal to a good premiere. At the end author concludes that her process of creating her role and work on the screenplay has greatly enhanced her performance tools and helped her to find her artistic identity.