U ovom radu bavimo se rekonstrukcijom kartezijevog koordinatnog robota. Potreba za samom rekonstrukcijom došla je zbog zastarjelosti opreme i korisničkog sučelja koji su na robotu bili implementirani nekoliko desetljeća i koji se danas više nigdje u industriji ne koriste. Kroz rad obuhvatit će se tri velike cjeline kroz koje je izvršena rekonstrukcija samog robota: I. Odabir nove opreme II. Implementiranje nove opreme na robota III. Programiranje robota i osposobljavanje njega za daljnji razvoj Kroz prvu cjelinu prikazat će se i opisati nova, ali i zastarjela oprema robota. Detaljno će se opisati specifikacije svake komponente, a na kraju će se usporediti sve komponente zastarjele opreme, koje se zamjenjuju, s novim komponentama. U drugoj cjelini opisat će se implementacija novih komponenti na postojeći robot. Prikazat će se njihovi položaji i objasniti razlog i način implementacije. Osim samog postavljanja komponenti potrebno je i elektronički ih spojiti. Sheme elektroničkog spajanja možete vidjeti u prilozima na kraju rada, a opis spajanja možete pročitati u poglavlju 3. Zadnji dio rekonstrukcije kartezijevog koordinatnog robota obuhvaća programiranje samog robota. U poglavljima 4 i 5 možete vidjeti detaljan opis i prikaz programa potrebnih kako bi se robot osposobio za rad, ali i za daljnji razvoj. Robot se nalazi u sklopu Laboratorija za projektiranje izradbenih i montažnih sustava, na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje, i nakon završetka rekonstrukcije koristi se za daljnje edukacijske svrhe. In this paper, we deal with the reconstruction of the Cartesian coordinate robot. The need for the reconstruction itself came about due to the obsolescence of the equipment and the user interface that had been implemented on the robot for several decades and are no longer used anywhere in the industry today. The work will cover three large chapters through which the reconstruction of the robot itself was carried out: I. Selection of new equipment II. Implementation of new equipment on the robot III. Programming the robot and preparing it for further development The first part will show and describe new and also outdated robot equipment. The specifications of each component will be described in detail, and at the end, all the components of the obsolete equipment, which are being replaced, will be compared with the new components. The second part will describe the implementation of new components on the existing robot. Their positions will be shown and the reason and method of implementation will be explained. In addition to installing the components, it is also necessary to connect them electronically. You can see the electronic connection schemes in the appendices at the end of the paper, and you can read the description of the connection in chapter 3. The last part of the reconstruction of the Cartesian coordinate robot includes the programming of the robot itself. In chapters 4 and 5, you can see a detailed description and presentation of the programs needed to prepare the robot for work, as well as for further development. The robot is located in the Laboratory for the design of manufacturing and assembly systems and after the completion of the reconstruction, it is used for further educational purposes.