1. Schulpastoral
- Author
Angela Kaupp
- Subjects
school ministry ,the school as a life space ,school culture ,voluntariate ,church involvement ,školski pastoral ,škola kao životni prostor ,školska kultura ,dragovoljnost ,crkveni angažman ,Schulpastoral ,Schule als Lebensraum ,Schulkultur ,Freiwilligkeit ,Engagement der Kirche - Abstract
Nakon 1990. godine u većini njemačkih biskupija razvijaju se planovi i programi "školskog pastorala". Školski pastoral obuhvaća kršćanski angažman u školi kao mjestu učenja, a organiziraju ga crkve. Riječ je o slobodnoj ponudi koja je namijenjena učenicima, nastavnom osoblju i roditeljima. Za razliku od toga, školski vjeronauk je u gotovo svim njemačkim saveznim pokrajinama redoviti školski predmet u svim vrstama škola, za koji su zajednički odgovorne država i škola. Školski vjeronauk predaju stručno osposobljeni nastavnici te mora odgovarati istim standardima kao i svi ostali školski predmeti. Budući da učenici danas provode sve više vremena u školi, valja biti svjestan da škola više nije samo prostor za nastavu nego i za život. Stoga škole u većoj mjeri traže suradnike za aktivnosti u školi izvan nastavnog vremena. Školski pastoral na tom području nudi mogućnosti u raznim osnovnim crkvenim službama (liturgiji, martiriji, dijakoniji, koinoniji). Daljnji doprinos školskog pastorala školskoj kulturi je "krizno dušobrižništvo" u slučaju nesreća, smrtnih slučajeva i drugih kriznih situacija kojima su pogođeni pojedinci ili školska zajednica u cjelini. Školski pastoral je put za uočavanje "znakova vremena" (GS 4) i za odgovarajuće djelovanje u aktualnim izazovima u službi čovjeku., After 1990 most German diocese' have developed plans and programs for "school ministry". School ministry includes Christian involvement in the school as a place of learning, organized by the church. This is a proposal intended for students, teachers and parents. In contrast, religious instruction in the schools is a regular subject in all types of schools in nearly all the German federal regions, for which are jointly responsible the government and the school. Religious education in the schools is taught by trained teachers and it must meet the same standards as all other school subjects. Since students nowadays spend more and more time in school it is important to be aware that the school is no longer just a place for education but also for life. Therefore, schools are increasingly looking for cooperators for extracurricular activities. In this case, pastoral care within the school offers opportunities from within a variety of basic services of the Church (Liturgy, witnessing, service, community). A further contribution of pastoral care within the school culture is "crisis ministry" in the case of accidents, deaths and other crisis situations that have affected individuals or the school community as a whole. School ministry is a path for reading the "signs of the times" (GS 4) and for taking appropriate action amidst the current challenges for the service of man., Seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre werden in den meisten Diözesen Deutschlands Konzepte zur "Schulpastoral" entwickelt. Schulpastoral versteht sich als christliches Engagement am Lernort Schule, das von den Kirchen getragen wird. Schulpastoral ist ein freiwilliges Angebot und richtet sich an Schüler, Lehrkräfte und Eltern. Im Unterschied dazu ist Religionsunterricht in fast allen deutschen Bundesländern ein ordentliches Lehrfach in allen Schulformen, das von Staat und Kirche gemeinsam verantwortet wird. Religionsunterricht wird von fachlich ausgebildeten Lehrkräften unterrichtet und muss dem gleichen Standard entsprechen wie andere Schulfächer. Da Schülerinnen und Schüler heute immer mehr Zeit in der Schule verbringen, ist es nötig wahrzunehmen, dass Schule nicht nur Unterrichtsraum, sondern auch Lebensraum ist. Daher suchen die Schulen verstärkt nach Kooperationspartnern für Aktivitäten in der Schule außerhalb der Unterrichtszeit. Schulpastoral bietet hier Möglichkeiten in den verschiedenen kirchlichen Grunddiensten (Leiturgia, Martyria, Diakonia, Koinonia). Ein weiterer Beitrag der Schulpastoral zur Schulkultur ist die "Krisenseelsorge" im Fall von Unfällen, Todesfällen oder anderen Krisen, die einzelne oder die Schulgemeinschaft als Ganze betreffen. Schulpastoral ist ein Weg "die Zeichen der Zeit" (GS 4) zu sehen und entsprechend den aktuellen Herausforderungen im Dienst der Menschen zu handeln.
- Published
- 2010