Istraživanjem se žele ispitati pravni i institucionalni mehanizmi sprječavanja femicida, na primjeru studija slučaja Francuske, Njemačke i Republike Hrvatske. Cilj rada je utvrditi mjere sprječavanja femicida, njihovu implementaciju i rezultate u tri različite države. Rad je potaknut nepotpunim i lošim podacima o femicidima na globalnoj razini što dovodi do različitih nacionalnih praksi u njegovom sprječavanju. Istraživačko pitanje na koje će pokušati naći odgovor provedbom istraživanja glasi: Kakve su politike i njihovi rezultati zaštite žena od rodnog nasilja u Francuskoj, Njemačkoj i Republici Hrvatskoj u zadnjih deset godina? Metodologija istraživanja praćena je statističkim podacima o rasprostranjenosti femicida u tri zemlje studije slučaja. Problem nasilja nad ženama obuhvaćat će nekoliko ključnih točaka: problem blagog kažnjavanja nasilnika, neprepoznavanje nasilja nad ženama, nerazlikovanje žrtve od počinitelja, kasno i/ili neadekvatno reagiranje na nasilje te prelaženje preko višestrukog nasilja. Temeljem statističkih podataka će se pokazati kako su pandemijski uvjeti pogodovali porastu ovog fenomena na negativan način., The research aim is to examine the legal and institutional mechanisms of femicide prevention, on the example of case studies of France, Germany and the Republic of Croatia. The aim of this paper is to determine measures to prevent femicide, their implementation and results in three different countries. This paper is motivated by incomplete and poor data on femicide at the global level, which leads to different national prevention practices. The research question that will be answered by conducting this research is: What are the policies and their results for the protection of women from gender-based violence in France, Germany and the Republic of Croatia in the last ten years? The research methodology is followed by statistics on femicide prevalence in three case study countries. The problem of violence against women will include several key points: the problem of mild punishment of perpetrators, non-recognition of violence against women, indistinguishability of victims from perpetrators, late and/or inadequate response to violence and overcoming multiple violence. The statistics show how pandemic conditions have contributed to the growth of this phenomenon in a negative way.