Koncepcija održivog razvoja svih segmenata društva pretpostavlja uspostavljanje pozitivnog odnosa između ekonomije i ekologije, uz bioetičko odgovorno ponašanje svih uključenih dionika. Međuzavisnost turizma i okoliša u cilju dostizanja održivog razvoja uključuje povezivanje razvojne politike s menadžmentom prirodnih resursa te povećanje lokalnih kapaciteta u skladu s realnim mogućnostima okoliša. Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je, s pozicija teorijskog koncepta planiranja održivog razvoja turizma, kritički analizirati plan razvoja turističke destinacije Biograd na Moru, a posebice održivost planiranog razvoj golf-turizma na lokaciji Baštijunski brig, odnosno kritički analizirati planove izgradnje golf igrališta s pratećim ugostiteljsko-turističkim sadržajima s aspekta ekološke, sociokulturalne, ekonomske i tehnološke održivosti kao sastavnih segmenata održivosti razvoja. Pomoćni cilj rada bila je provedba analize usklađenosti povećanje lokalnih turističkih kapaciteta kroz gradnju golf-resorta s realnim mogućnostima okoliša. U radu su korišteni sekundarni izvori informacija koji su bili podvrgnuti postupcima indukcije i dedukcije te analize i sinteze te metodama komparacije, deskripcije i klasifikacije. U praktičnom dijelu proveden je terenski izvid lokacija zahvata i mogućih kritičnih točaka prvenstveno područja dodirnih granica budućeg golf-resorta s granicama PP-a Vransko jezero, područje odlagališta otpada „Baštijunski brig” i područja ekološke mreže HR1000024 Ravni kotari i HR2000914 Ornitološki rezervat Vransko jezero i Jasen u svrhu stjecanja neposrednog uvida u stanje na terenu i procjenu mogućeg utjecaja zahvata na okoliš. Rezultati analize, prema mišljenju autora, ukazuju da predviđena izgradnja golf-igrališta „Baštijunski brig” s pratećim ugostiteljsko-turističkim sadržajima nije u potpunosti usklađena s konceptom održivog razvoja turizma, posebice s aspekta ekološke, ekonomske i tehnološke održivosti te može voditi u prenamjenu turističke destinacije. Također, analiza upućuje na zaključak da planirana prenamjena prostora i povećanje lokalnih kapaciteta kroz gradnju golf-resorta „Baštijunski brig”, uz gradnju klastera golf-igrališta na razini županije, nije u potpunosti usklađena s realnim mogućnostima okoliša. U tom smislu razvoj cikloturizma, pustolovnog turizma, ekoturizma, a posebice „promatranja ptica" (engl. bird watching), uz snažnu oslonjenost na regionalne specifičnosti i prirodne vrednote, pruža snažnu alternativu sadašnjem razvojnom putu koji dugoročno možda nije održiv za okoliš i upitno je pridonosi li održivom razvoju turizma., The concept of sustainable development of all segments of society presumes the establishment of a positive relationship between economics and ecology, alongside bioethical responsible behaviour of all the involved stakeholders. The interdependence of tourism and the environment with the aim of achieving sustainable development involves linking the development policy with natural resources management, but also increasing the local capacity in accordance with realistic environmental capabilities. The main aim of this paper was to critically analyse ‒ from the viewpoint of the theoretical concept of planning sustainable tourism development ‒ the development plan of the tourist destination Biograd na Moru, in particular the sustainability of the planned development of golf tourism at the Baštijunski brig site, and to critically analyse the plans for the construction of a golf course with accompanying catering and tourist amenities from the aspect of ecological, sociocultural, economic and technological sustainability as integral segments of development sustainability. The additional aim of the paper was to carry out a conformity analysis of the increase of local tourist capacities through the construction of golf resorts within the realistic possibilities of the environment. This paper uses secondary sources of information that were subjected to induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis procedures, as well as to comparison, descriptor and classification methods. In the practical part, an on-thespot inspection of the project location and potential critical points was carried out, primarily in the boundary areas between the future golf resort, the nature park Vransko Lake, Baštijunski brig waste landfill and the ecological network area of HR1000024 Ravni kotari, HR2000914 Ornithological reserve, Vransko Lake and Jasen for the purpose of obtaining immediate insight into the situation and the assessment of the potential impact of the project on the environment. According to the author, the results of the analysis show that the planned construction of the Baštijunski brig golf course with accompanying catering and tourist amenities is not fully adjusted with the concept of sustainable tourism development, especially from the aspect of ecological, economic and technological sustainability, and can lead to the transformation of the tourist destination. The analysis also points to the conclusion that planned repurposing of the site and increase of local capacities through the construction of the Baštijunski brig golf resort, along with the construction of cluster golf courses at the county level, is not fully in line with the realistic possibilities of the environment. In this regard, the development of cyclotourism, adventure tourism, ecotourism, and in particular bird watching, with a strong reliance on regional specificities and natural riches, provides a strong alternative to the current development path that could not be environmentally sustainable in the long term and it is questionable whether it contributes to sustainable development of tourism.