1. The effect of ABO blood genotypes and tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor on lung ventilation in asthma
- Author
Lampalo, Marina and Jukić, Irena
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Biologija ,pulmonary function ,udc:575(043.3) ,General genetics. General cytogenetics ,alergiski rinitis ,Opća genetika. Opća citogenetika ,astma ,ABO genotip ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Biology ,asthma allergic rhinitis ,Inhibitor plazminogen aktivator-1(PAI-1) ,ABO genotypes ,plućna funkcija ,Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) - Abstract
Inhibitor plazminogen aktivatora-1(PAI-1) je glikoprotein koji regulira fibrinolitički sustav. U plazmi osoba nositelja genotipa 4G/4G nalazi se 25% viša koncentracija PAI-1 u odnosu na osobe s genotipom 5G/5G.U provedenoj studiji utvrdili smo povezanost između PAI-1 -675 4G/5G polimorfizma i razvoja alergijskog rinitisa kod asmatičara u hrvatskoj populaciji. U studiji je sudjelovalo 149 pacijenata s dijagnozom astme i 153 zdrava subjekta kao kontrolne skupine. Utvrdili smo značajno višu učestalost 4G/4G genotipa kod asmatičara s alergijskim rinitisom u usporedbi s onim pacijentima bez alergijskog rinitisa. Pokazalo se kako je prisutnost 4G/4G genotipa rizični faktor za alergijski rinitis kod pacijenata s astmom. Ovo pokazuje da je prisutnost barem jednog 4G alela važni rizični faktor za alergijski rinitis kod asmatičara. Usporedba frekvencija ABO genotipova između skupine pacijenata i kontrole nije pokazala statistički značajnu povezanost određenih ABO genotipova s razvojem astme. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a glycoprotein which regulates fibrinolytic system. In plasma of 4G/4G genotype carriers there is 25% higher level of PAI-1, when compared to 5G/5G genotype carriers. In conducted study we confirmed connection between PAI-1-675 4G/5G polymorphism and development of allergic rhinitis in patients with asthma in Croatian population. Study included 149 adult patients with diagnosis of asthma and 153 healthy individuals of the control group. We confirmed significantly higher frequency of 4G/4G genotype in patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis when compared to the patients with asthma, but without allergic rhinitis. Presence of 4G/4G genotype showed to be a risk factor for allergic rhinitis in patients with asthma. This shows that presence of at least one 4G allele is an important risk factor for allergic rhinitis in patients with asthma. Comparison of frequencies of ABO genotypes between the group of patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis and the control group showed no statistically significant connection between certain ABO genotypes and development of asthma.Furthermore, statistical analysis of connection between ABO genotypes and asthma in patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis in comparison with that connection in control group showed that there is no statistically significant connection between carriers of certain ABO genotype carriers and development of asthma.
- Published
- 2017