Alergije se nameću posljednjih 40 godina kao bolesti modernog načina življenja od kojih pobolijeva sve više ljudi. Za dramatičan rast prevalencije ovih bolesti koji se bilježi od druge polovice XX. stoljeća nema jedinstvenog objašnjenja. Postavlja se pitanje je li to posljedica sveukupnih promjena u civilizaciji čovjeka, ekonomskih, kulturoloških, meteoroloških, ekoloških ili drugih nepoznatih čimbenika. Cilj rada temeljio se na hipotezi da je u posljednjih godina došlo do promjene u strukturi učestalosti senzibilizacije na pojedine aeroalergene u odrasle populacije s atopijom u Zagrebu i široj okolici, te se željelo utvrditi strukturu učestalosti senzibilizacije na pojedine pelude u odrasle populacije s dišnim smetnjama, utvrditi postoje li promjene u senzibilizaciji odrasle populacije s dišnim smetnjama na pojedine aeroalergene te utvrditi postojanje eventualne promjene učestalosti senzibilizacije na pelud ambrozije u ispitivanom razdoblju. Provedenom retrogradnom analizom zdravstvenih kartona alergološke ambulante u vremenu od 1991. do 2004. godine izlučen je 5591 ispitanik koji je alergološki testiran u tom razdoblju. U analizu je po skupinama uključeno 794 ispitanika u skupini 1991.-1994. god., 814 u skupini 1995.-1999. god., te 969 u skupini 2000.-2004. god. čiji su kartoni sadržavali sve potrebne podatke o dobi, spolu, stručnoj spremi, mjestu stanovanja, uputnoj dijagnozi, dominantnim simptomima, nalazu SPT-a, ukupnom i specifičnom IgE. Statistička raščlamba provedena je u statističkom programskom paketu Statistica, Kernel release 5.5 A (StatSoft, Inc. Tulsa, OK). Kao statistički značajna korištena je razina značajnosti P106, osjetljivost, 99,25%; specifičnost, 100%, P, Allergic disorders have during the last 40 years noticeably gained importance as disorders associated to modern lifestyle with increasing prevalence. For their dramatic increase in prevalence during the second half of twentieth century we still have no distinctive explanation. The questions regarding the cause of that increasement in prevalence are raised. Is that a consequence of global changes in civilized living, economic, political, cultural, meteorological, and ecological or other unknown factors? The aim of this research is based on the hypothesis that during last 15 years there had been a change in the structure of prevalence of sensitization to different aeroallergens in adult population of Zagreb and its surroundings with atopy. Specific goals were to determine the structure of prevalence of sensitization to different pollens in adult population with respiratory symptoms, as well as to determine whether there are changes in sensitization in adult population with respiratory symptoms to different aeroallergens, and to determine the changes in prevalence of sensitization to ragweed during the investigated time period. Retrospective analysis of medical records from Allergy Clinic in the period between 1991 and 2004 have identified 5591 patients. We included 794 patients during years 1991-1994, 814 patients during 1995-1999, and 969 patients during 2000-2004 as 3 time dependent subgroups. These patients were included based on having all relevant data in their medical charts: age, gender, education level, residence, referral diagnosis, dominant symptoms, result of skin-prick test (SPT), total and specific IgE. Statistical analysis was done using Statistica, Kernel release 5.5 A (StatSoft, Inc. Tulsa, OK). As statistically significant P106; sensitivity, 99.25%; specificity, 100%; P