13 results on '"plant production"'
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2. Control of the machine safety system via Siemens TIA Portal S7-1500F logic controller
- Author
Korša, Antonio, Volarić, Ivan, and Sučić, Viktor
- Subjects
ladder diagram ,HMI interface ,visual warnings ,plant production ,PLC programming ,TIA Portal ,safety management ,maintenance - Abstract
U prvom dijelu opisan je programski paket TIA Portal, i njegove prednosti. Objašnjena je funkcionalnost zadanog zadatka, te u osnovi objašnjen oblik kojim je programiran projekt. Drugi dio rada sadrži cjelokupan opis razvoja programske aplikacije i izradu vizualizacije, s objašnjenjima svih ladder dijagrama., In the first part of this bachelors thesis, the brief description of the TIA Portal program has been given and its advantages have been discussed. We explained the functionality of the task and showed the programming type the task was made in. Second part of the bachelors thesis shows the whole process of the software application with visualization and description of every ladder diagram.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Drahoš Vaněček, Radek Toušek, and Petr ŘEHOŘ
- Subjects
transport distances ,storing ,agriculture ,material volume ,plant production ,animal production ,Agriculture - Abstract
The authors of this paper dealt with the situation in agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic, first of all from the view of main material flows and suitability and exploitation of storing areas. All investigated enterprises [86] were evaluated according to their acreage and divided into two groups: 1] less than 1500 and more than 1500 ha of agricultural land. As a supplement of this investigation data concerning the transport distances in km and data from the nation-wide census concerning the number and equipment of special storage houses in the Czech Republic are added.
- Published
- 2008
- Author
DORBIĆ, Boris, PAMUKOVIĆ, Anita, and BLAŽEVIĆ, Milivoj
- Abstract
Agriculture was the most important branch of economy for a large number of inhabitants of Šibenik and its outskirts during the period between 1921 and 1940. Viticulture and wine production were the most developed branches on the territory of this district. Urban and individually out-of-town agriculture were based on vegetable growing. At the time the chief district agronomist for Šibenik district was Vinko Anzulović, an agricultural engineer, who had significantly contributed to professional development and education of the masses through holding agriculture courses. In his work Anzulović showed innovativeness and preference for scientific work. He can certainly be considered as the most productive and the most important agronomist concerning the enhancement of the backward agriculture in both Šibenik and Dalmatia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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5. Poljoprivreda
- Subjects
plant production ,animal science ,soil science ,ecology ,agricultural economics ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Plant culture ,SB1-1110 - Published
- 2010
- Author
DORBIĆ, Boris, PAMUKOVIĆ, Anita, and BLAŽEVIĆ, Milivoj
- Subjects
HISTORY of agricultural education ,AGRICULTURAL education ,HORTICULTURE ,PLANT growth ,INTERWAR Period (1918-1939) ,TWENTIETH century ,EDUCATION ,HISTORY - Abstract
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- Published
- 2014
7. Comparison Hobi ande Commercial Plant Prodaction in Grenhousse
- Author
Terek, Sara, Šoštarić, Jasna, Tkalec, Monika, and Ranogajec, Ljubica
- Subjects
hobby ,grenhousse ,plant production - Abstract
U radu su opisani i uspoređeni hobi i komercijalni uzgoj unutar zaštićenih prostora, s naglaskom na navodnjavanje koje je neophodno pri takvom uzgoju. Proizvodnja u zaštićenim prostorima može biti orijentirana na komercijalni uzgoj ili hobi uzgoj. Opća karakteristika komercijalne proizvodnje u zaštićenim prostorima je veća potreba za kapitalnim investicijama i radom što rezultira visokim ulaganjima koji se nadoknađuju višim prinosima uzgajanih kultura u odnosu na hobi proizvodnju. Hobi proizvodnja u zaštićenim prostorima orijentira se na uzgoj za vlastite potrebe, te uglavnom profita nema. Najčešće se uzgaja unutar malih prostora s više različitih vrsta uzgojnih kultura., The paper describes and compares hobby and commercial cultivation within protected areas, with an emphasis on irrigation that is necessary for such cultivation. Indoor production can be commercial or hobby-oriented. The general characteristic of commercial production in sheltered spaces is a greater need for capital investment and labor, which results in high investments that are offset by higher yields of cultivated crops than hobby production. Hobby production in sheltered areas is oriented to cultivation for their own needs, and for the most part there is no profit. It is mostly grown inside small spaces with many different types of cultivation.
- Published
- 2019
8. Agrokemijski pokazatelji plodnosti tla i učinak subvencionirane analize tla na području istočne Hrvatske
- Author
Rašić, Daniel, Vukadinović, Vesna, Teklić, Tihana, Ranogajec, Ljubica, Čoga, Lepomir, and Đurđević, Boris
- Subjects
soil analyses ,soil fertility ,plant production ,survey ,agricultural holdings ,analiza tla ,anketa ,biljna proizvodnja ,plodnost tla ,poljoprivredna gospodarstva - Abstract
U ovoj disertaciji prikazani su rezultati trinaest godina (2003. – 2016.) provođenja projekata analize tla u osječkom Zavodu za tlo, za potrebe izračuna gnojidbenih preporuka u svih pet županija istočne Hrvatske, s ukupno 40 809 uzoraka tla, za velik broj jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih kultura. Provedene analize uzoraka tla obuhvaćaju reakciju tla, sadržaj biljkama raspoloživih oblika fosfora i kalija u tlu, sadržaj organske tvari (humusa), hidrolitičku kiselost i sadržaj karbonata u tlu. Predstavljeni rezultati ukazuju na problem naglašene kiselosti tala, koja su u prosjeku slabe humoznosti i srednje do dobro opskrbljena fosforom i kalijem. Ispitivana tla su relativno pogodna za uzgoj većine kultura, jer je vrlo malen broj uzoraka tla čiji su pokazatelji plodnosti tla izrazito nepovoljni. Najzastupljenije kulture za koje je provedena analiza tla za preporuke gnojidbe bile su kukuruz, šećerna repa i pšenica u kategoriji jednogodišnjih, te vinova loza, šljiva i jabuka u kategoriji višegodišnjih kultura. Osim kritičke analize agrokemijskih pokazatelja plodnosti tla, u ovom istraživanju je provedeno anketiranje krajnjih korisnika analize tla i preporuke gnojidbe, kako bi se utvrdio učinak i socioekonomski aspekt provedenih programa subvencionirane analize tla. U anketi je sudjelovalo 500 nositelja poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, grupiranih u dvije kategorije prema orijentaciji na proizvodnju jednogodišnjih, odnosno višegodišnjih kultura. Rezultati ankete upućuju na značaj razine obrazovanja za razumijevanje analize tla i preporuke gnojidbe. Veliki proizvođači su pokazali veći interes za redovitu analizu tla i gnojidbu, čijom primjenom mogu ostvariti bolje ekonomske rezultate. Također, potvrđen je interes malih proizvođača za daljnjom primjenom subvencionirane analize tla s obzirom na proizvodne rezultate. U cjelini, rezultati ovog istraživanja sugeriraju potrebu daljnjeg provođenja sustavne i subvencionirane analize tla za potrebe preporuka gnojidbe na području istočne Hrvatske, a naročito u županijama koje su slabije sudjelovale u programima čiji su rezultati prikazani u ovom istraživanju, kao i potrebu boljeg informiranja i edukacije malih proizvođača o prednostima analize tla na njihovim proizvodnim površinama., This PhD thesis shows the results of the soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations projects that were conducted during 2003 – 2016 year in Soil Institute in Osijek, comprehending 40 809 soils samples from the area of eastern Croatia, and many agricultural crops included in fertilizer recommendations. Soil analysis parameters shown here are soil pH, plant-available phosphorus and potassium contents as well as soil organic matter content (humus), hydrolytic acidity level and calcium carbonate content in the soil. The presented results imply on the enhanced acidity problem of the soils which are in the average low in humus content but moderately or good supplied with P and K. In general, it can be stated that the examined soils are relatively suitable for most of the plant crops in question, since there are very low number of soil samples with extremely unfavorable soil fertility indicators. The most prevalent crops for which soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations were performed are maize, sugar beet and wheat in the category of annual crops, as well as grapevine, plum and apple in the category of multi-annual crops. In addition to critical analysis of agrochemical soil fertility indicators, this research includes a survey of end-users of soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations, in order to determine the effect and socioeconomic aspect of the implemented subsidized soil analysis programs. The survey was attended by 500 holders of agricultural holdings, grouped into two categories according to the orientation to the production of annual or multi-annual crops. The survey results point to the importance of education levels for understanding soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations. Large producers have shown greater interest in regular soil analysis and fertilization, whose application can contribute to better economic results. Also, this research confirmed the interest of small producers for the further application of subsidized soil analysis regarding the production results. Overall, the results of this study suggest the need for further implementation of systematic and subsidized soil analysis for the purposes of fertilization recommendations in eastern Croatia, especially in counties that have been less involved in programs whose results were shown in this study, as well as the need for better information and education of small producers on the benefits of soil analysis in their production areas.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Željko Vidaček, Dragica Tresek Penezić, and Mladen Plantak
- Subjects
pogodnost tla/zemljišta za natapanje ,biljna proizvodnja ,agro i hidromelioracije ,komasacija ,arondacija ,Soil and Land Suitability ,Plant Production ,Agro and Hydromelioration ,Comasation ,Arondation - Abstract
U krapinsko zagorskom kraju sve su češće pojave manjka oborina i vode u tlu za normalan rast i razvoj usjeva. U cilju primjene natapanja i intenzivne poljoprivredne proizvodnje , u članku analiziramo u prvom redu sadašnju i potencijalnu pogodnost poljoprivrednog zemljišta za natapanje do 500 m.n.m., nagiba terena 0-16%, ukupno neto površine 50.075 ha, zatim stanje posjeda-poljoprivrednih gospodarstava i mogućnosti izbora kultura. Poljoprivredne površine županije obuhvaćaju oko 58 % teritorija. Obrađuje se oko 50%. U privatnom vlasništvu je oko 99%. Osnovno obilježje poljoprivrednih gospodarstava je usitnjenost i rascjepkanost posjeda. Od zasijanih kultura prevladavaju žitarice (71%), krmno bilje (16,8%), krumpir (8,2%), povrće (4%), dok je pod ugarom i neobrađenih oranica i vrtova oko 3% poljoprivredne površine. U 2016. godini je natapano 19,35 hektara ratarskih i povrtnih kultura i voća na 51 ARKOD parceli i u 29 gospodarstava. Prema utvrđenom stupnju pogodnosti tla za natapanje i nagibu terena, preporučamo po načelu intenzivne poljoprivrede agro ili/i hidrotehničke mjere uređenja poljoprivrednog zemljišta, okrupnjavanje posjeda, tržišno održivi izbor poljoprivrednih kultura i odgovarajuće načine gospodarenja-korištenja poljoprivrednog zemljišta s natapanjem., In the Krapina Zagorje region, there are more frequent shortagees of precipitation and water in the soil for normal growth and development of crops. In order to apply grease and intensive agricultural production, the article analyzes in the first place the current and potential advantage of agricultural land for tillage up to 500 m.n.m., sloping ground 0-16%, total net area 50.075 ha, then the state of agricultural holdings and the possibility of choosing cultures. The county's agricultural area covers about 58% of the territory. Approximately 50% is processed. Private ownership is about 99%. The basic feature of agricultural holdings is the fragmentation. Of the sown crops, cereals (71%), fodder crops (16.8%), potatoes (8.2%), vegetables (4%) prevail over grazing and unprocessed fields and gardens, accounting for about 3% of the agricultural area. In year 2016, in total 19.35 hectares of agricultural and vegetable crops and fruit were planted on 51 ARKOD parcels and 29 farms. According to the established degree of suitability of soil for irrigatin and tilting the terrain, we recommend on the principle of intensive agriculture agro and hydro-technical measures for the amelioration of agricultural land, land consolidation, a viable selection of agricultural crops and appropriate ways of managing and using agricultural land with irrigation.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Petrošević, Suzana, Raspudić, Emilija, Vrandečić, Karolina, and Majić, Ivana
- Subjects
useful insects ,plant production ,pests ,increase in yield - Abstract
Brojne štetočinje napadaju poljoprivredne kulture uzrokujući smanjenje uroda i kakvoće poljoprivrednih proizdvoda. U štetočinje se ubrajaju kukci. Osim štetnih, razlikujemo i korisne kukce. Cilj ovoga rada je bio proučavanjem i pregledom literature prikazati korisne kukce u poljoprivredi. Sa sve većom svijesti poljoprivrednih proizvođača o štetnosti sredstava za zaštitu bilja i težnjom da se njihova upotreba smanji, utvrđene su određene vrste kukaca s velikim utjecajem na suzbijanje štetočinja i povećanje prinosa. Stoga se korisni kukci mogu podijeliti na one koji suzbijaju štetne kukce i one koji oprašivanjem povećavaju prinos u biljnoj proizvodnji. U uspješnoj biljnoj proizvodnji je veoma važno spriječiti gubitke od štetočinja i povećati prinos. Zaštitom i očuvanjem prirodne ravnoteže pomažemo i sebi i korisnim kukcima koji su nam od velike važnosti., Numerous pests attack agricultural crops, causing decrease in yield and quality of agricultural produce. Pests are considered insects. Aside from the harmful, we also distinguish useful insects. The aim of this paper was to present useful bugs in agriculture by studying and reviewing the literature. With the increasing awareness of agricultural producers about the harmfulness of plant protection products and the desire to reduce their use, certain types of insects have been identified with great influence on pest control and increase in yields. Therefore, useful insects can be divided into those that suppress harmful insects and those that by increasing pollination increase yield in plant production. In successful plant production, it is very important to prevent pests loss and increase yield. By protecting and preserving the natural balance, we help both ourselves and useful insects that are of great importance to us.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Sabo, Anasztazia, Ranogajec, Ljubica, Lončarić, Ružica, and Deže, Jadranka
- Subjects
indicators of efficiency ,plant production ,costs - Abstract
Poljoprivreda se definira kao gospodarska djelatnost koja se sastoji od aktivnosti koje su vezane uz uzgoj korisnih biljaka i životinja, uz preradu, prijevoz i promet vlastitom aktivnošću proizvodnih biljnih i životinjskih proizvoda. Poljoprivredni obrt SABOPRODUKT je obiteljsko gospodarstvo čije je sjedište u baranjskom naselju Karanac. Glavna, odnosno primarna djelatnost obrta je biljna proizvodnja u koje spadaju uzgoj pšenice, ječma, suncokreta, kukuruza i šećerne repe. Vinogradarstvom, kao sekundarnom djelatnošću, počeli su se ozbiljnije baviti prije nekoliko godina. Tehnološka analiza biljne proizvodnje na obrtu SABOPRODUKT uključuje praćenje biljne proizvodnje tijekom vegetacijske godine 2010./2011. i 2011./2012. Ekonomska analiza obuhvaća pregled ekonomskih pokazatelja proizvodnje tijekom analiziranih godina. U strukturi usjeva na gospodarstvu najzastupljeniji su pšenica i suncokret koji zajedno zauzimaju 55,71%, dok u ukupnoj proizvodnji najveći udjel ima šećerna repa. Cilj svakog poduzetnika jest poslovati uspješno. Uspješnost se može ocjenjivati s tehničkog i s ekonomskog stajališta pomoću apsolutnih i relativnih pokazatelja uspješnosti., Agriculture is defined as an economic activity that consists of activities related to the cultivation of useful plants and animals, the processing, transportation and traffic-generating activities of manufacturing plant and animal products. Agricultural firm SABOPRODUKT is a family business which is based in a village in Baranja called Karanac. The main or the primary activity of the business is crop production, which include wheat, barley, sunflower, corn and sugar beet. With wine production, as the secondary activity, began to seriously deal with a few years ago. The technological analysis of SABOPRODUKT's crop production includes monitoring of crop production during the crop year 2010-2011. and 2011-2012. The economic analysis includes an overview of the economic indicators of production during the analyzed period. In the crop structure of the business the most common crops are wheat and sunflower, which together occupy 55.71%, while the total production has the largest share of sugar beet. The goal of every entrepreneur is to operate successfully. Success can be judged from a technical and economic point of view using absolute and relative performance indicators.
- Published
- 2016
12. Agrotehničke mjere zaštite ratarskih kultura
- Author
Šimić, Matija, Stošić, Miro, Marković, Monika, and Tadić, Vjekoslav
- Subjects
disease ,weeds ,plant production ,zaštita ,boleti ,korovi ,štetnici ,ratarska proizvodnja ,protection ,pests - Abstract
Od početka organizirane poljoprivredne proizvodnje, štetnici su se javljali kao prirodni pratitelji naših kultura. Zabilježeni povijesni dokumenti i sredstva poput ''amurke'' koju su koristili stari Rimljani, govore nam da su štetnici bili izuzetno važan čimbenik u proizvodnji. U današnje doba imamo razne načine obrane, bile one mehaničke, fizikalne, biološke ili kemijske. Ali razvoj tih metoda nas je doveo u položaj da ako pretjerujemo s nekima od njih (naročito kemijskim), možemo dugoročno uništiti naše tlo te se dovesti u situaciju da moramo svake godine ulagati više sredstava za manji prinos. Kao odgovor na te nedostatke razvile su se nove vrste proizvodnje: ekološka, integrirana i stara konvencionalna. Ekološka proizvodnja nam zabranjuje korištenje umjetnih kemijskih preparata koja onečišćuju okoliš, integrirana nam omogućuje korištenje svih sredstava do određene mjere, dok nam konvencionalna omogućuje sve mjere i jedino su zakon zemlje i naša savjest ograničavajući čimbenici. Ukratko rečeno, štetnici su prirodni odgovor na našu proizvodnju. Oni se razvijaju u skladu s kulturnim biljkama i u mogućnosti su potpuno nam uništiti prinos. Imamo mogućnost odabira raznih mjera, od mehaničkih do kemijskih, na koje se moramo odlučiti sa stručnošću, odgovornošću i dugoročnim planom, jer nam te mjere, ako ih shvatimo olako, mogu nepovratno uništiti tlo, prinos ili najgore omogućiti prilagodbu štetnika na sredstva protiv njih., Since the beginning of organized agriculture, pests emerged as the natural companions of our cultures. Uncovered historical documents and items, such as ''Amurka'' which was used by the ancient Romans, tell us that the pests were an extremely important factor in plant production. Nowadays we have various ways of defense, be they mechanical, physical, biological and chemical. But the development of these methods brought us to the position that if you exaggerate with some of them (especially chemical), we can in the long run destroy our soil and put us in a situation which forces us to invest more resources each year with lower income. In response to these deficiencies we have developed several production types: organic, integrated and conventional. Organic production prohibits the use of artificial chemical products that pollute the environment, integrated allows us to use all means to a certain extent, while the conventional production allows every measure available, and only the law of the country and our conscience are the limiting factors. In short, pests are the natural response to our plant production. They have developed in accordance with the crops and are able to completely destroy our yield. We have a choice of various measures, from mechanical to chemical, to which we must decide with the expertise, responsibility and a long-term plan, because these measures
- Published
- 2016
13. Prilog poznavanju povijesti hortikulturne i bilinogojstvene edukacije stanovništva šibenskog kotara u razdoblju 1920. – 1939. godine
- Author
Boris Dorbić, Anita Pamuković, and Milivoj Blažević
- Subjects
agriculture ,education ,Šibenik region ,horticulture ,plant production ,landscape ,poljoprivreda ,edukacija ,šibenski kotar ,hortikultura ,bilinogojstvo ,krajobraz - Abstract
U vremenskom razdoblju između dva svjetska rata na području Šibenskog kotara stanovništvu je jedna od temeljnih gospodarskih grana bila poljoprivreda. Puk je hranu proizvodio najvećim dijelom za vlastite potrebe. Na ovom području najrazvijenije je bilo vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo te ratarstvo. Urbana i mjestimično vangradska poljoprivreda bila je temeljena na uzgoju povrtnih i ukrasnih kultura. Njihova promocija i razvoj najviše supoticani kroz poljoprivredno školstvo i poljoprivredne izložbe te kroz srodne grane voćarstva i bilinogojstva. Kotarske su vlasti na različite načine potpo- magale edukaciju poljoprivrednog stanovništva. Korištenjem i analizom arhivskih podataka te znanstvene literature daje se prilog poznavanju i razvoju agrarne edukacije Šibenskog kotara u razdoblju 1920. – 1939. godine., In the period between the two world wars, agriculture was one of the basic economic branches for the population of the Šibenik region. People produced food mostly for their own needs. Viticulture, viniculture and farming were the most developed in this area. Urban and partly out-of-town agriculture relied on growing vegetable and decorative cultures. Their promotion and development were mostly based on agricultural education and exhibitions, as well as on the related branches of fruit growing and plant production. Local authorities supported the agricultural education of population in diverse ways. By using and analysing archival data and scientific literature, a contribution is given to knowing and developing the agrarian education of the Šibenik region in the period 1920–1939.
- Published
- 2014
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