1. The virtues of scientists and qualities of his work from the perspective of philosophy
- Author
Mužić, Josip
- Subjects
znanstveni rad ,istinitost ,logičnost ,razumljivost ,skromnost ,ustrajnost ,etičnost ,kvalitete znanstvenog rada ,scientific work ,truthfulness ,logic ,user-friendliness ,humility ,perseverance ,ethics - Abstract
Znanstveni rad ima svoje zakonitosti koje vode njegovo nastojanje a posebno se očituje kada je završen u odlikama koje ga rese. Posrijedi su međutim iste datosti koje se svode na tri osnove. Na prvom mjestu dolazi istinitost, koja traga i otkriva objektivnu istinu i njoj se prilagođava, zatim logičnost, koja se brine za red i smislenost u razvoju misli, i na koncu razumljivost, čiji je zadatak da se dobije što prikladniji i jasniji izričaj u riječima. Njihov redoslijed odgovara stvaralačkom procesu opisujući progresivno njegove razne etape. Znanstvenik je glavni protagonist svoga rada preko koga on ima priliku razvijati određene vrline izgrađujući tako sebe kao osobu i stvarajući preduvjete uspješnosti svoga djela. To su: skromnost, koja daje uravnoteženost i potrebnu poniznost, savjesnost, koja je plod uvjerenja i određuje način rada, te ustrajnost, koja omogućava da se započeto dovrši bez obzira na zapreke. Na koncu smo dobili live i naličje iste stvarnosti koja osvjetljava važnost etičke dimenzije za istinski napredak znanosti., Scientific work has its rules that link its efforts and is particularly evident when it is completed in decisions by tassels. It, however, the same realities that come down on three grounds. In the first place comes the truth of that mark and reveals objective truth and it is adjusted, then the logic, which takes care of the order and significance in the development of thought, and at the end of user-friendliness, whose task is to dobiješto appropriate and clearer expression in words. Their sequence corresponds to the creative process, describing its various progressive stages. The scientist is the main protagonist of his work through which he has the opportunity to develop certain virtues of building up both yourself as a person and creating the conditions of success of his work. These are: modesty, which gives balance and the necessary humility, conscientiousness, which is the result of beliefs and determines mode and perseverance, which allows it to be started is completed regardless of the obstacles. In the end we got a live two sides of the same reality that illuminates the importance of the ethical dimensions of the true progress of science.
- Published
- 2007