The issue of the clinical examination is the topic being more a part of physician work from the historical point of view. This state changes under the influence of the development of manning the crews in the rescue service. This bachelor thesis called Basic clinical examination of the client by the medical rescuer in the pre-hospital urgent care in the South-Bohemian Region summarizes the basic examinations which should be theoretically known as well as practically used by each medical rescuer. The target of the thesis was to find out the knowledge of the present medical rescuers working in the Medical Rescue Service of the South-Bohemian Region and if they observe the procedures of clinical examination. The contents of the theoretical part is the characteristics of rescue service, its last development and trend, also the young specialization of ?medical rescuer? is described, i.e. the possibilities of study, powers and contents of work. In the next part, the thesis treats the clinical examination. At first the contents of clinical examination is described, the access to it and its importance is explained, than the individual parts of the examination are analyzed. In the theoretical part, it is possible to find the information about anamnesis, methods of physical examination of all the body parts and organs. At the end, also the basic appliance method is mentioned, contributing to the clinical examination in the pre-hospital care as well as the good attitude to the patient, who is an important part also in this topic. If follows from the results of the quantitative examination that there are big differences between various degrees of the education. The graduates of secondary medical schools, of the study (after GCE) of anesthesiology-resuscitation care and intensive care and of higher professional schools have a lower knowledge in this field than their colleagues with the university education. In total the rescuers do not observe the procedures of the clinical examination more often. Both hypotheses were confirmed. It follows from the thesis that it is necessary to try to close the gap. During the studies, the clinical examination should be more accentuated, we should not reconcile with the present state. Also after the study of the branch, the topic should be repeated at the workplaces by means of theoretical lectures and practical seminars. In future, the medical rescuer will have to substitute also the physician in clinical examination, but he/she is not prepared for this up to now.