1. Taxonomy of beetle families Eulichadidae and Callirhipidae (Coleoptera: Elateriformia)
- Author
Hájek, Jiří, Král, David, Bezděk, Jan, and Löbl, Ivan
- Abstract
In my thesis I have focusedon the alpha-taxonomyof two poorly known beetlefamilies Eulichadidaeand Callirhipidae occurringpredominantlyin forestsof tropical areas.Both familiesareclassifiedas incertaesediswithintheseriesElateriformia. The smďl elateriformfamily Eulichadidaecomprisesof two extantgenera:the monoýpic Califomian genusStenocolusLeConte, 1853,andthepredominatelyOrientalgenusEulichas Jacobson,l9l3, with 42 describedspecies.The larvaeofboth geneÍaareaquatic,while the adultslive on vegetationneaÍwateÍ,and especiallythe genusEulichas is oftenattractedat light. Altogether182taxaatthespecieslevel belongingto six generaarecunentlyclassiftedin the family Callirhipidae.Membersof the family occurmainly in tropicsof Oriental,Australian andNeotropicalzoogeographicalregions.Larvaefeedon rottenwood,adultsarecollectedon deadtreetrunks,butmostofall theyareattractedatlight. REVISION OF THE GENUS EULICIIAS JACOBSON, 1913 (COLEOPTERA: EULICHADIDAE) I. INTRODUCTION, MORPHOLOGY OF ADULTS, KEY TO SUBGENERA AND SPECIES GROUPS. AND TAXONOMY OF E. FUNEBRIS SPECIES GROUP [ - seelist of publications] First partof the revisionsummarizesour knowledgeaboutthe genusEulichas. It containsa detailedmorphologyof adults,andkeys to identificationof subgeneraandspeciesgroupsof the genus.The taxonomyofthe E funebris speciesgroupis...
- Published
- 2009