33 results on '"ekonomické ukazatele"'
Search Results
2. Regression study of economic indicators and political stability
- Author
ŽIŠKA, František
- Subjects
logistická regrese ,Python ,ekonomické ukazatele ,predikce ,elections ,prediction ,volby ,logistic regression ,economic indicators - Abstract
This thesis explores relationships among many different economic indicators and a change of leading party in a government. These relationships or influences maybe small and insignificant, or they can be statistically significant. Firstly, theoretical part explains how economics influence politics and vice versa. Secondly, theoretical part includes all economic indicators used in the analytical part of this thesis with some basic explanations of the indicators and some examples of a development of the said indicators. Next part of the thesis is methodology, where the collection of data is thoroughly explained, and all the analytical tools and practices are described there too. The last part, the practical part, focuses on using the tools mentioned in methodology to find a statistically significant relationship between the economic indicator and the change of presidency and resulting in a statement, which indicators influence elections the most. Apart from that, there is a code in Python which was used to create all the analysis in this paper.
- Published
- 2023
3. Analýza úrovně výživy a vybraných ukazatelů v daném zemědělském podniku
- Author
- Subjects
phase nutrition ,fázová výživa ,economic indexes ,ekonomické ukazatele ,složky mléka ,dairy cow nutrition ,milk components ,užitkovost dojnice ,krmná dávka ,výživa dojnic ,dairy cow yielding ,feeding ration - Abstract
The nutrition of dairy cows affects their yielding, health condition, fertility, and the overall economic results of the holding. Essential for the nutrition of dairy cows is the quality of the roughage, which affects the cost of feeding ration of the dairy livestock. This work evaluated the quality of fodder and its influence on selected indexes of a chosen agricultural holding during the year 2020. The evaluation concerned a Holstein cattle herd with an average quantity of 447 dairy cows. As mentioned above, the feeding ration affects the yielding of dairy cows. With the right amount of nutrients (nitrogen substances, energies, carbohydrates, fibre, fats, and mineral substances) in the feeding ration we might achieve higher amounts of components in milk (fat, proteins, and lactose). If the feeding ration is suitably designed, health issues (metritis, mastitis, and limping) do not occur in the herd. The fodder quality, yielding, and health condition of the herd affect the economics of the holding. The base for the feeding ration was roughage, which constituted 54 % of the feeding ration. Specifically, corn silage and protein silage constituted 27 % of the fodder dry mass. The milk components showed an average amount of 4,11 % of fat and 3,45 % of protein. The costs of 1 l of milk were in the year 2020 9,52 Kc/1 l on average and the purchase price of milk was 8,69 Kc/1 l on average.
- Published
- 2022
4. The Influence of macroeconomic factors on performance in eSports
- Author
Hlinka, Vladimír, Šíma, Jan, and Voráček, Josef
- Subjects
regresní analýza ,faktory úspěchu ,regression analysis ,ekonomické ukazatele ,mnohonásobná lineární regrese ,multiple linear regression ,economic indicators ,success determinants - Abstract
Title: The Influence of macroeconomic factors on performance in eSports Objectives: The main objective of this work is to find determinants of success in eSports. Furthermore, interpreting regression coefficients gives us the opportunity to point out the most important factors of success in eSports and also to compare their relative strenght in regression model. The results of the regression analysis will be put in comparison with the outcomes of similiar papers on this topic, mainly focused on the performance in traditional sports. Methods: To analyse our collected secondary data, we use multiple linear regression model. To test some of the assumptions of regression, Pearson correlation coefficient was used. The dataset was tested on the 5 % significance level. The regression model was made via IBM SPSS Statistics 27. Results: There were only 5 independent variables left in the model after testing all the linear regression assumptions. From these 5, only 4 were statistically significant: Population, School enrollment (tertiary), Internet users per 100 and High-technology exports. Population and School enrollment have the most relative strenght in the regression model. Many authors mention GDP per capita as an important predictor of success in traditional sports, however this study does not...
- Published
- 2021
5. Analýza úrovně výživy v daném zemědělském podniku
- Author
PLEVKOVÁ, Jaroslava
- Subjects
phase nutrition ,fázová výživa ,technologie krmení ,feed for dairy cows ,feeding technology ,ekonomické ukazatele ,krmiva pro dojnice ,krmení dojnic ,economicin dicators ,feeding of dairy cows - Abstract
This diploma thesis isfocused on nutrition and feeding of dairy cows. It deals with theis sue of nutrient and energy needs for dairy cattle and their importance in dairy cow nutrition, as well as feeds used for dairy cows and feeding technology. There is a literatur ereview of theseis sues and an analysis of the level of nutrition in relation to milk production in the surveyed company. In this company I also evaluated economicin dicators.
- Published
- 2020
6. Porovnání orebného a bezorebného zpracování půdy na základě ekonomických ukazatelů
- Author
ALEXA, Jaroslav
- Subjects
bezorebné zpracování ,ekonomické ukazatele ,without plowing tillage ,economic indicators ,orba ,tillage ,Soil ,Půda ,zpracování půdy ,plowing - Abstract
This work focuses on the comparison of plowing and without plowing tillage technology based on economic indicators. In particular, the times of individual work operations, costs of staff, and fuel were compared. In order to collect data, a field experiment was performed on two adjacent plots using different tillage methods. The values obtained from the individual plots were compared with each other.
- Published
- 2020
7. Vliv změn porfolia zakázek na hospodaření firmy podnikající v oblasti stavebnictví
- Author
Klanicová, Kateřina
- Subjects
SLEPTE analýza ,ekonomické ukazatele ,finanční analýza ,změny portfolia ,portfolio ,konkurenceschopnost ,podniková strategie - Abstract
The diploma thesis deals with changes in the portfolio of construction companies and their influence on the economic and financial indicators. The first part is based on technical literature, which serves as a basis for the following practical part. The practical part is focused on current trends of construction companies in the Czech Republic and Europe, analysis of international and national external environment using SLEPTE analysis. Additionally, there is a case study, which includes an analysis of the portfolio of the selected construction company and financial analysis from 2014 to 2018. Based on these information and analyses, recommendations for increasing the competitiveness and proficiency of the monitored company and the entire construction industry are proposed.
- Published
- 2019
8. Pěstování ostropestřce mariánského [Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.] z hlediska ekonomických aspektů
- Author
Buba, Lukáš
- Subjects
referenční metoda ,ekonomické ukazatele ,obsahové látky ,ostropestřec mariánský ,agrotechnika ,NIR - Abstract
The first part of the Master’s thesis describes the history and the present of milk thistle growing in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the paper describes the biological characteristics, the varieties, phytochemistry and the use of this crop. The thesis in detail deals with the cultivation technology requirements. The classification of milk thistle in sowing procedure, tillage, nutrition, treatment during the vegetation period, harvest and post-harvest treatment of this crop are described. The second part of the thesis describes the course of weather and the growing procedure for this crop in the company Netis, a.s. Dry matter, purity, TKW, bulk density, germinability, oiliness and representation of individual components of the silymarin complex were determined in milk thistle achene samples. The experimental data found during the “first” cultivation at Netis, a.s. were evaluated in terms of the economy of cultivation. The economy of cultivation was compared with that of the traditional grower Agrospol, a.d. Knínice. The economy of milk thistle cultivation at Netis, a.s. was compared with that of other crops grown there.
- Published
- 2019
9. Faktory ovlivňující vývoj finanční situace vybraného podniku
- Author
Zlomek, Tomáš
- Subjects
ekonomické ukazatele ,metody ,finanční analýza ,zdroje ,SWOT analýza - Abstract
This bachelor thesis deals with the financial analysis of company RENOVA stavební a obchodní společnost s r.o. Theoretical part describes basic terms in financial analysis area, importance of input data and used methods. Practical part implements calculations pointing financial situation assessment of the company. In bachelor thesis are used these methods: horizontal and vertical financial analysis, ratio indexes, bankruptcy models, bonita models. The goal of this thesis is analysed financial situation in this company.
- Published
- 2017
10. Postavení SO ORP Kraje Vysočina v kontextu vybraných demografických, ekonomických a sociálních ukazatelů
- Author
Musil, Miroslav
- Subjects
shluková analýza ,ekonomické ukazatele ,sociální ukazatele ,demografické ukazatele ,regionální disparity ,SO ORP Kraje Vysočina - Abstract
The aim of the thesis is to analyse the demographic, economic a social indicators in the local district of region Vysocina in 2007 and 2013. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on a literary review of resources with the description of economic, demographic and social indicators. In practical part local districts were divided by cluster analysis into clusters, in which economic situation, demographic characteristics and social situation were assesed. According to the findings of the evaluation, regions were divided into different clusters, from strongest to weakest. Recommendations for improvement in underdeveloped regions are made in the end of the thesis.
- Published
- 2016
11. The geographical aspects of transition of the Czech glass industry
- Author
KRÁL, Adam
- Subjects
glass industry ,odvětvová analýza ,ekonomické ukazatele ,economic indicators ,sklářský průmysl ,industrial transition ,sectoral analysis ,transformace průmyslu - Abstract
The diploma thesis follows historical development of Czech glassmaking, with the emphasis to the era of economic transition and the beginning of the 3rd millenium. Before an own description, the current state of world's glassmaking is analyzed according to the significant producers (EU, USA, Japan and China). The intrduction contains description of glass as material, its processing and glass raw materials. The main part of the thesis is a historical excursion to czech glass industy, and description of its development from 1989 to 2013, where main spatial and structural changes are explained. The prognisis of possible future development and current trends, problems and challenges of czech glassmaking are explained as well.
- Published
- 2015
12. Ekonomické využití výstavních ploch Veletrhů Brno
- Author
Zemánková, Jana
- Subjects
marketingový mix ,ekonomické ukazatele ,výstavní plocha ,výnosnost ,veletrh ,kominikace - Abstract
This bachelor is concerned with economic use of exhibition area inside the fair pavilions and at open space areas during the fairs in Brno. Mostly, its International engineering fair, Building fair and Styl fair, Kabo I. Further subject of work is characteristics of the corporation Veletrhy Brno a.s. and it`s economic results. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The first part presents general information about marketing mix, advertising at fairs and exhibitions and also about the reasons and benefits from the fair at-tendance. In the second part the economic results of company, the profits from renting the fair areas and analyses of results from marketing research are all assessed here.
- Published
- 2015
13. Problém aplikace ekonomických ukazatelů při hodnocení urbanistického rozvoje
- Author
Pavlas, Miroslav
- Subjects
Ekonomické ukazatele ,základní infrastruktura města ,obytná hustota ,Economic indicators ,urban development ,basic city infrastructure ,resident population density ,urbanistický rozvoj - Abstract
Cílem tohoto příspěvku je shrnout základní poznatky z měření udržitelného urbanistického rozvoje v dlouhém období pomocí ekonomických ukazatelů. Ideál dosahování udržitelného urbanistického rozvoje ve městech dosud nemá jasně definovaný obsah v praxi, není jednoznačně zřejmé, jaká je ekonomická stránka takového rozvoje a jak lze urbanistický rozvoj kvantifikovat a posuzovat z ekonomického hlediska. Přitom ekonomický pilíř tvoří nedílnou součást udržitelného urbanistického rozvoje měst a je evidentní, že rozdíly v kvalitě života mezi jednotlivými městy jsou i rozdíly v tom, jak využívají své omezené finanční zdroje na svůj rozvoj i provoz. Tento příspěvek ukazuje obtíže, které brání provázání urbanistických ukazatelů s ekonomickými za účelem ověření vzájemného vlivu urbanistických a ekonomických faktorů při rozvoji města. This paper is aimed to summarize main points how to measure a sustainable urban development with the use of economic indicators. At the time, no optimum how to gain sustainable urban development in urban practice has been defined. Furthermore, it is not obvious yet how the economic aspects of such urban development looks like and how to quantify or assess it from the economic point of view. Indeed, the economic pillar of sustainable development is an inseparable part of sustainable urban development and it is obvious that differences in life quality among Czech cities are significantly influenced by the quality of spending its limited financial sources to cover its development and operation. This paper should show the main obstacles which limit links between economic and urban indicators to become a tool how to measure a mutual impact of urban and economic part of city development.
- Published
- 2014
14. Výroba energie z obnovitelných zdrojů jako forma diverzifikace činnosti zemědělského podniku
- Author
Rada, Vojtěch
- Subjects
ekonomické ukazatele ,bioplynová stanice ,analýza vnějšího a vnitřního prostředí ,obnovitelné zdroje energie ,elektrická energie - Abstract
This thesis deals with renewable energy sources with a focus on the biogas plant as a new form of diversification of farm activities. In the theses is characterized renewable energy source of energy, their development and tools for their support in the European Union and the Czech Republic. At the same time provides the legislative framework for the support of renewable energy sources. Describes the development of biogas plants in the Czech Republic, lists the various types of biogas plants, the principles of their operationn and types of purchase of electricity. The work focuses on the characterization and comparison of two technologically different biogas plants for two years, which are operated in farms. These biogass plants compares between each other by analysis of the costs and revenues related to the production of electricity. At the same time, the thesis analyzed the external and internal environment of these biogas plants
- Published
- 2014
15. Vztah akademické poctivosti a ekonomických ukazatelů států EU
- Author
Surovec, Martin
- Subjects
CPI ,korelace ,plagiátorství ,HDP ,ekonomické ukazatele ,vysokoškolský ,IPPHEAE ,nezaměstnanost ,platy ,akademická poctivost - Abstract
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to determine whether there are correlations between economic indicators of EU countries and academic honesty, and to explain the existing correlations. In the first part the author focuses on the issue of academic dishonesty and economic indicators, which form the basis for the practical part. In the practical part are used data from the project IPPHEAE and correlation analysis of economic indicators and academic honesty just as sub-criteria of academic honesty is carried out. The result of the research is confirmation of the existence of correlations and their clarification. The most interesting result was a negative correlation of academic honesty and a difference between wages of secondary educaated and university-educated people.
- Published
- 2014
16. Česko-turecká obchodní spolupráce s přihlédnutí k náboženským a kulturním zvyklostem
- Author
Zemanová, Kateřina
- Subjects
ekonomické ukazatele ,Česká republika a Turecko ,kulturní a náboženské odlišnosti - Published
- 2013
17. Cluster analysis of European Union states using social and economical indicators
- Author
Černý, Andrej, Löster, Tomáš, and Bílková, Diana
- Subjects
economical indicators ,shluková analýza ,European Union ,sociální ukazatele ,Evropská unie ,optimal number of clusters ,ekonomické ukazatele ,social indicators ,optimální počet shluků ,cluster analysis - Abstract
Dissertation follows up cluster analysis of European Union states using social and economical indicators. In the first part all the social and economical indicators are defined. In the second part of the dissertation all these indicators in time of economical and financial and later debt crisis in years from 2007 to 2012 in European Union states are analysed. In the third part the cluster analysis is applicated for the social and economical indicators of the European Union states. Five clusters were identified using cluster analysis. Structure of these clusters was changing during years 2007 and 2012. First cluster contained developed Western European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom). The second cluster was created from countries, that entered to European Union after year 2004 (Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia). The third cluster contained Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia. In the fourth cluster were Southern European countries Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Malta and the fifth cluster contained only Luxembourg.
- Published
- 2013
18. Glassmaking in Karlovy Vary Region - historical development and present with the emphasis to geographical aspects
- Author
KRÁL, Adam
- Subjects
ekonomické ukazatele ,regional analysis ,Karlovy Vary Region ,regionální analýza ,sklářský průmysl ,the economic indicators ,Karlovarský kraj ,the glass industry - Abstract
The bachelor thesis deals with the history of glass industry in Karlovy Vary Region. Before an own description of the issue is analyzed a brief development, and present state of the glass industry in the Czech republic, and description of glass as a material and its use. The main part of the thesis describes the beginnings of glassmaking in the region, its historical development and concerns the analysis of the present state of each glasswork. The thesis also contains prognosis of possible future development of the glass industry in the region and in the Czech republic.
- Published
- 2013
19. How Financial Markets Assess the State of Major Economies
- Author
Němeček, Josef, Jílek, Josef, and Czesaný, Slavoj
- Subjects
Fed ,financial markets ,economic cycle ,company results ,trading ,měnová politika ,hospodářské výsledky ,informace ,komodity ,obchodování ,ECB ,akciová analýza ,průzkumy ,tržní konsensus ,stock analysis ,finanční trhy ,investice ,bonds ,ekonomické ukazatele ,hospodářský cyklus ,news ,stocks ,commodities ,market consensus ,monetary policy ,economic indicators ,investments ,dluhopisy - Abstract
In accordance with its main goal, the main thesis shows which published data and indicators contemporary financial markets use to assess the state of major economies and forecast their short-term future development. Using Bloomberg as the primary source, the thesis provides a detailed analysis of the indicators and surveys sought by finance professionals when assessing the performance of the economy in the United States, the euro-zone (with emphasis on Germany) and, in the context of the impact on the global economy and markets, in China and Japan. A preliminary hypothesis about the similarity or closeness between the theoretical view and the practical approach of financial markets has been refuted. Instead, after close scrutiny and detailed analysis, we have established that financial markets put great emphasis on forward-looking indicators and monetary policy. This emphasis was confirmed by a survey of local investors. Using expert opinion and analysis, the thesis charts an overview of select economic indicators and their over- (payrolls, consumer sentiment) or undervaluation (regional Fed activity indexes, CFNAI).
- Published
- 2013
20. The impact of economic crises on fertility in EU member states
- Author
Chourová, Renáta, Kocourková, Jiřina, and Rychtaříková, Jitka
- Subjects
Evropská unie ,ekonomická krize ,economic crisis ,shluková analýza ,cluster analysis ,ekonomické ukazatele ,demografické ukazatele ,family policy ,economic indicators ,demographic indicators ,rodinná politika ,European Union - Abstract
The Impact of Economic Crisis on Fertility in EU Member States Abstract The present bachelor thesis describes and compares the development of economic and demographic indicators within the context of the economic crisis in Europe. Using cluster analysis 27 European Union members have been divided into groups with similar characteristics. Moreover the countries were analysed based on results of cluster analysis covering selected years 2006 and 2011 which were selected by assuming of different values of parameters before and after the main impact of the economic crisis. European countries have been facing a decrease of total fertility rate below replacement levels from 60th of 20th century. It can be quite difficult to identify reasons of the above mentioned symptoms, but aspects affecting the total fertility level may be just changes in reproductive behaviour patterns associated with the impact of the second demographic transition and changing economic and political conditions in European countries. As there is a different total fertility level in various European countries we can see different interventions of local governments through a different pro-natal policy to encourage fertility. Key words: economic indicators, demographic indicators, economic crisis, European Union, family policy, cluster analysis
- Published
- 2013
21. The impact of foreign direct investment on the economic level of Olomouc Region
- Author
Mathon, Ivo, Miksová, Blanka, and Hana, Jan
- Subjects
ekonomické ukazatele ,Olomouc Region ,Přímé zahraniční investice ,Olomoucký kraj ,Foreign direct investment ,economic indicators - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to find out the impact of foreign direct investment on the economic level of Olomouc Region. The impact is examined on the basis of the development of selected economic indicators. The first part of this thesis deals with the theoretical definition of selected economic indicators. These indicators include the traditional macroeconomic indicators and also those which describe the standard of living in Olomouc Region. Next the thesis describes the systematization of foreign direct investment and their theoretical definition. The second part of this thesis describes the examined region. Then an analysis of selected economic indicators and foreign direct investment is performed. The final chapter specifies the impact of foreign direct investment on the economic level of Olomouc Region.
- Published
- 2013
22. Czech - Slovakia: development of each country after the split of Czechoslovakia
- Author
Pelikánová, Radka, Löster, Tomáš, and Bílková, Diana
- Subjects
Czech - Slovakia ,Česko - Slovensko ,ekonomické ukazatele ,sociální ukazatele ,demografické ukazatele ,time series ,časové řady ,mzdy a platy ,economic indicators ,wages and salaries ,social indicators ,demographic indicators ,mezinárodní srovnání ,international comparison - Abstract
International comparison is very popular area of statistics, which is used to examine differences in many fields of science. This thesis seeks to apply the concepts of International comparison to the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Though it has been 20 years since Czech and Slovak Republic separated from each other yet, rivalry exists between the two countries. Particularly, the socio-economic factors contributing to this rivalry have been of interest to economists. To further explore this rivalry, this master thesis aims to describe the difference in evolution of demographic, economic and social indicators that characterize development of countries and standard of living of its population. This paper consists of four main chapters. The first chapter outlines the introduction to time series and describes methods used in the following chapters for analysis of indicators. The second chapter briefly defines monitored indicators in terms of their objectivity, methodology and comparability in both countries. The third chapter analyzes the evolution in time and directly compares the values of indicators. The fourth chapter analyzes the average and median wages in greater detail. These indicators were chosen for analysis as they largely affect the standards of living in both countries. From the perspective of comparison method it is not straightforward to determine that one country has better results in all indicators than the other. Yet, here are two main broad conclusions. First, the notional "scores" are similar for demographic indicators. Second, Czech Republic has better social and economic indicators results then Slovak Republic. The analysis of trend models of average and median wage found that the social gap is widening in both countries. However, after converting to the same exchange rate, it is clear that the wage level is better in Czech Republic then in Slovak Republic.
- Published
- 2013
23. Evaluation of production characteristics of sheep in organic farming
- Author
- Subjects
Šumavská ovce ,ekologické zemědělství ,ekonomické ukazatele ,produkční ukazatele ,economic indicators ,sheep breending ,reproductive indexes ,production characteristic ,reprodukční ukazatele ,ecological agriculture ,chov ovcí - Abstract
The purpose of my graduation theses on the theme ? sheep breending at the ecological farm? was toanalyze the level of uses properities sheep and economic indicators at the ecological farm Račín situated in mountain part of Šumava. The detail information from studies of the technical literature specialized on ecological agriculture were brought out to analyze the whole questions of sheep breending at the ecological farm Račín. Meat yield was evaluated . The evaluation of reproduction was based on four basic reproductive indexes. The weight of 100 days old sheep and the production of wool were detected by scaling. Detected values were lower in most of indexes than published indexes. This fact is connected with detected inadequacies of lairage, nutrition and breending organization. Steps were suggested to eliminate these inaquacies and to innovate the level of breending in conclusion.
- Published
- 2012
24. The using of small mechanization in condition of less favorable mountain areas for farming. (LFA)
- Author
SOCHA, Zdeněk
- Subjects
LFA ,ekonomické ukazatele ,ekonomical indicators ,exploatační ukazatele ,malá mechanizace ,energetické ukazatele ,energy indicators ,small mechanization ,exploatation indicators - Abstract
My thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the teoretical part is characterized by the notion of LFA, simply described distribution of mechanization. In practical part I dealt with the analysis of exploitation, ekonomical and energy indicators for selected machines.
- Published
- 2012
25. Vybrané aspekty transformačního procesu české ekonomiky v mezinárodní komparaci
- Author
Lorenc, Ladislav
- Subjects
ekonomické ukazatele ,liberalizace ,privatizace ,ekonomická transformace - Abstract
This dissertation deals with the economic transformations. Attention is basically focused on processes of privatization and liberalization. First part of this paper concentrates on an outline of literature concerned of transformation processes and privatization. Next part addresses real experiences of many countries included Czech republic in this specific area. Furthermore this dissertation compares the impact of implemented privatization and liberalization policies on the development of selected economic indicators in comparison with similar transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe. Besides of the basic economic indicators is compared also the area of Energy Intensity in whole economy
- Published
- 2011
26. The influence of ongoing economic crisis on the monetary integration in Europe
- Author
Brožová, Jana, Čajka, Radek, and Černá, Iveta
- Subjects
monetary integration ,ekonomická krize ,economic crisis ,ekonomické ukazatele ,Evropská Unie ,integrace ,the European Union ,economic indicators ,the Euro area ,eurozóna - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the impacts of the economic crisis on the integrative development of the Euro area. The positive and negative effects were analysed on the grounds of statistical data predicating about the economic situation in the European Union and regular research of chosen sources. There is an estimation of the future development after having considered the analysis.
- Published
- 2010
27. Textile Industry in the Czech Republic - the transformation and the actual trends
- Author
- Subjects
Česká republika ,transformace ,ekonomické ukazatele ,the textile industry ,the economic indicators ,the Czech Republic ,the economic crisis ,textilní průmysl ,transformation - Abstract
In this bachelor work I attend to an impact of the transformation process and the actual trends of the textile industry in the Czech Republic in the connection with the world global crisis. This work defines basic processes and phenomena related to the issue of localization of the industrial enterprises, it explains the historical development of this line and assesses the stages by which the textile industry has gone through. It also maps the textile industry in the revolutionary year, deals with the beginnings of the transformation process and assesses the effects of the transformation processes which occurred during the 90´s of the 20th century. The next section observes the period in the beginning of the 21st century and further more there are elaborated the actual trends of the textile industry, the actual stage of the line, including today?s most successful textile businesses. At the end, there are suggested the possibilities of the trend. The text is supplemented by graphs, charts and cartograms, which are processed on the basis of the economic indicators.
- Published
- 2010
28. Finanční aspekty zavedení nového produktu do výroby
- Author
Szarowski, Marek
- Subjects
ekonomické ukazatele ,náklady ,investice - Published
- 2010
29. Development of economic behavior in the Czech Republic and Russia
- Author
Ionova, Alena, Hubinková, Zuzana, and Štědroň, Bohumír
- Subjects
influence the political situation ,Česká republika ,Czech Republic ,economic behavior ,Ruská federace ,ekonomické ukazatele ,economic development ,Russian Federation ,ekonomické chování ,vývoj ekonomiky ,economic indicators ,vliv politické situaci - Abstract
The aim of this work is based on analysis of the development of selected macroeconomic indicators and our own research, show what, how and why it affects the psychology, mentality and the economic behavior of people in the Czech Republic and Russian Federation.Work consists of analytical and research components. In the analytical section, I briefly describe the transformation process of the nineties, in addition to significant milestones in the modern history of selected countries, the impact of policies on people's behavior, the demographic situation and trend analysis of economic indicators in the Czech Republic and Russian Federation.Furthermore, I described how to work the political and economic developments in the life of the individual and society.In a research project, I analyzed the results of the inquiry.
- Published
- 2009
30. Wider context of the mortgage crisis in the USA
- Author
Kapitolová, Petra, Němcová, Ingeborg, and Nováková, Jana
- Subjects
mortgage crisis ,USA ,economic cycle ,ekonomické ukazatele ,ekonomický cyklus ,economic indicators ,hypoteční krize ,crisis ,krize - Abstract
The aim of this bachelor thesis is a backward connection of the events concerning the mortgage crisis in the USA and explaining the importance of the crisis as a part of the economic cycle. Chapter no. 1 describes the beginning of the crisis in historical and other consequences. It briefly specifies history of the currency system and also history of the USA before the crisis. Also, it specifies the key phenomen of the crisis -- a bubble on the asset market. Afterwards it explains particularly the bubble on the technological market, so called Dot Com Bubble. This increase in the technological stock prices followed by their downfall is directly connected to the mortgage crisis which is described in a following text. The subprime mortgages and their influence on the further events are described. The topic of the following part of this chapter is wrapping up the mortgage backed securities together with other assets and their diffusion all over the world. This is one of the main reasons that caused the transformation of the mortgage crisis into the financial and the economic crisis. The end of the first chapter describes the progress of the crisis in Europe and in the Czech republic. The second chapter tries to answer the question if it was possible to predict the crisis. At first it describes the economic cycles generally and in the USA. The following part deals with the economic indicators which signalized the arrival of the crisis. The last part of the thesis demonstrates some specifics of housing and its importance as a leading indicator.
- Published
- 2009
31. The process of engagement of the Czech Republic in the common commercial policy of the European Union
- Author
Sudíková, Alena, Kalínská, Emílie, and Černá, Iveta
- Subjects
instruments of the trade policy ,Czech Republic ,ekonomické ukazatele ,the common commercial policy of the European Union ,Evropská unie ,Společná obchodní politika EU ,Česká republika ,nástroje obchodní politiky ,economic indicators ,European Union - Abstract
This bachelor thesis deals with the process of engagement of the Czech Republic in the common commercial policy of the European Union. The bachelor thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter speaks about the Czech Republic and its access to the European Union in 2004. The second chapter speaks about the trade policy of the Czech Republic and its instruments before 2004. In the third chapter, the bachelor thesis describes changes, which happened in the Czech Republic after it has become a member of the European Union, and accepted of the rules of the common commercial policy of the EU. The fourth chapter describes the process and compares the main economic indicators of the Czech Republic before and after the access to the European Union (in years 1993-2003 and 2004-2007). There are no indicators from the year 2008 in the comparison, because of the data may have been affected by the world depression.
- Published
- 2009
32. Těžební limity v Podkušnohoří
- Author
Adámková, Eva, Dvořák, Antonín, and Vojáček, Ondřej
- Subjects
prolomení x zachování ,ekonomické ukazatele ,životní prostředí ,těžba ,Ústecký kraj ,těžební limity ,prognóza - Abstract
Práce se týká problematiky ekologických limitů těžby v Severočeské hnědouhelné pánvi, konkrétně řeší otázku prolomení či zastavení těžebních limitů v této oblasti. Studie poskytne základní údaje o Ústeckém kraji, stavu životního prostředí a nabídne pohled na možné varianty řešení těžebních limitů s jejich dopady na vybrané ukazatele ovlivňující hospodářství v Ústeckém kraji. Závěr obsahuje vyhodnocení alternativ metodou stanovení vah pro jednotlivá srovnávací kritéria.
- Published
- 2007
33. Finanční analýza ve firmě Česká gumárenská společnost, a.s
- Author
Hálek, Miroslav, Olejníková, Hana, and Hůrská, Valérie
- Subjects
Mezipodnikové sronání ,Finanční analýza ,Gumárenský průmysl ,Ekonomické ukazatele - Abstract
Provedení finanční analýzy ve firmě Česká gumárenská společnost, a.s.. Zhodnocení její dosavadní situace z pohledu externího uživatele vycházejícího z účetnídch výkazů společnosti na jejích webových stránkách. Zhodnocení se týká hospodaření firmy od roku 2002 do roku 2005. Použití poměrových i absolutních ukazatelů, na základě kterých je hodnocen současný stav, ale i budoucí ekonomický rozkvět společnosti. Je provedeno i mezipodnikové sronání v úrovni tržního segmentu gumárenského průmyslu.
- Published
- 2006
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