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1. Approximation of extremal solution of non-Fourier moment problem and optimal control for non-homogeneous vibrating systems

2. Liberating the dimension for function approximation: Standard information

3. Approximation of frame based missing data recovery

4. 6DOF entropy minimization SLAM for stereo-based wearable devices.

5. Bayesian update of dialogue state: A POMDP framework for spoken dialogue systems

6. Efficient algorithms for the block edit problems

7. The rate of convergence for the cyclic projections algorithm III: Regularity of convex sets

8. On the size of multivariate polynomial lemniscates and the convergence of rational approximants

9. Learning with side information: PAC learning bounds

10. A near-optimal subdivision algorithm for complex root isolation based on the Pellet test and Newton iteration.

11. d-k-min-wise independent family of hash functions.

12. Approximate strip packing: Revisited.

13. Data reductions and combinatorial bounds for improved approximation algorithms.

14. Computing real roots of real polynomials.

15. Approximation of multivariate periodic functions by trigonometric polynomials based on rank-1 lattice sampling.

16. Performance analysis of the deficient length NSAF algorithm and a variable step size method for improving its performance.

17. Hierarchical distributed compressive sensing for simultaneous sparse approximation and common component extraction.

18. Covariance estimation for minimal geometry solvers via scaled unscented transformation.

19. The rate of linear convergence of the Douglas-Rachford algorithm for subspaces is the cosine of the Friedrichs angle.

20. Sparse recovery with coherent tight frames via analysis Dantzig selector and analysis LASSO.

21. A fast alternating minimization algorithm for total variation deblurring without boundary artifacts.

22. Dual univariate -ary subdivision schemes of de Rham-type.

23. Certified rational parametric approximation of real algebraic space curves with local generic position method.

24. Multi-frequency topological derivative for approximate shape acquisition of curve-like thin electromagnetic inhomogeneities.

25. A new iterative firm-thresholding algorithm for inverse problems with sparsity constraints.

26. Selecting lengths of floats for the computation of approximate Gröbner bases

27. Topological and shape gradient strategy for solving geometrical inverse problems

28. Sampling numbers of periodic Sobolev spaces with a Gaussian measure in the average case setting

29. An approximation theory approach to learning with regularization

30. Improved approximation guarantees for sublinear-time Fourier algorithms

31. The two-dimensional -fraction with independent variables for double power series

32. Single-factor lifting and factorization of polynomials over local fields

33. A fast algorithm for multilinear operators

34. The functions erf and erfc computed with arbitrary precision and explicit error bounds

35. Optimizing the stretch of independent tasks on a cluster: From sequential tasks to moldable tasks

36. Adaptive colour constancy algorithm using discrete wavelet transform.

37. Approximate polynomial GCD over integers

38. Smoothness characterization and stability of nonlinear and non-separable multiscale representations

39. A note on approximating the min–max vertex disjoint paths on directed acyclic graphs

40. Common fixed points of strict pseudocontractions by iterative algorithms

41. Minimum Bayes Risk decoding and system combination based on a recursion for edit distance

42. On the size of incoherent systems

43. Computing inhomogeneous Gröbner bases

44. Complexity of approximation of functions of few variables in high dimensions

45. LCS approximation via embedding into locally non-repetitive strings

46. Absolute convergence of rational series is semi-decidable

47. The shield that never was: Societies with single-peaked preferences are more open to manipulation and control

48. Learning a nonlinear distance metric for supervised region-merging image segmentation.

49. Spectral edge detection in two dimensions using wavefronts

50. On the consistency, expressiveness, and precision of partial modeling formalisms