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476 results

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1. Research, Interrupted: Addressing Practical and Methodological Challenges under Turbulent Conditions. Working Paper

2. Grand Challenges in Assessment: Collective Issues in Need of Solutions. Occasional Paper No. 47

3. Coaching for Leaders: Why Executives Need Support, Especially in Times of Disruption. White Paper

4. Collective Bargaining and State-Level Reforms: Assessing Changes to the Restrictiveness of Collective Bargaining Agreements across Three States. Working Paper No. 210-1218-1

5. Leveraging Transition: Ten Ways for New Governors to Advance Education Policies and Priorities from Day One. White Paper

6. Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (iHSES) (Denver, Colorado, April 13-16, 2023). Volume 1

7. Estimating Returns to College Attainment: Comparing Survey and State Administrative Data Based Estimates. A CAPSEE Working Paper

8. The Future of Work and Skills in ETF Partner Countries. ETF Issues Paper

9. Representation in the Classroom: The Effect of Own-Race Teacher Assignment on Student Achievement. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 14-07

10. Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (35th, Louisville, Kentucky, 2012). Volume 2

11. Do Alternative Base Periods Increase Unemployment Insurance Receipt among Low-Educated Unemployed Workers? National Poverty Center Working Paper Series #12-19

12. Piloting a European Employer Survey on Skill Needs: Illustrative Findings. Research Paper No 36

13. The Gateway to the Profession: Assessing Teacher Preparation Programs Based on Student Achievement. Working Paper 65

14. Young People in an Economic Downturn. Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. Briefing Paper 23

15. Early Childhood Transitions Research: A Review of Concepts, Theory, and Practice. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 48

16. Handheld E-Book Readers and Scholarship Report and Reader Survey: ACLS Humanities E-Book. White Paper No. 3

17. The Transformation of Academic Work: Facts and Analysis. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.4.07

18. Articulating Implicit Theories of Change. EDNER (Formative Evaluation of the Distributed National Electronic Resource) Project. Issues Paper.

19. Changing Patterns of Private-Public Growth and Decline: The Case of Georgian Higher Education. PROPHE Working Paper Series. WP No. 10

20. Categorical School Finance: Who Gains, Who Loses? Working Paper Series 04-2

21. Extending the Reach of Randomized Social Experiments: New Directions in Evaluations of American Welfare-to-Work and Employment Initiatives. MDRC Working Papers on Research Methodology.

22. Outcomes of Participation in Adult Basic Education: The Importance of Learners' Perspectives. NCSALL Occasional Paper.

23. The Search for Meaning in Young Adulthood: Implications for Educational Practice. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.

24. Occasional Papers in Open and Distance Learning, No. 22.

25. Employment and Welfare Reform in the National Survey of America's Families. Discussion Papers. Assessing the New Federalism: An Urban Institute Program To Assess Changing Social Policies.

26. Basic Patterns of Work and Learning in Canada: Findings of the 1998 NALL Survey of Informal Learning and Related Statistics Canada Surveys. NALL Working Paper.

27. Scholarly Communication and Technology. Papers from the Conference Organized by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Held at Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia, April 24-25, 1997).

28. The Innovative Colleges and Universities of the 1960s and 1970s: What Keeps the Dreams of Experimentation Alive? ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.

29. Language Arts Topics Papers.

30. Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges. The United States Focus. ACLS Occasional Paper No. 37.

31. Higher Education as a Sustainable Service Provider in a Rapidly Changing World

32. Learning First: A Research Agenda for Improving Learning in Low-Income Countries. Center for Universal Education. Working Paper 7

33. Health Workforce and International Migration: Can New Zealand Compete? OECD Health Working Papers No. 33

34. Fiat Lux, Fiat Latebra: A Celebration of Historical Library Functions. Occasional Paper No. 209.

35. Education for Civitas: The Lessons Americans Must Learn. Working Paper Series in Education.

36. The Changing Nature and Organisation of Work, and the Implications for Vocational Education and Training in Australia: Issues Paper [and] Annotated Bibliography.

37. Guess Who's Coming to Work. Occasional Paper No. 116.

38. Economic and Political Dimensions of Recurrent Education. Policy Paper No. 83-C2.

39. Get Them Talking: Managing Change through Case Studies and Case Study Discussion. RUSA Occasional Paper, Number 25.

40. At Last - 'A Civics Lesson for All of Us.' Working Paper Series in Education.

41. The Influence of a Project-Based Club Program on Middle School Students' Action Competency in Responding to Climate Change

42. Profound Moments: An Empirical Study

43. Engineering Education for Leadership in the 21st Century.

44. Winning the Skills Race.

45. Research Library Issues: A Bimonthly Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC. RLI 262

46. Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. NBER Working Paper No. 16082

47. As Science Evolves, How Can Science Policy? NBER Working Paper No. 16002

48. The Falling Time Cost of College: Evidence from Half a Century of Time Use Data. NBER Working Paper No. 15954

49. Public Policy toward Private Schools: A Focus on Parental Choice. PONPO Working Paper No. 92 and ISPS Working Paper No. 2092.

50. STEM Undergraduates' Structural Conception of Rate of Change