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1. Projected impact on wave-driven harbour agitation due to climate change - application to the Catalan ports.

2. Attributing trends in extremely hot days to changes in atmospheric dynamics.

3. Automated classification of the atmospheric circulation patterns that drive regional wave climates.

4. Southwestern Tropical Atlantic coral growth response to atmospheric circulation changes induced by ozone depletion in Antarctica.

5. The impact of oceanic heat transport on the atmospheric circulation.

6. The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) has been identifieded as a climate mechanism with potentially significant impacts on the Australian hydroclimate. However, despite the identification of relationships between SAM and Aus- tralia's hydroclimate using certain data sets, and focussed on certain time periods, the association has not been extensively explored and significant uncertainties remain. One reason for this is the existence of numerous indices, methods and data sets by which SAM has been approximated. In this paper, the various SAM definitions and indices are reviewed and the similarities and discrepancies are discussed, along with the strengths and weaknesses of each index development approach. Further, the sensitivity of the relationship between SAM and Australian rainfall to choice of SAM index is quantified and recommendations are given as to the most appropriate index to use when assessing the impacts of the SAMon Australia's hydroclimate. Importantly this study highlights the need to consider the impact that the choice of SAM index, and data set used to calculate the index, has on the outcomes of any SAM attribution study.

7. Comparison of GEOS-5 AGCM planetary boundary layer depths computed with various definitions.

8. Changes in synoptic circulations associated with documented derechos over France in the past 70 years.

9. Quantifying climate model representation of the wintertime Euro-Atlantic circulation using geopotential-jet regimes.

10. Biogeography in the air: fungal diversity over land and oceans.

11. Future reduction of cold extremes over East Asia due to thermodynamic and dynamic warming.

12. Impact of Asian aerosols on the summer monsoon strongly modulated by regional precipitation biases.

13. A Holocene history of climate, fire, landscape evolution, and human activity in northeastern Iceland.

14. Climatological features of stratospheric streamers in the FUB-CMAM with increased horizontal resolution.

15. A statistical framework for conditional extreme event attribution.

16. Mid-to-late Holocene temperature evolution and atmospheric dynamics over Europe in regional model simulations.

17. Associations of interannual variation in summer tropospheric ozone with the Western Pacific Subtropical High in China from 1999 to 2017.

18. Pollen-based reconstructions of Holocene climate trends in the eastern Mediterranean region.

19. Operational implementation of the burned area component of the Copernicus Climate Change Service: from MODIS 250 m to OLCI 300 m data.

20. Hydrological variability in the Northern Levant: a 250 ka multiproxy record from the Yammôuneh (Lebanon) sedimentary sequence.

21. The Andes climate and weather.

22. Varying spatial patterns of trend and seasonality in Eurasian runoff time series.

23. Quantifying the statistical dependence of mid-latitude heatwave intensity and likelihood on prevalent physical drivers and climate change.

24. Mid-Holocene reinforcement of North Atlantic atmospheric circulation variability from a western Baltic lake sediment record.

25. Interannual global carbon cycle variations linked to atmospheric circulation variability.

26. The relationship between PM2.5 and anticyclonic wave activity during summer over the United States.

27. Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region.

28. Exceptional loss in ozone in the Arctic winter/spring of 2019/2020.

29. Synoptic control on snow avalanche activity in central Spitsbergen.

30. Future evolution of aerosols and implications for climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean region using the CNRM-ALADIN63 regional climate model.

31. Land–sea temperature contrasts at the Last Interglacial and their impact on the hydrological cycle.

32. The benefits of increasing resolution in global and regional climate simulations for European climate extremes.

33. Climate change in a conceptual atmosphere–phytoplankton model.

34. Synergy of the westerly winds and monsoons in the lake evolution of global closed basins since the Last Glacial Maximum and implications for hydrological change in central Asia.

35. Assessing the performance of climate change simulation results from BESM-OA2.5 compared with a CMIP5 model ensemble.

36. Dynamical and hydrological changes in climate simulations of the last millennium.

37. Including vegetation dynamics in an atmospheric chemistry-enabled general circulation model: linking LPJ-GUESS (v4.0) with the EMAC modelling system (v2.53).

38. Changes in the future summer Mediterranean climate: contribution of teleconnections and local factors.

39. Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada – Part 1: Projected climate and meteorology.

40. Atmospheric circulation changes and their impact on extreme sea levels around Australia.

41. Towards understanding potential atmospheric contributions to abrupt climate changes: characterizing changes to the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet over the last deglaciation.

42. Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change since the last glacial.

43. Understanding the Australian Monsoon change during the Last Glacial Maximum with a multi-model ensemble.

44. The Indian summer monsoon in MetUM-GOML2.0: effects of air–sea coupling and resolution.

45. Change in the North Atlantic circulation associated with the mid-Pleistocene transition.

46. Dynamic hydrological discharge modelling for coupled climate model simulations of the last glacial cycle: the MPI-DynamicHD model version 3.0.

47. Last interglacial ocean changes in the Bahamas: climate teleconnections between low and high latitudes.

48. Orographic and convective gravity waves above the Alps and Andes Mountains during GPS radio occultation events -- a case study.

49. The strengthening relationship between Eurasian snow cover and December haze days in central North China after the mid-1990s.

50. Timescale dependence of the relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon strength and precipitation over eastern China in the last millennium.