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1. Comparison of GEOS-5 AGCM planetary boundary layer depths computed with various definitions.

2. Colder Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Stronger Walker Circulation in the Early 21st Century: Separating the Forced Response to Global Warming From Natural Variability.

3. A Later Onset of the Rainy Season in California.

4. Future reduction of cold extremes over East Asia due to thermodynamic and dynamic warming.

5. Impact of Asian aerosols on the summer monsoon strongly modulated by regional precipitation biases.

6. Beyond the First Tipping Points of Southern Hemisphere Climate.

7. Anthropogenic forcings reverse a simulated multi-century naturally-forced Northern Hemisphere Hadley cell intensification.

8. Surface Temperature Gradients as Diagnostic Indicators of Midlatitude Circulation Dynamics.

9. Estimating the Relative Uncertainties Sourced from GCMs and Hydrological Models in Modeling Climate Change Impact on Runoff.

10. Are the Central Andes Mountains a Warming Hot Spot?

11. Interannual Variability in North Atlantic Weather: Data Analysis and a Quasigeostrophic Model.

12. Mid-to-late Holocene temperature evolution and atmospheric dynamics over Europe in regional model simulations.

13. Associations of interannual variation in summer tropospheric ozone with the Western Pacific Subtropical High in China from 1999 to 2017.

14. Pollen-based reconstructions of Holocene climate trends in the eastern Mediterranean region.

16. Operational implementation of the burned area component of the Copernicus Climate Change Service: from MODIS 250 m to OLCI 300 m data.

17. Impact of Anomalous Northward Oceanic Heat Transport on Global Climate in a Slab Ocean Setting.

18. The Response of the Ozone Layer to Quadrupled CO2 Concentrations: Implications for Climate.

19. Global reorganization of atmospheric circulation during Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles.

20. Sinuosity of Atmospheric Circulation over Southeastern China and Its Relationship to Surface Air Temperature and High Temperature Extremes.

21. Assessment of future wind resources under climate change using a multi-model and multi-method ensemble approach.

22. Unprecedented Heatwave in Western North America during Late June of 2021: Roles of Atmospheric Circulation and Global Warming.

23. Improved representation of atmospheric dynamics in CMIP6 models removes climate sensitivity dependence on Hadley cell climatological extent.

24. A simple model of blocking action over a hemisphere.


26. Opposite Responses of the Dry and Moist Eddy Heat Transport Into the Arctic in the PAMIP Experiments.

27. Future evolution of aerosols and implications for climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean region using the CNRM-ALADIN63 regional climate model.

28. Observed Statistical Connections Overestimate the Causal Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Changes on Midlatitude Winter Climate.

29. Explaining the Spatial Pattern of U.S. Extreme Daily Precipitation Change.

30. Changes in North Atlantic Atmospheric Circulation in a Warmer Climate Favor Winter Flooding and Summer Drought over Europe.

31. The benefits of increasing resolution in global and regional climate simulations for European climate extremes.

32. Enhanced Climate Change Response of Wintertime North Atlantic Circulation, Cyclonic Activity, and Precipitation in a 25-km-Resolution Global Atmospheric Model.

33. The Max Planck Institute Grand Ensemble: Enabling the Exploration of Climate System Variability.

36. The Atmospheric Pathway of the Cloud-Radiative Impact on the Circulation Response to Global Warming: Important and Uncertain.

37. How Strong Is Influence of the Tropics and Midlatitudes on the Arctic Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Change?

38. Atmospheric circulation changes and their impact on extreme sea levels around Australia.

39. The Dominant Role of Extreme Precipitation Events in Antarctic Snowfall Variability.

40. Recent Acceleration of Arabian Sea Warming Induced by the Atlantic‐Western Pacific Trans‐basin Multidecadal Variability.

41. Performance of the general circulation models in simulating temperature and precipitation over Iran.

42. The Hadley Circulation Regime Change: Combined Effect of the Western Pacific Warming and Increased ENSO Amplitude.

43. The Indian summer monsoon in MetUM-GOML2.0: effects of air–sea coupling and resolution.

44. Impacts of the 1900–74 Increase in Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions from North America and Europe on Eurasian Summer Climate.

45. Linking Glacial‐Interglacial States to Multiple Equilibria of Climate.

46. The Downward Influence of Uncertainty in the Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Polar Vortex Response to Climate Change.

47. Reduced Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Size to Sea Surface Temperature in a Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Environment.


49. Timescale dependence of the relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon strength and precipitation over eastern China in the last millennium.

50. The influence of atmospheric grid resolution in a climate model-forced ice sheet simulation.