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1. The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) has been identifieded as a climate mechanism with potentially significant impacts on the Australian hydroclimate. However, despite the identification of relationships between SAM and Aus- tralia's hydroclimate using certain data sets, and focussed on certain time periods, the association has not been extensively explored and significant uncertainties remain. One reason for this is the existence of numerous indices, methods and data sets by which SAM has been approximated. In this paper, the various SAM definitions and indices are reviewed and the similarities and discrepancies are discussed, along with the strengths and weaknesses of each index development approach. Further, the sensitivity of the relationship between SAM and Australian rainfall to choice of SAM index is quantified and recommendations are given as to the most appropriate index to use when assessing the impacts of the SAMon Australia's hydroclimate. Importantly this study highlights the need to consider the impact that the choice of SAM index, and data set used to calculate the index, has on the outcomes of any SAM attribution study.

2. Quantifying climate model representation of the wintertime Euro-Atlantic circulation using geopotential-jet regimes.

3. Assessment and Assimilation of FY-3 Humidity Sounders and Imager in the UK Met Office Global Model.


5. Suppression of Arctic Air Formation with Climate Warming: Investigation with a Two-Dimensional Cloud-Resolving Model.

6. Sea Surface Winds over the Mediterranean Basin from Satellite Data (2000–04): Meso- and Local-Scale Features on Annual and Seasonal Time Scales.

7. Barry Saltzman and the Theory of Climate.

8. Climatological features of stratospheric streamers in the FUB-CMAM with increased horizontal resolution.

10. Estimating Central Equatorial Pacific SST Variability over the Past Millennium. Part I: Methodology and Validation.

11. Climatological drivers of changes in flood hazard in Germany.

12. Climate Response Using a Three-Dimensional Operator Based on the Fluctuation–Dissipation Theorem.

13. Dipole Structure of Interannual Variations in Summertime Tropical Cyclone Activity over East Asia.

14. Why Are There Tropical Warm Pools?

15. The Annual Cycle of Heat Content in the Peru Current Region.

16. Detecting and Attributing External Influences on the Climate System: A Review of Recent Advances.

17. Hydroclimate of the Western United States Based on Observations and Regional Climate Simulation of 1981–2000. Part I: Seasonal Statistics.

18. Improved representation of atmospheric dynamics in CMIP6 models removes climate sensitivity dependence on Hadley cell climatological extent.

19. The Path Integral Formulation of Climate Dynamics.

20. Climate Forcings and Climate Sensitivities Diagnosed from Coupled Climate Model Integrations.

21. Relationships between NW flow snowfall and topography in the Southern Appalachians, USA.


23. Opposite Responses of the Dry and Moist Eddy Heat Transport Into the Arctic in the PAMIP Experiments.

24. The benefits of increasing resolution in global and regional climate simulations for European climate extremes.

25. Changes in Future Synoptic Circulation Patterns: Consequences for Extreme Event Attribution.

26. Weakened Impact of the Developing El Niño on Tropical Indian Ocean Climate Variability under Global Warming.

27. Projected Changes in European and North Atlantic Seasonal Wind Climate Derived from CMIP5 Simulations.

28. The Max Planck Institute Grand Ensemble: Enabling the Exploration of Climate System Variability.

29. Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada – Part 1: Projected climate and meteorology.

30. High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP v1.0) for CMIP6

33. Investigating the Influence of Cloud Radiative Effects on the Extratropical Storm Tracks.

34. Large-Scale Circulation Anomalies Associated with Extreme Heat in South Korea and Southern–Central Japan.

35. The Response of the Midlatitude Jet to Regional Polar Heating in a Simple Storm-Track Model.

36. Weakening of Upward Mass but Intensification of Upward Energy Transport in a Warming Climate.

37. Meteorological Drivers and Large-Scale Climate Forcing of West Antarctic Surface Melt.

38. Linking atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments: Regime shifts in the Estonian climate over the past 50 years.

39. Response of Subtropical Stationary Waves and Hydrological Extremes to Climate Warming in Boreal Summer.

40. The Hadley Circulation Regime Change: Combined Effect of the Western Pacific Warming and Increased ENSO Amplitude.

41. The Indian summer monsoon in MetUM-GOML2.0: effects of air–sea coupling and resolution.

42. Linking Glacial‐Interglacial States to Multiple Equilibria of Climate.

43. The Downward Influence of Uncertainty in the Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Polar Vortex Response to Climate Change.

44. Further-Adjusted Long-Term Temperature Series in China Based on MASH.

45. Reduced Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Size to Sea Surface Temperature in a Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Environment.

47. Importance of Late Fall ENSO Teleconnection in the Euro-Atlantic Sector.

48. Robustness of the Warm Arctic/Cold Eurasian Signature within a Large Ensemble Model Experiment.

49. Using the Artificial Tracer e90 to Examine Present and Future UTLS Tracer Transport in WACCM.

50. An 'Observational Large Ensemble' to Compare Observed and Modeled Temperature Trend Uncertainty due to Internal Variability.