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11,043 results

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1. Pairs of commuting quadratic elements in the universal enveloping algebra of Euclidean algebra and integrals of motion* Inspiration and need for this paper came from numerous discussions with Pavel Winternitz over several years. Unfortunately, while he was alive we always found other more urgent research directions to follow together. Thus we can only dedicate our paper to his memory

2. Elementary Derivations of the Euclidean Hurwitz Algebras Adapted from Gadi Moran's last paper.

3. Representability of relatively free affine algebras over a Noetherian ring.

4. On the common slot property for symbol algebras.

5. Transposed Poisson structures on Lie incidence algebras.

6. Derivations, extensions, and rigidity of subalgebras of the Witt algebra.

7. Solution of Exponential Diophantine Equation nx + 43y = z², where n ≡ 2 (mod 129) and n + 1 is not a Perfect Square.

8. Airy Ideals, Transvections, and W(sp2N)-Algebras.

9. A note on the paper 'Ultra discrete permanent and the consistency of max plus linear equations'.

10. Abelian powers in paper-folding words

11. Instructional Supports for Representational Fluency in Solving Linear Equations with Computer Algebra Systems and Paper‐and‐Pencil.

12. Galois closures and elementary components of Hilbert schemes of points.

13. Solving Rician Data Analysis Problems: Theory and Numerical Modeling Using Computer Algebra Methods in Wolfram Mathematica.

14. The General Solution to a Classical Matrix Equation AXB = C over the Dual Split Quaternion Algebra.

15. Classroom observational data: a professional development tool for introductory college mathematics instruction.

16. Patterned Transcendental Numbers.

17. Editorial of Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering (AGACSE 21).

18. Evaluation of university scientific research ability based on the output of sci-tech papers: A D-AHP approach.

19. Extended dissipaton equation of motion for electronic open quantum systems: Application to the Kondo impurity model.

21. From quantum loop superalgebras to super Yangians.

22. Evaluation maps for affine quantum Schur algebras.

23. Minimal varieties of graded PI‐algebras over abelian groups.

24. Linear maps preserving inclusion and equality of the spectrum to fixed sets.

25. Jordan-type derivations on trivial extension algebras.

26. On three types of Galois extensions which are Azumaya.

27. On discrete properties of Bernoulli shift.

28. Characterizations of fuzzy Bd-ideals in Bd-algebras.

29. Proposed Multi-Dimensional Algebra.

30. The Partial Algebra of Terms with a Fixed Number of Variables under a Generalized Superposition.

31. Design of an Alternative to Polynomial Modified RSA Algorithm.

32. A Construction of Deformations to General Algebras.

33. Fredholm Theory Relative to Any Algebra Homomorphisms.

34. Weighted Convolution for Quaternion Linear Canonical Cosine Transform and Its Application.

35. Characterization of Isoclinic, Transversally Geodesic and Grassmannizable Webs.

36. Abelian Extensions of Modified λ -Differential Left-Symmetric Algebras and Crossed Modules.

37. Some Remarks Regarding Special Elements in Algebras Obtained by the Cayley–Dickson Process over Z p.


39. Topological spectral bands with frieze groups.

40. Eigenvalues of quantum Gelfand invariants.

41. Cyclic Shuffle-Compatibility Via Cyclic Shuffle Algebras.

42. Bi-Frobenius Algebra Structures on Quantum Complete Intersections.

43. Broué's abelian defect group conjecture for blocks with cyclic hyperfocal subgroups.

44. Position-dependent mass from noncommutativity and its statistical descriptions.

45. Symplectic structures, product structures and complex structures on Leibniz algebras.

46. An algebraic framework for the Drinfeld double based on infinite groupoids.

47. Generalized derivations with nilpotent values in semiprime rings.

48. A novel geometric method based on conformal geometric algebra applied to the resection problem in two and three dimensions.

49. Imperative Process Algebra and Models of Parallel Computation.

50. On the 퓐-generators of the polynomial algebra as a module over the Steenrod algebra, I.