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1. Physico-chemical assessment of paper mill effluent and its heavy metal remediation using aquatic macrophytes--a case study at JK Paper mill, Rayagada, India.

2. Physicochemical characteristics of paper industry effluents--a case study of South India Paper Mill (SIPM).

3. Assessment of water pollution in different bleaching based paper manufacturing and textile dyeing industries in India.

6. Seasonal bacteriological analysis of Gola river water contaminated with pulp paper mill waste in Uttaranchal, India.

7. Filter paper technique for seromonitoring against infectious bursal disease.

8. Postvaccinal immune response to regimens of Newcastle disease vaccination by filter paper sampling technique.

9. Valorization potential of pine needle waste biomass: recent trends and future perspectives.

10. Assessing the district-level flood vulnerability in Bihar, eastern India: an integrated socioeconomic and environmental approach.

11. Analysis of the carbon emissions trend in the Indian manufacturing sector: a decomposition and decoupling approach.

12. Yield model and yield table construction in Albizia (Albizia lebbeck (L.) under the western agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu, Southern India.

13. Comparative assessment of soil quality dynamics using SQI modelling approach: a study in rice bowl of West Bengal, India.

14. Exploring the asymmetric effect of fiscal policy instruments in encountering environmental degradation: proposing an SDG framework for India.

15. Composition of soil mesofauna in changing cropping systems due to urbanization in Bengaluru, India.

16. The impact of the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on the global iron and steel trade and emission reduction.

17. Relationship between the variations in glacier features classified on a large scale with climate variables: a case study of Gangotri Glacier.

18. Reconnoitre on ichthyofauna of Mahanadi River of India: shifting diversity down the river continuum and linking ecological traits with patterns in biodiversity.

19. Time-varying impact of income and fossil fuel consumption on CO 2 emissions in India.

20. The effects of Agriculture Productivity, Land Intensification, on Sustainable Economic Growth: A panel analysis from Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan Economies.

21. Political competition and environment quality: a study of India.

22. Monitoring built-up area expansion led by industrial transformation in Delhi using geospatial techniques.

23. Pond ash as a potential material for sustainable geotechnical applications - a review.

24. Impact of anthropogenic and land use pattern change on spatio-temporal variations of groundwater quality in Odisha, India.

25. Soil erosion in diverse agroecological regions of India: a comprehensive review of USLE-based modelling.

26. Integrating GIS and irrigation water quality index approaches for identifying groundwater irrigation potential zones in Central Gujarat, India.

27. Perspective: The unexplored dimensions behind the foam formation in River Yamuna, India.

28. Detrimental influence of industrial effluents, especially heavy metals, on limnological parameters of water and nutritional profile in addition to enzymatic activities of fish, Sperata seenghala (Sykes, 1839) from diverse Ramsar sites, India (Punjab).

29. Exploring the asymmetric effect of fiscal decentralization on economic growth and environmental quality: evidence from India.

30. EKC hypothesis testing and environmental impacts of transportation infrastructure investments in China, Turkey, India, and Japan.

31. Implication of climate change on crop water requirement in the semi-arid region of Western Maharashtra, India.

32. Water security and health risk assessment of an urban household-level drinking water and sanitation system, Punjab, India.

33. Investigating the nexus between carbonization and industrialization under Kaya's identity: findings from novel multivariate quantile on quantile regression approach.

34. Application of fuzzy C-means clustering and fuzzy EDAS to assess groundwater irrigation suitability and prioritization for agricultural development in a complex hydrogeological basin.

35. Studying financial inclusion, energy poverty, and economic development of South Asian countries.

36. Examining the potential role of ICT diffusion on green growth: does financial development matter in BRICS economies?

37. Does globalization and energy usage influence carbon emissions in South Asia? An empirical revisit of the debate.

38. Prediction of meteorological drought and standardized precipitation index based on the random forest (RF), random tree (RT), and Gaussian process regression (GPR) models.

39. The nexus of environment-related technologies and consumption-based carbon emissions in top five emitters: empirical analysis through dynamic common correlated effects estimator.

40. Fuel use in small-scale fishing vessels along the southeast coast of India: a comparative study to ascertain possible reasons and potential recommendations for effective management.

41. Tourism adaptability amid the climate change and air pollution in BRICS: a method of moments quantile regression approach.

42. Appraisal of groundwater quality and health risk in the Yalamlam basin, Saudi Arabia.

43. Decision support system for sustainable groundwater management in crystalline hard rocks: implications for sugarcane agriculture, Southern India.

44. The clean development mechanism in Eastern Europe: an in-depth exploration.

45. Green cement production in India: prioritization and alleviation of barriers using the best-worst method.

46. Hydrogeochemical and health risk assessment in and around a Ramsar-designated wetland, the Ganges River Basin, India: Implications for natural and human interactions.

47. Analyzing the role of meteorological parameters and CO 2 emissions towards crop production: empirical evidence from South Asian countries.

48. Estimating the economic cost of setting up a nuclear power plant at Rooppur in Bangladesh.

49. Effects of air pollution on monumental buildings in India: An overview.

50. Spatial analysis and assessment of soil erosion in the southern Western Ghats region in India.