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129 results

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1. Hit and Run? Income Shocks and School Dropouts in Latin America. Policy Research Working Paper 8344

2. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

3. Examining a Congruency-Typology Model of Leadership for Learning Using Two-Level Latent Class Analysis with TALIS 2018. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 219

4. Citizenship Education in the Information Age and Educational Reform in Latin America

5. Decolonial Practices in Higher Education from the Global South: A Systematic Literature Review

6. Navigating AACSB Accreditation with Strategic Leadership and Change Management: A Systematic Literature Review

7. Sensorimotor Distractions When Learning with Mobile Phones On-the-Move

8. Higher Education Reforms: Latin America in Comparative Perspective

9. The World Universities' Response to COVID-19: Remote Online Language Teaching

10. Considering the State and Status of Internationalization in Western Higher Education Kinesiology

11. Presidential Twitter in the Face of COVID-19: Between Populism and Pop Politics

12. The Digital Competence of Academics in Higher Education: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

13. Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World

14. Understanding Latin America's Educational Orientations: Evidence from 14 Nations

15. What the World Chemical Community Thinks about the Concept of Physical and Chemical Change?

16. Patterns of Theory Use in Qualitative Research in Higher Education Studies in Latin America: A Geopolitical Interpretation

17. How Playful Learning Can Help Leapfrog Progress in Education

18. A Landscape of Open Science Policies Research

19. The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative and Quantitative Perspectives. Report of the International Conference on the Changing Academic Profession Project, 2008. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No.12

20. Towards an Approach for an Accessible and Inclusive Virtual Education Using ESVI-AL Project Results

21. The Causal Effect of an Extra Year of Schooling on Skills and Knowledge in Latin America. Evidence from PISA

22. Global Connectedness and Global Migration: Insights from the International Changing Academic Profession Survey

23. International Student Mobility: Trends in First-Time Graduate Enrollment

24. Library Professionals' Education in the Mercosur Countries

25. Gene Concepts in Higher Education Cell and Molecular Biology Textbooks

26. Teachers' Conceptions of Teaching Service Statistics Courses

27. U.S. Competitiveness in the World Wheat Market. Proceedings of a Research Conference (Washington, D.C., June 17-18, 1986).

28. Democratisation or Credentialism? Public Policies of Expansion of Higher Education in Latin America

29. Government and Higher Education Relationships across Three Continents: The Winds of Change. Issues in Higher Education Series, Volume 2.

30. Voices of Children and Parents from Elsewhere: A Glance at Integration in Italian Primary Schools

31. The Bologna Process and Higher Education in Mercosur: Regionalization or Europeanization?

32. Credit Rating Agencies versus the 'Pink Tide': Lessons from the Experiences of Brazil and Argentina.

33. Income and beyond: Multidimensional Poverty in Six Latin American Countries

34. International Networking for Sexuality Education: A Politically Sensitive Subject

35. The Accountability Dimension in Quality Assurance: An International Comparison

36. Attitudes and Representations of Spanish and the Spread of the Language Industries in Brazil

37. Teaching Global Citizenship, Social Change, and Economic Development in a History Course: A Course Model in Latin American Travel/Service Learning

38. Instructional Time Loss and Local-Level Governance

39. The Contributions of Organisational and Technological Practices to the Speedup of New Product Development

40. The Secondarization of Technical Education in Argentina and the Professionalization of Secondary Education in Brazil in a Comparative Perspective.

41. Analyzing energy deprivation for cooking in Argentina and Brazil.

42. Social mobilization and political change in countries governed by the left: The cases of Argentina and Brazil.

43. The crab Neohelice (= Chasmagnathus) granulata: an emergent animal model from emergent countries.

44. Financial instability in peripheral economies: an approach from the balance-of-payments constraint.

45. The Problem of Organized Crime in the South American Tri-Border Area: Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.

46. Tax Policy Centralization and Veto Players: Argentina and Brazil in the 1980's & 1990's.

47. Dictatorships and Repression against the Universities: The Transition to Military Rule in Latin America and the Impact on Enrollments in the Social Sciences.

48. Hands of Knowledge. 'Adult Education, Development and Peace.' Report of the World Assembly of Adult Education (Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 22-30, 1985).

49. Distribution effects of the minimum wage in four Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.

50. The Definition of Security Agendas in Brazil and Argentina.