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1. The Arctic Rivers Project: Using an Equitable Co‐Production Framework for Integrating Meaningful Community Engagement and Science to Understand Climate Impacts.

2. 'Boundary': mapping and visualizing climatically changed landscapes at Kaskawulsh Glacier and Kluane Lake, Yukon.

3. Normalising catastrophe in environmental discourse: on educational values, responses and critical imagination.

4. Characterization of contrasting flow and thermal regimes in two adjacent subarctic alpine headwaters in Northwest Canada.

6. Weathering Changes: Cultivating Local and Traditional Knowledge of Environmental Change in Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Traditional Territory.

7. Community-based health research led by the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation.

8. Climate change adaptation and regional forest planning in southern Yukon, Canada.

9. The Rise and Fall of Alaska and Yukon Glaciers Detected by TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason‐2 Altimeters Using a Novel Glacier‐Threshold Method.

10. Subarctic soil carbon losses after deforestation for agriculture depend on permafrost abundance.

11. Ice Cores from the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada: Their Significance for Climate, Atmospheric Composition and Volcanism in the North Pacific Region.

12. Hydroclimatic controls on the occurrence of break-up and ice-jam flooding in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada

13. Forest management in a changing climate: building the environmental information base for southwest Yukon.

14. Subarctic landscape adaptations and paleodemography: A 14,000-year history of climate change and human settlement in central Alaska and Yukon.

15. Using community photography to investigate phenology: A case study of coat molt in the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) with missing data.

16. Are the effects of vegetation and soil changes as important as climate change impacts on hydrological processes?

17. Assessing inter-annual and seasonal patterns of DOC and DOM quality across a complex alpine watershed underlain by discontinuous permafrost in Yukon, Canada.

18. Late Pleistocene and Holocene ice-wedge activity on the Blackstone Plateau, central Yukon, Canada.

19. Effects of Disturbance and Climate Change on Ecosystem Performance in the Yukon River Basin Boreal Forest.

20. Controls on water balance of shallow thermokarst lakes and their relations with catchment characteristics: a multi-year, landscape-scale assessment based on water isotope tracers and remote sensing in Old Crow Flats, Yukon (Canada).

21. Recent advance of forest-grassland ecotones in southwestern Yukon.

22. Stand-level Attributes of Snowshoe Hare {Lepus americanus) Habitat in a Post-Fire Trembling Aspen {Populus tremuloides) Chronosequence in Central Yukon.

23. A revised late-Quaternary vegetation history of the unglaciated southwestern Yukon Territory, Canada, from Antifreeze and Eikland ponds.

24. Variability, contingency and rapid change in recent subarctic alpine tree line dynamics.

25. Retrieval of Arctic Vegetation Biophysical and Biochemical Properties from CHRIS/PROBA Multi-Angle Imagery Using Empirical and Physical Modelling.

26. Linking Mountain Glacier Retreat and Hydrological Changes in Southwestern Yukon.

27. New carbon dates link climatic change with human colonization and Pleistocene extinctions.