
Showing total 9 results
9 results

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1. Demand and level of service inflation in Floating Catchment Area (FCA) methods.

2. Large-scale probabilistic identification of boreal peatlands using Google Earth Engine, open-access satellite data, and machine learning.

3. A geospatial agent-based model of the spatial urban dynamics of immigrant population: A study of the island of Montreal, Canada.

4. Generating higher resolution regional seafloor maps from crowd-sourced bathymetry.

5. Predicted distribution of the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesi on the Scotian Shelf and its persistence in the face of climatic variability.

6. Evolution of Canada’s Boreal Forest Spatial Patterns as Seen from Space.

7. Oceanic Distribution, Behaviour, and a Winter Aggregation Area of Adult Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, in the Bay of Fundy, Canada.

8. Development of Composite Indices to Measure the Adoption of Pro-Environmental Behaviours across Canadian Provinces.

9. Geographic Variability in the Association between Socioeconomic Status and BMI in the USA and Canada.