
Showing total 105 results
105 results

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1. Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of evapotranspiration (natural and artificial) in the Ziya River Basin, China.

2. Event-based and continous flood modeling in Zijinguan watershed, Northern China.

3. Meteorological drought in the Beijiang River basin, South China: current observations and future projections.

4. Has the Bosten Lake Basin been dry or wet during the climate transition in Northwest China in the past 30 years?

5. Analysis of future drought characteristics in China using the regional climate model CCLM.

6. Estimation of actual evapotranspiration and water stress in the Lijiang River Basin, China using a modified Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model.

7. Estimates of the Land Surface Hydrology from the Community Land Model Version 5 (CLM5) with Three Meteorological Forcing Datasets over China.

8. Effect of landscape restoration on evapotranspiration and water use in the Yellow River Basin, China.

9. Application of the Multimodel Ensemble Kalman Filter Method in Groundwater System.

10. Effects of climate change on annual streamflow using climate elasticity in Poyang Lake Basin, China.

11. A new method for indirectly estimating infiltration of paddy fields in situ.

12. Modeling and assessing agro-hydrological processes and irrigation water saving in the middle Heihe River basin.

13. Evaluating the non-stationary relationship between precipitation and streamflow in nine major basins of China during the past 50years

14. Comparison of evapotranspiration estimated by ETWatch with that derived from combined GRACE and measured precipitation data in Hai River Basin, North China.

15. Watershed Evapotranspiration Increased due to Changes in Vegetation Composition and Structure Under a Subtropical Climate.

16. Evapotranspiration in the Meso-Scale Forested Watersheds in Minjiang Valley, West China.

17. Evapotranspiration estimation in the Yellow River Basin, China using integrated NDVI data.

18. Examining dynamic interactions among experimental factors influencing hydrologic data assimilation with the ensemble Kalman filter.

19. The Influence of Meteorological Variables on Reference Evapotranspiration Based on the FAO P-M Model—A Case Study of the Taohe River Basin, NW China.

20. Spatio-temporal changes of evapotranspiration over the Zoige Wetland Basin in China using TSEB and GF satellites.

21. Basin-scale terrestrial water storage changes inferred from GRACE-based geopotential differences: a case study of the Yangtze River Basin, China.

22. Comparison of Evapotranspiration Partitioning and Dual Crop Coefficients of Direct-Seeded and Transplanted Rice in the Poyang Lake Basin, China.

23. A Method to Estimate Sunshine Duration Using Cloud Classification Data from a Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (FY-2D) over the Heihe River Basin.

24. A wavelet perspective on variabilities of hydrological processes in conjunction with geomorphic analysis over the Pearl River basin in South China.

25. The Ratio Distribution of Evapotranspiration to Precipitation well Related With Soil Thickness in Karst Watershed of Southwest China.

26. Simulating Runoff and Actual Evapotranspiration via Time-Variant Parameter Method: The Effects of Hydrological Model Structures.

27. Prediction of Future Spatial and Temporal Evolution Trends of Reference Evapotranspiration in the Yellow River Basin, China.

28. Potential Evapotranspiration Estimation in the Upper Huaihe River Basin, China.

29. Reference Evapotranspiration Changes: Sensitivities to and Contributions of Meteorological Factors in the Heihe River Basin of Northwestern China (1961–2014).

30. Validation and Comparison of Seven Land Surface Evapotranspiration Products in the Haihe River Basin, China.

31. The effects of land‐use conversion on evapotranspiration and water balance of subtropical forest and managed tea plantation in Taihu Lake Basin, China.

32. Effects of climate change on major elements of the hydrological cycle in Aksu River basin, northwest China.

33. Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Evaluate Patterns of Regional Evapotranspiration: A Case Study for Dynamics of Film-Mulched Drip-Irrigated Cotton in China's Manas River Basin over 20 Years.

34. Runoff Estimation in the Upper Reaches of the Heihe River Using an LSTM Model with Remote Sensing Data.

35. Contrast Effects of Vegetation Cover Change on Evapotranspiration during a Revegetation Period in the Poyang Lake Basin, China.

36. Spatio-temporal variation of actual evapotranspiration in the Haihe River Basin of the past 50 years.

37. Potential natural vegetation dynamics driven by future long-term climate change and its hydrological impacts in the Hanjiang River basin, China.

38. Terrestrial hydrological features of the Pearl River basin in South China.

39. Spatial variation of climatology monthly crop reference evapotranspiration and sensitivity coefficients in Shiyang river basin of northwest China

40. Temporal variation of reference evapotranspiration during 1961–2005 in the Taoer River basin of Northeast China

41. Construction of an evapotranspiration model and analysis of spatiotemporal variation in Xilin River Basin, China.

42. Analysis of the variation in potential evapotranspiration and surface wet conditions in the Hancang River Basin, China.

43. Changing characteristics and attribution analysis of potential evapotranspiration in the Huang–Huai–Hai River Basin, China.

44. Projection of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration under Future Climate Change in Poyang Lake Watershed, China.

45. Attributing Terrestrial Water Storage Variations across China to Changes in Groundwater and Human Water Use.

46. Study on the variation in evapotranspiration in different period of the Genhe River Basin in China.

47. Using Remote Sensing Data‐Based Hydrological Model Calibrations for Predicting Runoff in Ungauged or Poorly Gauged Catchments.

48. Toward Monitoring Short-Term Droughts Using a Novel Daily Scale, Standardized Antecedent Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index.

49. Coupled impact of decadal precipitation and evapotranspiration on peatland degradation in the Zoige basin, China.

50. Quantifying the impact of climate variables on reference evapotranspiration in Pearl River Basin, China.