
Showing total 124 results
124 results

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1. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

2. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper 8752

3. Hit and Run? Income Shocks and School Dropouts in Latin America. Policy Research Working Paper 8344

4. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

5. Examining a Congruency-Typology Model of Leadership for Learning Using Two-Level Latent Class Analysis with TALIS 2018. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 219

6. Women and Literacy Development in the Third World. Papers Presented at an International Seminar on Women and Literacy Development--Constraints and Prospects (Linkoping, Sweden, August 1991).

7. Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: A Comparative Review of Selected Practices. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 15

8. Education Provision to Every One: Comparing Perspectives from around the World. BCES Conference Books, Volume 14, Number 1

9. Accessibility and Affordability of Tertiary Education in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru within a Global Context. Policy Research Working Paper 4517

10. Assessment and Innovation in Education. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 24

11. Tradition for Development: Indigenous Structures and Folk Media in Non-Formal Education. Report and Papers from the International Seminar on The Use of Indigenous Social Structures and Traditional Media in Non-Formal Education and Development (Berlin, West Germany. November 5-12, 1980).

12. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics: University of North Dakota Session, Volume 39.

13. IFLA General Conference, 1985. Opening and Plenary Sessions. Papers.

14. Must We Wait for Youth to Speak Out before We Listen? International Youth Perspectives and Climate Change Education

15. Psychological Applications and Trends 2023

16. Decolonial Practices in Higher Education from the Global South: A Systematic Literature Review

17. Navigating AACSB Accreditation with Strategic Leadership and Change Management: A Systematic Literature Review

18. Sensorimotor Distractions When Learning with Mobile Phones On-the-Move

19. Considering the State and Status of Internationalization in Western Higher Education Kinesiology

20. Presidential Twitter in the Face of COVID-19: Between Populism and Pop Politics

21. The Digital Competence of Academics in Higher Education: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

22. Exploratory Study of MOOC Learners' Demographics and Motivation: The Case of Students Involved in Groups

23. Iberian (South American) Model of Judicial Review: Toward Conceptual Framework

24. Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World

25. Understanding Latin America's Educational Orientations: Evidence from 14 Nations

26. What the World Chemical Community Thinks about the Concept of Physical and Chemical Change?

27. Patterns of Theory Use in Qualitative Research in Higher Education Studies in Latin America: A Geopolitical Interpretation

28. International Organizations and the Technical and Professional Education Networks in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis between Brazil and Mexico

29. How Playful Learning Can Help Leapfrog Progress in Education

30. Access to Academic Libraries: An Indicator of Openness?

31. University Offering Work-Integrated Learning Dual Study Programs

32. You Say IFRS, I Say FASB…Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

33. The International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference Proceedings (Orlando, Florida, February 28 & March 1, 2013). Volume 2013, Issue 1

34. Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges through Networks: An Innovative Educational Approach for Sustainability

35. The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative and Quantitative Perspectives. Report of the International Conference on the Changing Academic Profession Project, 2008. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No.12

36. Literacy, Knowledge and Development: South-South Policy Dialogue on Quality Education for Adults and Young People

37. Provision of Effectiveness of University Education on the Market Economy

38. Education for All Summit of Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 12-16, 1993). Panel Proceedings.

39. Education for All Summit of Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 12-16, 1993). Final Report.

40. Education for All Summit in the Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 13-16, 1993). Analysis and Synthesis. Discussion Draft.

41. Learning to Learn and Assessment: Complementary Concepts or Different Worlds?

42. Towards an Approach for an Accessible and Inclusive Virtual Education Using ESVI-AL Project Results

43. 'CityVille': Collaborative Game Play, Communication and Skill Development in Social Networks

44. School-Aged Children and Decisions for Studying Abroad in Canada

45. Household Education Spending in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from Income and Expenditure Surveys

46. The Causal Effect of an Extra Year of Schooling on Skills and Knowledge in Latin America. Evidence from PISA

47. Global Connectedness and Global Migration: Insights from the International Changing Academic Profession Survey

48. An Assessment of the Growth in Coverage of Social and Environmental Issues in Graduate Accounting Courses

49. International Student Mobility: Trends in First-Time Graduate Enrollment

50. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (85th, Miami, Florida, August 5-8, 2002). Public Relations Division.