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1. Subsidies and Levies as Policy Instruments to Encourage Employer-Provided Training. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 80

2. Dropout Prevention in Secondary VET from Different Learning Spaces. A Social Discussion Experience

3. Educational Achievement as Defining Factor in Social Stratification in Contemporary Spain

4. 'I'm Catalan but I'm Not a Fanatic': Shifting Tides in Catalan Public Opinion.

5. Personal Agenda-Public Agenda Congruency: A Contingent Condition for Agenda-setting Effects.

6. The Catholic Monarchs on the Postage Stamps of Franco's Spain.

7. The Photography and Propaganda of the Maria Montessori Method in Spain (1911-1931)

8. A Robin Hood for all: a conjoint experiment on support for basic income.

9. Prostitution Under Debate in Spain: Citizens' Perceptions of Its Prohibition.

10. The Gap in Sustainable Food Services in Public Institutions: The Perceptions of Young Consumers from Public Universities in the Madrid Region (Spain).

11. The Constitutional Court and the judicialization of Spanish politics.

12. Participation by Women With Physical Functional Diversity: From Inherited Oppression to Social Integration.

13. Shared or Self-rule? Regional Legislative Initiatives in Multi-level Spain, 1979-2021.

14. Types of Astroturfing campaigns of disinformative and polarised content in times of pandemic in Spain.

15. Photographic narratives of Covid-19 during Spain's state of emergency: images of death, dying and grief.

16. Cancel Culture in the Academia: The hispanic perspective.

17. Multinationalism in the Spanish Territorial Debate during the COVID-19 Crisis. The Case of Catalonia and Intergovernmental Relations.

18. IMWA Insight: Understanding Public Perceptions of a New Pit Lake in As Pontes, Spain.

19. Expanding the New Roles of the Military—The Case of Spain's Military Emergency Unit: A Research Note.

20. The formation of aggregate expectations: wisdom of the crowds or media influence?

21. The Emotional Underpinnings of Populism: How Anger and Fear Affect Populist Attitudes.

22. Social Attitudes and Political Debate on Immigration: Spanish Perceptions of Romanian Immigrants.

23. Twitter to Manage Emotions in Political Marketing.

24. Redefining rural prosperity through social learning in the cooperative sector: 25 years of experience from organic agriculture in Spain.

25. Using GDELT Data to Evaluate the Confidence on the Spanish Government Energy Policy.

26. Interpreting escraches: the role of the Spanish press in the public opinion process.

27. Increasing political polarization with disinformation: A comparative analysis of the European quality press.

28. Beliefs about Social Fluidity and Preferences for Social Policies.

29. Economic Crisis, Globalization, and Partisan Bias: Evidence from Spain.

30. Population study about the attitude toward organ xenotransplantation in the population from Eastern Europe resident in southeast Spain.

31. Public responses to intimate partner violence against women: the influence of perceived severity and personal responsibility.

32. Who is willing to pay for long-term care insurance in Catalonia?

33. Irish Literary Responses to the Spanish Civil War—With Particular Reference to Peadar O'Donnell's Salud! An Irishman in Spain (1937).

34. The Electoral Effect of Immigration Preferences and the Centre–Periphery Cleavage in Spain.

35. Left and Right in the Basque Country and Catalonia: The Meaning of Ideology in a Nationalist Context.

36. Re-examining the evidence on the electoral impact of terrorist attacks: The Spanish election of 2004

37. Structural and Dynamical Patterns on Online Social Networks: The Spanish May 15th Movement as a Case Study.

38. Integrated climate governance in regions? Assessing Catalonia's performance using the 'climate learning ladder'.

39. Effects of network economies in high-speed rail: the Spanish case.

40. Populist radical right-wing parties and the assault on political correctness: The impact of Vox in Spain.

41. Consumption of information and citizen’s perception of the sources consulted during the Covid-19 pandemic: A study of the situation based on opinion polls.

42. Stances on hate speech: Population opinions and attitudes.

43. Positioning analysis of Spanish politicians through their Twitter posts versus Spanish public opinion.

44. Securing permanence for children in care: A cross‐country analysis of citizen's view on adoption versus foster care.

45. Auditory brainstem responses obtained with randomised stimulation level.

46. Three worlds of austerity: voter congruence over fiscal trade-offs in Germany, Spain and the UK.

47. Shaping Public Opinion for Confrontation: Catalan Independence Claims as Represented in Spanish, Catalan, Valencian, and Basque Editorials.

48. Measuring Fear of Crime by the Use of the CIS Barometers.

49. Public Risk Perception of the Petrochemical Industry, Measured Using a Public Participation Geographic Information System: A Case Study of Camp de Tarragona (Spain).

50. Public opinion and forms of government: The monarchy–republic debate in Spain.