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108 results

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1. NGOs helping migrants: an Israeli case study of counterculture.

2. The Neoliberal Targeted Social Investment State: The Case of Ethnic Minorities.

3. Service Users’ Perspectives on the Benefits System in Israel: A Participatory Action Research.

4. Cultural Dimensions of Workfare and Welfare.

5. Israel ' s failed experiment with American-style welfare reform.

6. Catch 22: Social workers' perceptions of the socio-cultural and formal-structural factors that inhibit interventions with at-risk young Arab-Palestinian women in Israel.

7. Episodes of Translation and Network Resilience: Lessons from Israel's Attempted Institutionalisation of Workfare.

8. Trapped in Resistance: Collective Struggle through Welfare Fraud in Israel.

9. Between New Governance and Hollow State: Examining Varieties of Social Service Provision Networks in Israeli Municipalities.


11. Normative issues in the organization of modern retailers in Israel.

12. The Involvement of Social Workers in Fundraising.

13. The Israeli long-term care insurance law: selected issues in providing home care services to the frail elderly.

14. Minority group local government mayors and their relations with welfare bureau social workers.

15. The Worker's Hotline in Israel: Simultaneous Subculture of Opposition and Collaboration.

16. International Encounters: Experiences of Visitors and Hosts in a Cross-Cultural Program.

17. Social Worker Burnout in Israel: Contribution of Daily Stressors Identified by Social Workers.

18. Reclamation of sewage sludge for use in Israeli agriculture: economic, environmental and organizational aspects.

19. The Cultural Context of Juvenile Justice Policy in Israel.

20. Effectiveness of Welfare Organizations: The Contribution of Leadership Styles, Staff Cohesion, and Worker Empowerment.

21. Dealing with the Elusive Welfare-to-work Issue: the Case of Poverty Traps in Israel.

22. Capital Assistance for Small Firms: Some Implications for Regional Economic Welfare.

23. 'It's Technical': Textually Mediated Helping Relationships in Public Social Services.

24. Follow-Up Evaluation of Discharge Planning by Social Workers in an Acute-Care Medical Center in Israel.

25. Bystanders' Behavioral Responses to Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Gender, Culture, and Education.

26. Social work development in the Arab indigenous minority society in Israel at the turn of the millennium (1996-2006).

27. Varieties of welfare markets from a street‐level perspective: Comparing long‐term care services in Germany and Israel.

28. Challenges Underlying the Involvement of Social Workers From Minority Groups in Policy Practice.

29. Trends in the demographic composition of poverty among working families in Germany and in Israel, 1991–2011.

30. Culturally competent social work in Arab–Palestinian locality welfare bureaus in Israel: Is it possible?

31. The professionalization of social work in Israel's Arab society.

32. (De)legitimization of single mothers' welfare rights: United States, Britain and Israel.

33. Disability and employment policy in the Israeli welfare state: between exclusion and inclusion.

34. Between Evil and Hope: Disability Allowances Struggles as a Challenge to Rights.

35. Modes of Relational Agency among Welfare-reliant Mothers.

36. Adjustment Disorder Amongst Welfare Social Service Clients: The Role of Period of Service Receipt and Social Worker's Alternation.

37. Institutional Change in the Welfare State: Reform Processes in the Israeli Educational System.

38. Social Work Practice with Ethnic Minorities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from the Arab Minority in Israel.

39. On processing maternal absence, dysfunction and traumatic familial disruption in an early adolescent.

40. From Social Investment to Investing in the Social: Insiders' Perceptions, Experiences, and Expectations.

41. Beautiful stranger: Voices from the front lines of community practice in Israel.

42. The Role of Monetary and Non-Monetary Job Quality Components in Determining Welfare Exit.

43. Changes in the Provision of Family Care to Frail Older People in Familistic Welfare States: Lessons From Israel and Italy.

44. Understanding the evolution of national child welfare policies: The case of Israel.

45. The circular construction of "risk" for children of oppressed groups: Israeli social workers' perspectives on children of Ethiopian origin.

46. Social Service Provision by Minority Religious Organizations: A Case Study of the Islamic Movement in Kafr Qassim.

47. Social welfare reform in Israel: Social workers' views on change, participation and professional values.

48. Translating social investment ideas in Israel: Economized social policy's competing agendas.

49. Innovating Long-Term Care Provision in Mediterranean Welfare States: A Comparison Between Italy and Israel.

50. Welfare-use Accumulation and Chronic Dependency in Israel: The Role of Structural Factors.