Background Appalachian rural pediatric trauma has its unique incidence, presentation, and distribution due to the mechanisms of injury, geographic location, access to care, and social issues. Purpose To review, analyze, and understand pediatric trauma in West Virginia during the period 2017-2019. Materials and methods After institutional review board approval, the statewide trauma database was queried and analyzed in a retrospective cohort study for all pediatric trauma ages zero to 18 from 2017-2019 in the Appalachian regions one through four in West Virginia. The following were analyzed: gender, injury mechanism, Glasgow Coma Scale Score (GCS) at admission, injury severity score (ISS), toxicology screen results, hospital length of stay, duration of ventilatory support, number of procedures performed during admission, presence of non-accidental trauma, cardiac arrest, patient discharge disposition, and mortality. Results One-thousand eighty-two (1182) patients between the ages of zero to 18 were admitted to the trauma center. An average of 37% was female and 63% male. In the 11-18 age group, 24% were female and 76% were male. Most injuries were due to blunt force (89%), followed by penetrating injuries (7.2%) and burns (1.4%). The majority had minor or moderate injuries with 95% receiving a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) >13 and 72% listed as minor on the injury severity score (ISS). Children in ages 0-2 years had the highest proportion of poor (0-8) GCS scores, high ISS (>14) scores, most hospital admission days, most days on a ventilator, highest mortality, most pre-hospital cardiac arrests, child abuse, burns, and placement with child protective services. An average of 31% of children tested, and 17% in the age group of 0-2 had a positive toxicology screen. There were 3670 procedures done in total and the most common procedure performed was an ultrasound of the abdomen. Procedures were performed in 90% of the patients. Conclusions and relevance Based on our study, the zero to two-year-old pediatric trauma patients are most vulnerable to poor outcomes and may need targeted preventative interventions. Toxicology screens may need to be more widely implemented in pediatric trauma in the Appalachian region. Rural trauma in Appalachia has endemic issues related to substance abuse, poverty, and a lower degree of social support as compared to urban areas. Although the distribution of injury may follow a national distribution, mechanism, management, and outcomes can vary.