Satu Lidman, Tom Linkinen, Meri Heinonen, Marjo Kaartinen, Garthine Walker, Thomas Parry-Jones, Kathleen Smith, Bonnie Clementsson, Tomasz Wiślicz, Faramerz Dabhoiwala, Carin Franzén, Karen Hollewand, Juliette Lancel, Kaye McLelland, Jonas Liliequist, and Lois Leveen
The way that we have perceived, described, and understood sexual desire has changed dramatically over time and across cultures. This collection brings together a group of experts from a variety of disciplines to explore the history of sexual desires and the transformation of sexual ideas, attitudes, and practices in premodern Europe. Among the topics considered are the visibility of sexual offenses and the construction of passions; the geographical range extends to Great Britain, with extended attention also to France as well as Northern and Eastern Europe. The result is a groundbreaking volume that adds significantly to our understanding of premodern European history, history of sexualities, gender studies, religious history, and many other fields.