Lasem City, a charming trading town nestled on the north coast of Central Java, Indonesia, is currently experiencing a surge in tourist popularity. This surge is attributed to the city's rich historical legacy, which adds an intriguing layer to the allure of this vibrant destination. To comprehend the distinctive attributes of this city, it is essential to conduct a morphological overview, delving into the formation and evolution of the urban landscape throughout history. The physical identity of the city shaped by geographical location, historical events, and local culture, serves as a conceptual framework for deciphering its unique character. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the impact of tourism on the morphology of Lasem, from the Hindu Majapahit era to the post-independence period in Indonesia. Exploring both positive and negative influences, the study meticulously obtained spatial and historical data through a combination of field observations, analysis of historical maps, and insightful interviews. The discernible growth pattern of tourism in Lasem was adeptly shown through content analysis and triangulation. The results showed a surge of tourism in post-independence Lasem, particularly gaining momentum after the 2000sl. Furthermore, an indelible mark on the city was left by the influx of Chinese cultural influences brought by immigrants establishing elite settlements. Economic dynamics further catalyzed a shift in land function, transforming former spaces into thriving commercial hubs. The dynamics of Lasem as a historic city experienced a profound transformation directly influenced by tourism. This elucidates a compelling interrelationship between the morphology of historic cities in Indonesia, the burgeoning tourism sector, and the nuanced field of heritage management. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]