This work shows a basic philosophical difficulty in the constructivist foundations of the cognitive posracionalist psychology of Vittorio Guidano. This is a difficulty caused by the problem of the existential crisis. It will be analyzed how Guidano-s suggestions about this problem depend on felt experience. Then it will appear how Guidano-s philosophy and psychotherapy must turn towards a phenomenological approach. Finally, some references are given about Eugen Gendlin-s philosophy which could be considered as a radical way to confront these questions., {"references":["G. Arciero, Estudios y di├ílogos sobre identidad personal.\nReflexiones sobre la experiencia humana. Buenos Aires:\nAmorrortu, 2005. The quotations used in this paper have been\ntranslated by me.","V. Frankl, Logoterapia y An├ílisis Existencial, textos de cinco\ndécadas. Barcelona: Herder, 1990. The quotations used in this\npaper have been translated by me.","E. Gendlin, Psicoterapia Experiencial y Focusing. Madrid:\nDesclée de Brower, 1997. The quotations used in this paper have\nbeen translated by me.","V. Guidano. \"Los procesos del self continuidad vs.\ndiscontinuidad\". VI International Congress of Constructivism in\nPsychotherapy, Siena, Italy, September 2-5, 1998. In\n The quotations used\nin this paper have been translated by me.","V. Guidano. \"Historia de desarrollo y terapia individual de\npsic├│ticos\". Lecture given in Santiago, Chile (1993). Transcribed\nby prof. Luis Onetto. School of Psychology, Pontificia Universidad\nCat├│lica de Valpara├¡so, Unpublished. The quotations used in this\npaper have been translated by me.","V. Guidano, \"Psicoterapia: Aspectos Metodol├│gicos, Problemas\nCl├¡nicos y Preguntas Abiertas\". In\n The quotations used\nin this paper have been translated by me.","V. Guidano, Complexity of the Self. A Developmental Approach\nto Psychopathology and Therapy, New York-London: The Gilford\nPress, 1987.","M. Heidegger, Was is Metaphysik?, Frankfurt: Vittorio\nKlostermann, 1978. The quotations used in this paper have been\ntranslated by me.","M. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, T├╝bingen: Max Niemeyer, 1967. The\nquotations used in this paper have been translated by me.\n[10] H. Maturana, La realidad: ┬┐objetiva o construida?, Madrid:\nAnthropos, 1997. The quotations used in this paper have been\ntranslated by me."]}