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1. Sectoral Training Systems in a Knowledge Economy. Discussion Paper = Sektorale Ausbildungssysteme in der Wissensgesellschaft. Diskussions papier = Les systemes sectoriels de formation dans une economie de la connaissance. Document de discussion. CEDEFOP Panorama.

2. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Introduction to IFLA's Core Programmes; Contributed Papers; Plenary Session Papers. Booklet 00.

3. Art Libraries Section. Special Libraries Division. Papers.

4. Statistics Section. Management and Technology Division. Papers.

5. Children's Libraries Section. Libraries Serving the General Public Division. Papers.

6. Geography and Map Libraries Section. Special Libraries Division. Papers.

7. IFLA General Conference, 1984. Management and Technology Division. Section on Information Technology and Joint Meeting of the Round Table Audiovisual Media, the International Association for Sound Archives, and the International Association for Music Libraries. Papers.

8. IFLA General Conference, 1987. Division of Bibliographic Control. National Bibliographies Seminar. Papers.

9. IFLA General Conference, 1986. Management and Technology Division. Section: Library Buildings and Equipment. Papers.

10. Culture.

11. Eurodisney, French Politics, and the American Dream.

12. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Collections and Services. Open Forum of the Division; Section on Acquisition and Exchange; Section on Interlending and Document Delivery; Section on Serial Publications; Section on Rare and Precious Books and Documents. Booklet 50.

13. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Education and Research. Section on Education and Training; Round Table on Library History; Round Table on Research in Reading; Round Table on Continuing Professional Education. Booklet 70.

14. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Management and Technology. Section on Conservation; Section on Information Technology; Section on Library Buildings and Equipment; Section on Statistics; Round Table on Audiovisual Media; Round Table for the Management of Library Associations. Booklet 60.

15. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Bibliographic Control. Open Forum of the Division; Section on Cataloguing; Section on Bibliography; Section on Classification and Indexing. Booklet 40.

16. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Special Libraries. Section of Administrative Libraries; Section of Social Science Libraries; Section of Geography and Map Libraries; Section of Science and Technology Libraries; Section of Biological and Medical Science Libraries; Section of Art Libraries; Joint Session with the Round Table on Audiovisual Media. The International Association of Law Libraries. Booklet 20.

17. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Libraries Serving the General Public. Section on Children's Libraries; Section of School Libraries; Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Booklet 30.

18. Comparaison des Patterns de Sommeil d'Enfants Deficients et d'Enfants Autistiques (Comparison of Sleep Patterns in Children with Intellectual Disabilities and Children with Autism).

19. Approche comparative des discours de specialite pour l'entrainement a l'anglais ecrit (A Comparative Approach to Specialized Discourse for Instruction in Written English).

20. Argumentation et Communication (Argumentation and Communication).

21. Organizing an International Information Network in Education: Process and Problems. Organisation D'Un Reseau International D'Information Sur L'Education: Processus Et Problemes.

22. Education bilingue et education biculturelle: Tour d'horizon sur les politiques contemporaines (Bilingual and Bicultural Education: A General Survey of Current Policy).

23. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (15th, Quebec, Canada, March 15-16, 2001).

24. Entree dans l'ecrit: objectifs pedagogiques et situations d'evaluation a la fin de l'ecole maternelle (Beginning Writing: Instructional Objectives and Evaluation Situations at the End of the Ecole Maternelle).

25. Bilinguisme et biculturalisme: Theories et pratiques professionnelles. Actes du 2eme colloque d'orthophomie/logopedie (Neuchatel, 17-18 septembre, 1992). (Bilingualism and Biculturalism: Theories and Professional Practices. Colloquium on Orthophony/Logopedy (2nd, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 17-18, 1992)).

26. Apprendre a apprendre les langues (Learning To Learn Languages).

27. Immunization.

28. Infant Stimulation.

29. Prevention of Child Accidents at Home.

30. The Role of Information and Research in Educational Decision-Making: Some Questions. Le Role De L'Information Et De La Recherche Dans La Prise De Decisions En Matiere D'Education: Quelques Questions.

31. International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC). International Advisory Committee (Third Session, Paris, France, October 2-4, 1995). Final Report = Projet International pour l'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel (UNEVOC). Comite Consultatif International (Troisieme Session, Paris, France, 2-4 octobre 1995). Rapport Final.

32. International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC). International Advisory Committee (Second Session, Paris, France, December 12-14, 1994). Final Report = Projet International pour l'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel (UNEVOC). Comite Consultatif International (Deuxieme Session, Paris, France, 12-14 decembre 1994). Rapport Final.

33. International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC). International Advisory Committee (First Session, Berlin, Germany, September 20-22, 1993). Final Report = Projet International pour l'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel (UNEVOC). Comite Consultatif International (Premiere Session, Berlin, Germany, 20-22 septembre 1993). Rapport Final.

34. Alpha 92. Current Research in Literacy: Literacy Strategies in the Community Movement = Alpha 92. Recherches en alphabetisation. Strategies d'alphabetisation dans le mouvement associatif.

35. Who Cares for Children? Notes, Comments... No. 188 = Les enfants, qui s'en soucie?

36. Didactique et authentique: Du document a la pedagogie (Didactic and Authentic: From Document to Method). Melanges pedagogiques, No. 10.

37. Prise en compte des besoins et apprentissage auto-dirige (Accounting for Needs and Self-Directed Learning). Melanges pedagogiques, No. 10.

38. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis. International Journal of Experimental Research in Education. XVI, 1.

39. The Role of France, Quebec and Belgium in the Revival of French in Louisiana Schools.

40. Education and Regional Development (L'Enseignement et le Developpment Regional). Technical Reports, Volume II.

41. Apprenant en langue ou apprenti lecteur? (Language Learner or Apprentice Reader?)

42. People and Technology: Investing in Training for Europe's Future = L'Homme et la Technologie: Investir dans la Formation pour l'Avenir de l'Europe = Menschen und Technologie: Fur Europa's Zukunft in Ausbildung Investieren. Volume II. EUROTECNET Series No. 2.

43. L'approche communicative, cru 1982 (The Communicative Approach, 1982 Vintage).

44. Actes illocutoires et discours de la presse ecrite (Illocutionary Acts and the Press).

45. Comprehension de Texte et Actes de Parole (Understanding a Text and Speech Acts).

46. The Teaching of Russian Language and Literature in Europe = L'enseignement de la langue et de la litterature russes en Europe = Prepodavanie russkogo yaeyka i literatury v Europe. Proceedings of the AIMAV Seminar (17th, Brussels, Belgium, 1986).

47. Theorie et Pratique dans l'Enseignement des Sciences de l'Information = Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting between the Association Internationale des Ecoles de Sciences de 1'Information and the Association for Library and Information Science Education (1st, Montreal, Canada, May 25-27, 1988).

48. School Libraries and Resource Centres = Bibliotheques scolaires et centres de documentation.

49. Metonymie dans la presse ecrite: entre discours et langue (Metonymies in the Press: Between Discourse and Language).

50. Apprendre a raconter? Comment lisons-nous les textes des auteurs eleves (Learning To Tell Stories? How Do We Read the Texts of Student Authors)?