
Showing total 76 results
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1. Fertility Transition in Turkey : Who Is Most at Risk of Deciding Against Child Arrival?

2. La reazione dell’Unione europea di fronte alla crisi del Mediterraneo orientale: tra misure restrittive e la proposizione di 'un’agenda politica positiva alla Turchia

3. The analysis of the Crimean Tatars since 2014 Crimean hybrid conflict

4. Quelques données sur Galatasaray, exemple de coopération avec l’Empire ottoman puis la Turquie.

5. Determinants of liquidity in commercial banks: evidence from the Turkish banking sector

6. La place de Duygu Asena dans la deuxième vague féministe en Turquie.

7. Explaining the EU's Legal Obligation for Democracy Promotion: The Case of the EU-Turkey Relationship

8. Female politicians of the AKP: Gendered Uses and Ambiguities of Conservative Party Ideology

9. Condizione di precarietà ed incertezza dei richiedenti protezione internazionale al vaglio della Corte europea dei diritti umani: in margine al caso B.A.C. c. Grecia

10. A group of Heraclea Pontica amphorae from the Late Antique bone workshop at Prusias ad Hypium Theatre

11. Again in the Hands of States: A New EU Unfeasible Plan to Face Refugee Crisis? Commission Recommendation for a Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme with Turkey

12. Learning to Be Freed

13. Analyse de la stabilite des talus sous sollicitation dynamique: application a la mine de lignite d'Afsin-Elbistan (Turquie).

14. Archaeological fakes and forgeries in Turkey

15. Addressing the Blurred Edges of Turkey’s Diaspora and Religious Policy: Diyanet Women Preachers sent to Europe

16. Individual Disengagement and Deradicalization Pilot Program in Turkey: Methods and Outcomes

17. The University in the Making of Authoritarian Turkey

18. The outbreak of the First Balkan War and the Italo-Turkish peace negotiations in Lausanne in 1912

19. New observations on the Fine – Sgraffito ware and Aegean ware in western Asia Minor. A revision


21. Crowding-out or crowding-in? Analyzing the effects of government spending on private investment in Turkey

22. Vers une prise en compte de la non-binarité dans l’enseignement du FLE

23. Le patrimoine arménien en Turquie : de la négation à l’inversion patrimoniale.

24. De l'indignité à l'indignation : petites luttes, résistances quotidiennes et tentatives de mobilisation des récupérateurs de déchets à Istanbul.

25. The world and Europe in the eyes of Turkish undergraduate students

26. Analyser les niveaux de vulnérabilité des réfugié.e.s en Turquie à partir de l’indice de pauvreté multidimensionnelle des ménages dirigés par des femmes

27. The Kurds in Turkey: Context and Current Status

28. Inscribed finger rings from late antique and Byzantine Asia Minor

29. Turkey’s accession to the European Union and the Turkish Labor Movement

30. Contesting the ‘Truth’ of Turkey’s Human Rights Situation: State-Association Interactions in and outside the Southeast

31. Fiscal and monetary policy effectiveness in Turkey: A comparative analysis

32. De gallo peregrino, the wandering cock

33. A flexible nonlinear inference to Okun’s law for Turkish economy in the last decade

34. Vers une prise en compte de la non-binarité dans l’enseignement du FLE

35. « Rien ne sera jamais comme avant ». La vie de la communauté rom de Sulukule après un projet de rénovation urbaine à Istanbul.

36. Testing for Symmetric and Asymmetric Causality between FDI and Foreign Trade in Turkey

37. Enflasyon ve Nominal Faiz Oranı İlişkisi: Türkiye Örneği (2004-2013) ( Relationship Between The Inflation And Nominal Interest Rate: The Case Of Turkey (2004-2013))

38. Téléspectatrices en scène : le genre de la vie télévisuelle turque

39. Chapitre 14. 2011, l’odyssée de l’espace public égyptien

40. Some issues of Turkey’s entry into the first world war

41. The dynamic effect of exchange-rate volatility on Turkish exports: Parsimonious error-correction model approach

42. Governmentalities of Alevi Cultural Heritage: On Recognition, Surveillance and 'Domesticated Diversity' in Contemporary Turkey

43. The Turkish stock market integration with oil prices: Cointegration analysis with unknown regime shifts

44. Turkish sports diplomacy in the service of renewed power? The uses and limits of Turkey’s 'sport power'

45. Nagrobne inskrypcje metaforyczno-peryfrastyczne z polskiego cmentarza w Adampolu (Turcja)

46. Local community involvement in rural tourism development: The case of Kastamonu, Turkey

47. Capital flows and economic growth across spectral frequencies: Evidence from Turkey

48. Müzakere Sürecinde Türkiye’ye Yönelik Avrupa Birliği Mali Yardımları: Taahhütler ve Gerçekleşmeler(The European Union Grants For Turkey In The Negotiating Process: Allocated and Realized Amount)

49. Identity formation and the political power in the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic

50. Gelişen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Alternatif Para Politikası Stratejileri, Türkiye Ekonomisi Açısından Bir Değerlendirme(Alternative Monetary Policy Strategies in Emerging Countries, An Assessing For Turkish Economy)