"Miss" asked the president of the cour d'assises, addressing the eleven year old teenager Marina "Can you tell the court what happened when you discovered the inanimate body of your seven year old brother two years ago?" The frail young girl, her face turned towards the accused - her own mother - keeps silent. In the presence of her educator and of her psychologist, Marina will remain nearly silent, not only in the court, but even later, after her mother has been sentenced to several years in prison. The daughter of parents who had separated a few years before, born in a denial of pregnancy situation, Marina is the survivor of two children. Her younger brother, who died after an untreated lung disease, suffering from undernutrition, was found dead by his mother, in the presence of the little girl who thought the boy was asleep. For a week after the discovery, the mother, who lacked job security, kept on with a starting professional activity which she had long waited for. During this period of time, Marina remained silent in the children's bedroom with the hidden body of her dead brother. Considering her mother's denial of her own birth, and a possible denial of her brother's death by herself and partly the mother, we shall address the young girl's psychic trauma, which caused her partial mutism. As she then asked for, because of her relationship with her mother, Marina will be left in the care of her father, and will progressively come out of her mutism, however keeping the circumstances of the events a secret. The educative and therapeutic environment doubtlessly allowed the young girl to overcome the affective and psychic shock she had suffered at the time she was undernourished. In this particular case, respecting the child's partial mutism appeared to be the safeguard of her psychic development. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]