According to our common medical culture, some facts are simply unquestionable, for instance Laënnec invented the stethoscope. But was he the first one? On a recent trip to Egypt we visited the temple of Kom Ombo, built prior to the roman period and renowned as a medical care center. Today, the tourist is fascinated by the magnificent hieroglyphics on the well-preserved walls testifying to significant advances in various fields of medicine including ophthalmology and gynecology. We were particularly interested by the basreliefs presenting vivid drawings of some of the first medical instruments. We easily identified curettes, scissors, a balance, forceps for dental extraction, and a surgical saw, but were captivated by two other instruments. The first one looked a lot like what Laënnec invented around 1820. The second one was amazingly similar to the instrument we use everyday, with a distal opening and flexible tubes (woven papyrus?) leading to proximal ear pieces. Our Egyptian guide was formal: the stethoscope was invented in Egypt. The scientific impact of our observations leaves something to be desired, but did make us think about the huge gap between the advancement of medical knowledge in ancient Egypt and Laënnec's (re)-invention. Exposed to a similar gap in history, what would our documents stored on CD and video tapes have to say to future touring doctors?