This work aims to investigate the possibility to apply open-cell foams as catalytic substrates in SCR systems for Diesel engines, as a replacement of traditional honeycombs. In the literature, many studies compare the performance of foams and honeycombs as catalytic substrates, showing, in general, a better mass transfer behavior in foams, compensated on the other hand by a higher pressure drop. In this work, we consider the low-pressure injection of Ad-Blue and we evaluate the performance of the open-cell foam in enhancing the mixing and the evaporation of the spray. A Eulerian-Lagrangian CFD model has been adopted to simulate the spray evolution and its interaction with the microstructure of the open-cell foam. The model has been applied to evaluate the spray evaporation and the uniformity of the ammonia distribution in different sections of the substrate. Different operating conditions were tested comparing substrates with different geometrical properties. The results of this preliminary analysis can be regarded as promising, showing the capability of the foam to enhance the mixing of the spray and to achieve a uniform distribution of the ammonia over all the catalyst substrate.