Бирюкова Т.В., Олар Е.И., Федив В.И., Галушко К.С. История внедрения лазерних технологий в медицине. В статье рассмотрены основные исторические этапы развития лазерных технологий и их внедрения в медицине на основе достижений физики. Цель исследования. В статье рассмотрены исторические этапы внедрения лазерных технологий в медицине. Приведены основные направления развития лазерной медицины, а также лазеров, используемых в офтальмологии, косметологии, хирургии, стоматологии. Методы исследования: описательный, методика классификации и систематизации для анализа, синтеза и обобщения исторических данных о развитии и внедрения в медицину лазеров различных типов. Научная новизна заключается в систематизации исторических данных об открытии квантовых генераторов и их использование в медицинских целях. Выводы: применение лазеров в медицине оправдано, экономически выгодно, является более совершенной альтернативой существующим методам лечения и диагностики, позволяет предложить пациенту большой перечень неинвазивных, фактически безболезненных и безопасных для здоровья процедур, соответствующих высоким клиническим стандартам оказания медицинской помощи.Biryukova T.V., Olar O.I., Fediv V.I., Galushko K.S. History of development of laser technologies in medicine. The article deals with the main historical stages of laser technologies development and its application in medicine on the basis of physics achievements. The Purpose of the Study. The article deals with the historical stages of the introduction of laser technologies in medicine. The main directions of laser medicine development, as well as lasers used in ophthalmology, cosmetology, surgery, stomatology, etc. are discussed. Research methods: descriptive, classification and systematization techniques for analysis and synthesis of historical data in the development and application in medicine of different types of lasers. Fundamentals of the laser theory were laid in basic principles of physics, first formulated in 1917 by A. Einstein. In 1952, N. G. Basov, A. M. Prokhorov (USSR) and independently of them Ch. Townes (USA), proposed a principle based on the use of induced (stimulated) radiation. This made it possible to create lasers. N. G Basov, A. M. Prokhorov and Ch. Townes were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964 for these outstanding works in the field of quantum electronics. Scientific research of lasers application in the field of medicine started in the beginning of the 60s of the XX century as it were invented and continue recently, taking into account the wide spectrum of biological effects of laser radiation (general - on different systems and internal organs of the whole organism and local - on cellular elements tissue). The first successful experience of lasers using in medicine became possible after invention of a ruby laser. Later successes in the field of ophthalmology and surgery became possible due to the invention of argon and CO2 lasers. Laser radiation today provides an opportunity to provide highly effective multifactor therapy and diagnosis of various diseases. The scientific novelty consists in systematization of historical data in the discovering of quantum generators and its using for medical purposes. The article presents the main directions of development of laser medicine recently and the lasers using in ophthalmology, cosmetology, surgery, dentistry, etc. Conclusions: the use of lasers in medicine is justified, economically advantageous, is an alternative to existing methods of treatment and diagnostics, allows to offer to the patients a wide list of non-invasive, actually painless and safe health.