340 results on '"Aless"'
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2. A CT machine for inspection of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO
- Author
Alice Presenti, Cosimo Lorenzetto, Francesco Tortoli, Lorenzo Mascii, Leonardo Manetti, Sandro Bettini, Giorgia Stocco, Alessandro Ferragina, Claudio Cipolat Gotet, and Andrea Summer
- Subjects
Technology - Abstract
In the food industry, non-destructive inspection techniques have become increasingly prevalent. For Parmigiano Reggiano PDO, one of Italy’s most widely distributed and internationally recognized cheeses, traditional quality assessment involves hammerbeating examination as defined in the Consortium marking regulation. The sounds produced when the hammer strikes the cheese allow the expert to determine its quality before being introduced to the market. Depending on the classification, the wheels are assigned to a different use and thus acquire a different economic value. It is estimated that defects in the cheese result in an overall loss of tens of millions of euros per year for the dairy industry. Therefore, it is crucial to study the wheels at an early age to monitor the evolution of defects over time. To this aim, a customized cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) machine was developed which captures both single digital radiographs (DRs) and computed tomoraphy (CT) images and represents a valid non-destructive and rapid tool.
- Published
- 2025
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3. MicroCT-Based Methodology for Defect Detection and Analysis in GRFP Tube Joints
- Author
Cintia Ferreira, Olga M. O. Araújo, Alessandra Silveira Machado, Davi F. Oliveira, Gabriela Ribeiro Pereira, and Ricardo Tadeu Lopes
- Subjects
Technology - Abstract
Composite materials are created by combining different substances, each contributing specific properties that enhance the material's overall performance. Given the diversity of composite types, a range of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques has been developed for their inspection, each offering unique benefits. Among these, Computed Microtomography (micro-CT) emerges as a particularly powerful method for volumetric analysis, providing highly detailed three-dimensional (3D) imaging of internal structures. This study aims to develop a methodology for analyzing the joints of polymer composite tubes. To achieve this, the volumes of the matrix, reinforcement, and any defects within the selected samples were meticulously evaluated. The findings reveal that the micro-CT technique, when integrated with advanced image processing tools, is highly effective for detecting, locating, and quantifying defects.
- Published
- 2025
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4. Influence of MicroCT Resolution and Segmentation Techniques on Porosity Analysis in Carbonate Rocks
- Author
Olga M. O. Araújo, Alessandra Silveira Machado, Cíntia Ferreira, Davi F. Oliveira, and Ricardo Tadeu Lopes
- Subjects
Technology - Abstract
MicroCT images can be used to perform 3D visualization and quantitative analysis in a nondestructive manner. In this work, digital images were used to characterize the porosity of a carbonate rock sample. The resolution is essential due to the necessity to capture important microstructures. Lacustrine carbonate rocks form hydrocarbon accumulations, some of which are contained in oil fields and coquinas are one of the main reservoirs. The complexity and heterogeneity of these samples turn a difficult characterization and the internal structures of these deposits make them a challenge in terms of reservoir description. The use of digital data on porosity analysis is essential for rock structure characterization. To evaluate the impact of the binarization process and the effective pixel size we perform morphology analysis with different methods for segmentation on a sample of coquina with the different pixel size of 6, 10, 14 and 18μm. The results present differences for porosity compared to experimental data and shows that the resolution is important to capture the microporous and consequently the total porosity. Furthermore, was possible to calculate the pore size distribution for each effective pixel size resolution and segmentation process in coquina rock.
- Published
- 2025
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5. Advanced MicroCT Analysis of Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs for Fluid Flow Simulation
- Author
Olga M. O. Araújo, Alessandra Silveira Machado, Davi F. Oliveira, and Ricardo Tadeu Lopes
- Subjects
Technology - Abstract
A better and more comprehensive understanding of the internal structure of rocks and developing quantitative methods for their characterization remain significant challenges. MicroCT is a powerful tool for visualizing the internal structure of materials, enabling 3D visualization and quantitative analysis of complex pore networks in a non-destructive manner. Lacustrine carbonate rocks, such as coquinas, are important hydrocarbon reservoirs, often found in oil fields. However, the complexity and heterogeneity of these deposits pose significant difficulties in characterizing their internal structures, making reservoir description a challenging task. Utilizing digital data is essential for fluid flow simulation studies. In this study, we perform digital rock analysis to investigate fluid flow by solving the Navier-Stokes equations in representative elementary volume (REV), applying this methodology to different regions of the sample. Furthermore, we compare the results for absolute permeability as a function of porosity and anisotropy degree.
- Published
- 2025
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6. Editorial: Medien*Kritik. Zur Normativität im Diskurs der fortgeschrittenen Informationsgesellschaft
- Author
Katrin Wilde, Verena Kittelmann, Stefan Iske, and Alessandro Barberi
- Subjects
Medienkritik ,Medienpädagogik ,Medienbildung ,Normativität ,Subjektivierung ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Published
- 2025
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7. Editorial 04/2024: Digitalität, Produktion, Verantwortung
- Author
Alessandro Barberi, Florian Danhel, Thomas Ballhausen, and Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Digitalisierung und Digitalität haben sich als neue gesamtgesellschaftliche Phänomene etabliert und werden in der (medienpädagogischen) Fachliteratur richtigerweise als solche verhandelt und analysiert. Die Wirklichkeit politischer, ökonomischer und medialer Prozesse und Effekte ist von einer permanenten, nicht zuletzt technologiegetriebenen Transformation betroffen und hat auch das gegenwärtige Wirtschaftssystem irreversibel geprägt. Angesichts einer von Wissenschaftsskepsis, Entsolidarisierung und rhetorischer wie auch realpolitischer Aufrüstung gekennzeichneten Gegenwart muss es somit ein vordringliches Anliegen der Medienpädagogik sein, im Sinne der Medienkritik zu digital-medialer wie auch demokratiepolitischer Mündigkeit hinzuführen.
- Published
- 2024
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8. Ancestors of the Minoan sword: Early Minoan IB long daggers from Hagia Photia, Crete
- Author
Costis Davaras, Philip P. Betancourt, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, and Susan C. Ferrence
- Subjects
dagger ,sword ,minoan metal artefacts ,aegean bronze age ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 ,Paleontology ,QE701-760 - Abstract
The long sword, a weapon first known in the Aegean Bronze Age from Middle Minoan Crete (early second millennium BC), represented the culmination of a long period of development. Several problems in both casting and forging had to be solved before the production of large implements like swords could be achieved. Very early experiments with long weapons come from Early Minoan IB Crete, early in the third millennium BC. Examples from the cemetery at Hagia Photia illustrate this early phase in the production of large implements.
- Published
- 2023
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9. Early Bronze Age copper smelting furnaces from Chrysokamino, Crete
- Author
Philip P. Betancourt, Susan C. Ferrence, and Alessandra Giumlia-Mair
- Subjects
chrysokamino ,crete ,early bronze age ,aegean ,copper smelting ,slags ,furnaces ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 ,Paleontology ,QE701-760 - Abstract
During the Early Bronze Age, before the expansion in copper mining and distribution of this metal from Cyprus, Aegean metal production relied especially on local ores. An example of this industry has been excavated from only a few sites in the Aegean. One of these smelting workshops has been excavated at Chrysokamino in eastern Crete. Its smelting furnaces provide a good example of the technology in use at early copper production centers in the Aegean region.
- Published
- 2023
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10. Integrating on-farm and genomic information improves the predictive ability of milk infrared prediction of blood indicators of metabolic disorders in dairy cows
- Author
Lucio F. M. Mota, Diana Giannuzzi, Sara Pegolo, Erminio Trevisi, Paolo Ajmone-Marsan, and Alessio Cecchinato
- Subjects
Animal culture ,SF1-1100 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Abstract Background Blood metabolic profiles can be used to assess metabolic disorders and to evaluate the health status of dairy cows. Given that these analyses are time-consuming, expensive, and stressful for the cows, there has been increased interest in Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of milk samples as a rapid, cost-effective alternative for predicting metabolic disturbances. The integration of FTIR data with other layers of information such as genomic and on-farm data (days in milk (DIM) and parity) has been proposed to further enhance the predictive ability of statistical methods. Here, we developed a phenotype prediction approach for a panel of blood metabolites based on a combination of milk FTIR data, on-farm data, and genomic information recorded on 1150 Holstein cows, using BayesB and gradient boosting machine (GBM) models, with tenfold, batch-out and herd-out cross-validation (CV) scenarios. Results The predictive ability of these approaches was measured by the coefficient of determination (R2). The results show that, compared to the model that includes only FTIR data, integration of both on-farm (DIM and parity) and genomic information with FTIR data improves the R2 for blood metabolites across the three CV scenarios, especially with the herd-out CV: R2 values ranged from 5.9 to 17.8% for BayesB, from 8.2 to 16.9% for GBM with the tenfold random CV, from 3.8 to 13.5% for BayesB and from 8.6 to 17.5% for GBM with the batch-out CV, and from 8.4 to 23.0% for BayesB and from 8.1 to 23.8% for GBM with the herd-out CV. Overall, with the model that includes the three sources of data, GBM was more accurate than BayesB with accuracies across the CV scenarios increasing by 7.1% for energy-related metabolites, 10.7% for liver function/hepatic damage, 9.6% for oxidative stress, 6.1% for inflammation/innate immunity, and 11.4% for mineral indicators. Conclusions Our results show that, compared to using only milk FTIR data, a model integrating milk FTIR spectra with on-farm and genomic information improves the prediction of blood metabolic traits in Holstein cattle and that GBM is more accurate in predicting blood metabolites than BayesB, especially for the batch-out CV and herd-out CV scenarios.
- Published
- 2023
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11. Editorial 03/2023: Medialität in der Transition zwischen Elementarbereich und Primarstufe
- Author
Alessandro Barberi, Lisa Pollak, Tanja Rupp, Alena Schuschnig, and Dominik Schmitz
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Der Übergang zwischen Kindergarten und Volksschule stellt nicht nur für Kinder, sondern auch für ihr soziales Netzwerk aus Erziehungsberechtigten, Angehörigen und Fachkräften aus Bildungsinstitutionen eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Medienerfahrungen sind Alltagserfahrungen von Kindern, die (digitale) Medien als lebensweltbezogenes Thema in die Institutionen einbringen (Lepold/Ullmann 2021). Die Tatsache, dass der medienpädagogischen Arbeit in der Begleitung dieser Transitionsprozesse eine immer bedeutendere Rolle zukommt, bildet daher den Ausgangspunkt für die Ausgabe 03/2023 der MEDIENIMPULSE.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Freiheit, Gleichheit, Solidarität
- Author
Alessandro Barberi
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Der Beitrag von Alessandro Barberi untersucht das „steile normative Gefälle“ (Habermas) unserer liberalen Demokratien im Blick auf die normative Kraft der Ideale der Französischen Revolution. Denn Freiheit, Gleichheit und Solidarität sind angesichts von digitalen Kontrollmechanismen im Rahmen des Informationskapitalismus in Gefahr. Dies wird kursorisch an der Causa Snowden erläutert, die vor genau 10 Jahren die fatale Rolle von Überwachungstechnologien vor Augen führte. Dabei geht es nachdrücklich um eine ideologiekritische Perspektive, wenn vor Augen steht, dass Technologien gegenwärtig nicht durchgängig zu guten und humanen Zwecken eingesetzt werden.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Mediale Konstitutionsbedingungen von >Gemeinschaft & Gesellschaft< nach Ferdinand Tönnies
- Author
Alessandro Barberi
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Dass der Gegensatz von Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft angesichts aktueller Diskussionen nachdrücklich zur Aktualisierung drängt, ist der Ausgangspunkt dieses Beitrags, der im Sinne eines Close Readings den medienpädagogischen Versuch unternimmt, soziologische Bestimmungen von Kollektivsubjekten aus der Gründungszeit der (deutschen) Soziologie für die Gegenwart fruchtbar zu machen. Dabei bilden die rezenten Debatten zu Creative Commons, Gemeinwohl, Common Wealth und Kommunitarismus den allgemeinen Rahmen, in dem Tönnies’ Klassiker „Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft. Abhandlung des Communismus und des Socialismus als empirischer Kulturformen“ (Tönnies 1887) bzw. ab der zweiten Auflage mit dem szientifischeren Untertitel „Grundbegriffe der reinen Soziologie“ (Tönnies 2019) zur Grundlage für eine Analyse der medialen Konstitutionsbedingungen von Kollektivsubjekten erklärt wird.
- Published
- 2023
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14. Fuelling the Digital Chemistry Revolution with Language Models
- Author
Antonio Cardinale, Alessandro Castrogiovanni, Theophile Gaudin, Joppe Geluykens, Teodoro Laino, Matteo Manica, Daniel Probst, Philippe Schwaller, Aleksandros Sobczyk, Alessandra Toniato, Alain C. Vaucher, Heiko Wolf, and Federico Zipoli
- Subjects
Digital chemistry ,Language models ,Machine learning ,Sandmeyer Award 2022 ,Synthetic Organic Chemistry ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
The RXN for Chemistry project, initiated by IBM Research Europe – Zurich in 2017, aimed to develop a series of digital assets using machine learning techniques to promote the use of data-driven methodologies in synthetic organic chemistry. This research adopts an innovative concept by treating chemical reaction data as language records, treating the prediction of a synthetic organic chemistry reaction as a translation task between precursor and product languages. Over the years, the IBM Research team has successfully developed language models for various applications including forward reaction prediction, retrosynthesis, reaction classification, atom-mapping, procedure extraction from text, inference of experimental protocols and its use in programming commercial automation hardware to implement an autonomous chemical laboratory. Furthermore, the project has recently incorporated biochemical data in training models for greener and more sustainable chemical reactions. The remarkable ease of constructing prediction models and continually enhancing them through data augmentation with minimal human intervention has led to the widespread adoption of language model technologies, facilitating the digitalization of chemistry in diverse industrial sectors such as pharmaceuticals and chemical manufacturing. This manuscript provides a concise overview of the scientific components that contributed to the prestigious Sandmeyer Award in 2022
- Published
- 2023
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15. Editorial 02/2023: Materialität(en) und Medienbildung
- Author
Alessandro Barberi, Thomas Ballhausen, and Christian Swertz
- Subjects
Materialität(en) ,Medienbildung ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Den Ausgangspunkt unserer Ausgabe 02/2023 stellt die Tatsachedar, dass die Medienpädagogik seit ihren Gründungstagen mitder Reflexion von Medien in ihrer Materialität verbunden ist.Denn schon mit Radio, Fernsehen, VHS-Recorder oder PersonalComputer waren die diesbezüglichen Diskussionen zutiefst damitverbunden, die materiellen Produktionsbedingungen unserer Ge-sellschaft im Sinne einer Kritischen Medientheorie (Baacke 1974)in den Blick zu bringen.
- Published
- 2023
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16. Annotazioni retoriche a margine dell’inofficiosità successoria nel De inventione di Cicerone e nella Rhetorica ad Herennium
- Author
Alessandro Cassarino
- Subjects
Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,PA - Abstract
Il presente contributo si occupa dell’interazione tra retorica e diritto, e di come la prima sia stata fautrice della nascita dell’istituto processuale della querela inofficiosi testamenti. In particolare, ci si concentra sul noto caso del matricida Malleolo, condannato alla pena capitale, al fine di comprendere o meno la validità del suo testamento attraverso l’utilizzo dell’argomentazione giuridica di tipo analogico (ratiocinatio).
- Published
- 2023
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17. Come è cambiato l’insegnamento dell’italiano lingua d’origine per affrontare i mutamenti avvenuti nella società?
- Author
Alessandra Minisci
- Subjects
italiano, immigrazione, plurilinguismo ,Language and Literature ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
Il contributo fa riferimento all’esperienza di insegnamento dell’italiano come lingua d’origine all’interno dell’ECAP, ente gestore dei corsi nella circoscrizione consolare di Basilea a partire dall’anno scolastico 1993/1994, e vuole porre l’attenzione sui cambiamenti, sanciti anche da documenti ufficiali, avvenuti negli ultimi decenni in questo contesto. Infatti la trasformazione del pubblico a cui si rivolgono i corsi ha portato di conseguenza a modificarne le finalità, l’organizzazione e le modalità di formazione degli insegnanti. Inoltre lo sviluppo della ricerca glottodidattica e il confronto con il lavoro svolto nelle altre lingue studiate dagli apprendenti hanno indotto a modificare le pratiche di insegnamento tradizionali.
- Published
- 2023
18. Democrazia o capitalismo. Sulla inevitabile matrice autoritaria del neoliberalismo
- Author
Alessandro Somma
- Subjects
Law ,Political science - Abstract
review on: Thomas Biebricher, Die politische Theorie des Neoliberalismus, Berlin: Suhrkamp 2021, 346 p., ISBN 978-3-518-29926-5
- Published
- 2022
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19. Editorial 01/2023: Medienpädagogische Entwürfe der Zukunft: Nachhaltigkeit, Zukunftsvisionen und Science-Fiction
- Author
Alessandro Barberi, Nina Grünberger, Thomas Ballhausen, and Johanna Lenhart
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Hauptziel von Wissenschaft ist gemeinhin die Suche nach Wahrheit und rationaler Argumentation. Sie will Antworten auf die Frage danach, was gegeben ist. Science sucht das Wissen über die Welt, wobei die Frage nach der theoretischen oder praktischen Evidenzbasierung eine eminente Rolle spielt. Als Repräsentation dessen, was gegeben ist, gilt nur das, was bestimmten rationalen Regeln folgt. Dabei bezieht sich das Verständnis von Evidenz gerade auf das Gegenteil eines wissenschaftlichen Modus: Unter Evidenz wird ein unhinterfragbarer Satz verstanden. Doch Wissenschaft versteht sich als stets erweiterbar, nie abgeschlossen, stets nur zu einem bestimmten Moment gültig. Umgekehrt meint Fiktion eine erschaffene Welt etwa in Malerei, im Film oder in der Literatur. Mehr noch, im Kontext von Science-Fiction geht es darum, Welten zu schaffen, die in gewisser Weise zeitlich und räumlich von der bestehenden Welt entrückt sind. Das Ergebnis sind fiktionale Welten, in denen futuristische Lebensumstände oder Begegnungen mit extraterrestrischen Lebewesen verhandelt werden.
- Published
- 2023
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20. The Role of AI in Driving the Sustainability of the Chemical Industry
- Author
Alessandra Toniato, Oliver Schilter, and Teodoro Laino
- Subjects
Artificial intelligence ,Chemical Industry ,LCA ,Sustainability ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Sustainability is here to stay. As businesses migrate away from fossil fuels and toward renewable sources, chemistry will play a crucial role in bringing the economy to a point of net-zero emissions. In fact, chemistry has always been at the forefront of developing new or enhanced materials to fulfill societal demands, resulting in goods with appropriate physical or chemical qualities. Today, the main focus is on developing goods and materials that have a less negative impact on the environment, which may include (but is not limited to) leaving behind smaller carbon footprints. Integrating data and AI can speed up the discovery of new eco-friendly materials, predict environmental impact factors for early assessment of new technological integration, enhance plant design and management, and optimize processes to reduce costs and improve efficiency, all of which contribute to a more rapid transition to a sustainable system. In this perspective, we hint at how AI technologies have been employed so far first, at estimating sustainability metrics and second, at designing more sustainable chemical processes.
- Published
- 2023
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21. I manoscritti etiopici della Biblioteca Statale di Montevergine a Mercogliano, Avellino
- Author
Alessandro Bausi
- Subjects
Ethiopian Christian Literature ,Ethiopian Manuscripts ,Libraries ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The Biblioteca Statale di Montevergine annexed to the Monumento nazionale di Montevergine, housed in the Palazzo abbaziale di Loreto, in Mercogliano, Avellino, also includes two Ethiopic manuscripts that once belonged to the ‘Johannowsky Library’. The manuscripts date to the nineteenth (non post 1895 CE, Cod. 24, Praise of Mary and Gate of Light) and to the beginning of the twentieth century (1907/1908 CE, Ms. 3, Image of the Twenty-Four Heavenly Priests and Ethiopian Psalter). The first manuscript was apparently taken from the field tent of Rās Mangašā after the Battle of Saganayti, on 15 January 1895, and eventually donated on 27 November 1900 by Daǧāzmāč Mikāʾel to the Italian colonial officer Ilario Capomazza.
- Published
- 2023
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22. I manoscritti etiopici della Biblioteca Statale di Montevergine a Mercogliano, Avellino
- Author
Alessandro Bausi
- Subjects
Ethiopian Christian Literature ,Ethiopian Manuscripts ,Libraries ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The Biblioteca Statale di Montevergine annexed to the Monumento nazionale di Montevergine, housed in the Palazzo abbaziale di Loreto, in Mercogliano, Avellino, also includes two Ethiopic manuscripts that once belonged to the ‘Johannowsky Library’. The manuscripts date to the nineteenth (non post 1895 CE, Cod. 24, Praise of Mary and Gate of Light) and to the beginning of the twentieth century (1907/1908 CE, Ms. 3, Image of the Twenty-Four Heavenly Priests and Ethiopian Psalter). The first manuscript was apparently taken from the field tent of Rās Mangašā after the Battle of Saganayti, on 15 January 1895, and eventually donated on 27 November 1900 by Daǧāzmāč Mikāʾel to the Italian colonial officer Ilario Capomazza.
- Published
- 2023
23. Abraham Johannes Drewes, Recueil des inscriptions de l’Éthiopie des périodes pré-axoumite et axoumite, III: Traductions et commentaires, B: Les inscriptions sémitiques
- Author
Alessio Agostini
- Subjects
Book Review ,Ethiopic Inscriptions ,Aksumite Period ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
- Published
- 2023
24. Marketplace per elementi lapidei di pregio: un’innovativa opportunità per la salvaguardia del patrimonio UNESCO
- Author
Alessandra Cernaro and Ornella Fiandaca
- Subjects
Valuable Stone Elements Waste ,Spolia ,UNESCO Cultural Heritage ,Marketplace ,Digital cataloguing ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
The UNESCO cultural heritage includes constructions that require maintenance actions as they are subject to natural degradation, neglect, vandalism, and fraudulent collecting. While re-evaluating the original function or identifying a new one, the restoration with materials/components that do not respect the historical-cultural and technical-constructive features must be avoided. Rather, it would be necessary to re-adopt the ancient practice of the spolium and favouring with methodological rigour the recovery, cataloguing and marketing of deconstructed materials, valuable for their characteristics and workmanship and therefore deserving to be relocated in works of equal value. Starting from the analysis of the web marketplaces dedicated to the recycling/reuse of "construction and demolition waste", we analysed potentialities and limits of a process able to transform valuable stone elements into resources, respecting the construction on which we intervene and the one from which components come, to guarantee the continuity of memory.
- Published
- 2023
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25. Fabbriche di mattoni - fabbriche di cultura. La riconversione di forni Hoffmann sul litorale abruzzese e laziale
- Author
Danilo Di Donato, Matteo Abita, and Alessandra Bellicoso
- Subjects
Industrial archaeology ,Brick factories ,Central Italy ,Adaptive reuse ,Landscape regeneration ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
The introduction of Hoffmann kiln was a crucial turning point for the advance in bricks production techniques. The development of typological features of this kind of factory involved a high level of specialization of its spaces, but it led also to a lowered interior flexibility that makes particularly difficult its re-use after the building disposal. The possible balance between needs of conservation and building recovery of this industrial heritage is the main topic of a research that includes the listing of Hoffmann kilns in some areas of the Central Italy, the development of a proper operational methodology and its validation on two case studies located on the coasts of Abruzzo and Lazio regions and used as new cultural incubators.
- Published
- 2023
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26. Urbino città Patrimonio UNESCO: un piano per la conservazione, valorizzazione e gestione del patrimonio storico – artistico dell’Ateneo
- Author
Laura Baratin, Alessandra Cattaneo, Francesca Gasparetto, and Veronica Tronconi
- Subjects
Historical building ,Conservation ,Restoration ,Enhancement ,Public management ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
On November 30, 1998, the historic centre of Urbino was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and the municipality developed the Management Plan for the UNESCO site in the years 2012-2013. The proposed work is part of the University of Urbino's research project for a Plan for the Conservation, Enhance- ment, and Management of its Architectural Heritage (35 buildings, eleven of which are historic buildings owned in the historic center) and the artworks contained therein. The contribution is focused on the pilot project of Palazzo Albani, a historic building recognized of great value by the community as a non-renewable, irreproducible, and irreplaceable resource. The work experiments with an operational flow that starts from the analysis of historical archival sources, with special attention to technical-constructive aspects, and direct investigation, to the identification of the best interventions and the application of new documentary protocols for the communication of the heritage in its different aspects palace and contained works.
- Published
- 2023
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27. Il cambiamento climatico e l’impatto sulla salute: le pathoclima
- Author
Roberto Buizza, Francesco Misiti, and Alessandra Sannella
- Subjects
Climate change ,health ,epigenetics ,temperature ,pathoclima ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Climate change has been accelerating, and this has been causing an increase of the number of intensity of its impacts on communities, including on their health. This link between climate change and health, a theme that we have named “pathoclima” (a neologism of the authors), an amplification of pathologies due to the increasing impact of climate change on society and the environment, is the subject of this contribution. Firstly, we present an analysis of the state of the climate and its impact on some respiratory, neurodegenerative, and mental health diseases. Then, we discuss some of the main conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, and finally, we suggest that only through a transdisciplinary approach can we achieve the goal of zero net emissions by 2050. Only following a transdisciplinary approach, we could address climate change taking into account also all biological and sociological aspects of the problem.
- Published
- 2023
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28. Runs of homozygosity in the Italian goat breeds: impact of management practices in low-input systems
- Author
Matteo Cortellari, Arianna Bionda, Alessio Negro, Stefano Frattini, Salvatore Mastrangelo, Elisa Somenzi, Emiliano Lasagna, Francesca M. Sarti, Elena Ciani, Roberta Ciampolini, Donata Marletta, Luigi Liotta, Paolo Ajmone Marsan, Fabio Pilla, Licia Colli, Andrea Talenti, and Paola Crepaldi
- Subjects
Animal culture ,SF1-1100 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Abstract Background Climate and farming systems, several of which are considered as low-input agricultural systems, vary between goat populations from Northern and Southern Italy and have led to different management practices. These processes have impacted genome shaping in terms of inbreeding and regions under selection and resulted in differences between the northern and southern populations. Both inbreeding and signatures of selection can be pinpointed by the analysis of runs of homozygosity (ROH), which provides useful information to assist the management of this species in different rural areas. Results We analyzed the ROH distribution and inbreeding (F ROH) in 902 goats from the Italian Goat Consortium2 dataset. We evaluated the differences in individual ROH number and length between goat breeds from Northern (NRD) and Central-southern (CSD) Italy. Then, we identified the signatures of selection that differentiate these two groups using three methods: ROH, ΔROH, and averaged F ST. ROH analyses showed that some Italian goat breeds have a lower inbreeding coefficient, which is attributable to their management and history. ROH are longer in breeds that are undergoing non-optimal management or with small population size. In several small breeds, the ROH length classes are balanced, reflecting more accurate mating planning. The differences in climate and management between the NRD and CSD groups have resulted in different ROH lengths and numbers: the NRD populations bred in isolated valleys present more and shorter ROH segments, while the CSD populations have fewer and longer ROH, which is likely due to the fact that they have undergone more admixture events during the horizontal transhumance practice followed by a more recent standardization. We identified four genes within signatures of selection on chromosome 11 related to fertility in the NRD group, and 23 genes on chromosomes 5 and 6 related to growth in the CSD group. Finally, we identified 17 genes on chromosome 12 related to environmental adaptation and body size with high homozygosity in both groups. Conclusions These results show how different management practices have impacted the level of genomic inbreeding in two Italian goat groups and could be useful to assist management in a low-input system while safeguarding the diversity of small populations.
- Published
- 2021
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29. The Short Career of Riccardo Selvi as Translator of Czech Poetry in the Early 1930s
- Author
Alessandro Catalano
- Subjects
riccardo selvi ,poetic translation ,cultural transfer ,k.h. mácha ,czech-italian relations ,rusalka ,antonín dvořák ,Language and Literature - Abstract
This article reconstructs the short career of Riccardo Selvi as a translator of Czech poetry. Thanks to archival documents and reviews published in Czech newspapers regarding his work, we have been able to reconstruct his rather singular literary path. In addition to his translation of Máj (‘May’) by K.H. Mácha — his most famous exploit —, we examine his translation of the libretto for Antonín Dvořák’s Rusalka in the context of the controversy that ensued in the newspaper Lidové noviny. Selvi’s efforts help to shed light on the essential role played by Czechoslovakian institutions, in terms of their financial support, and on various strategies of poetic translation outside the academic world during the 1930s.
- Published
- 2021
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30. VarGoats project: a dataset of 1159 whole-genome sequences to dissect Capra hircus global diversity
- Author
Laure Denoyelle, Estelle Talouarn, Philippe Bardou, Licia Colli, Adriana Alberti, Coralie Danchin, Marcello Del Corvo, Stéfan Engelen, Céline Orvain, Isabelle Palhière, Rachel Rupp, Julien Sarry, Mazdak Salavati, Marcel Amills, Emily Clark, Paola Crepaldi, Thomas Faraut, Clet Wandui Masiga, François Pompanon, Benjamin D. Rosen, Alessandra Stella, Curtis P. Van Tassell, Gwenola Tosser-Klopp, and The VarGoats Consortium
- Subjects
Animal culture ,SF1-1100 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Abstract Background Since their domestication 10,500 years ago, goat populations with distinctive genetic backgrounds have adapted to a broad variety of environments and breeding conditions. The VarGoats project is an international 1000-genome resequencing program designed to understand the consequences of domestication and breeding on the genetic diversity of domestic goats and to elucidate how speciation and hybridization have modeled the genomes of a set of species representative of the genus Capra. Findings A dataset comprising 652 sequenced goats and 507 public goat sequences, including 35 animals representing eight wild species, has been collected worldwide. We identified 74,274,427 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 13,607,850 insertion-deletions (InDels) by aligning these sequences to the latest version of the goat reference genome (ARS1). A Neighbor-joining tree based on Reynolds genetic distances showed that goats from Africa, Asia and Europe tend to group into independent clusters. Because goat breeds from Oceania and Caribbean (Creole) all derive from imported animals, they are distributed along the tree according to their ancestral geographic origin. Conclusions We report on an unprecedented international effort to characterize the genome-wide diversity of domestic goats. This large range of sequenced individuals represents a unique opportunity to ascertain how the demographic and selection processes associated with post-domestication history have shaped the diversity of this species. Data generated for the project will also be extremely useful to identify deleterious mutations and polymorphisms with causal effects on complex traits, and thus will contribute to new knowledge that could be used in genomic prediction and genome-wide association studies.
- Published
- 2021
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31. Medienkompetenz – ein Beipackzettel
- Author
Stefan Iske and Alessandro Barberi
- Subjects
medienkompetenz ,medienpädagogische Projekte ,Projektarbeit ,Baacke ,GMK ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
Im Folgenden wird der Beipackzettel des medienpädagogischen Konzeptes Medienkompetenz entfaltet. Diese pharmazeutische Analogie bzw. Metapher zielt darauf ab, ausgehend von der klassischen Bestimmung dieses theoretischen Konzepts durch Dieter Baacke die grundlegenden Charakteristika zusammenfassend darzustellen, um die Haupt- und Nebenwirkungen in den Blick zu nehmen. Insgesamt zielt der Beitrag darauf, Medienkompetenz angesichts der Vielfalt von Begriffsbestimmungen und Verwendungskontexten – und auch angesichts von Diskussionen von Konzepten wie Medienbildung – in eine neue Perspektive zu rücken und mit Blick auf medienpädagogische Grundannahmen und Standards darzustellen und zu diskutieren.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Editorial 04/2022: Medienpädagogische Entwürfe der Gegenwart: Normativität, Verantwortung, Gerechtigkeit
- Author
Alessandro Barberi, Nina Grünberger, Thomas Ballhausen, and Caroline Grabensteiner
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Editorial 04/2022
- Published
- 2022
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33. La Missione Archeologica Tuniso-Italiana a Numluli: l’attività di ricerca del 2022
- Author
Alessandro Teatini, Giuseppe Antonino Abis, Walid Ammouri, Mehdi Arfa, Toma Andrei Bucuroiu, Moheddine Chaouali, Riadh Chebbi, Salvatore Ganga, Isabella Generelli, Antonio Ibba, Khadija Laaribi, Ines Lemjid, Manuel Mainetti, Rosa Marcato, Silvio Moreno, and Dahia Sadaoui
- Subjects
Numluli (Tunisia) ,rapporto di scavo ,Missione Archeologica Tuniso-Italiana ,foro ,basilica paleocristiana ,iscrizioni ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
Si è da poco conclusa la prima campagna di scavo della Missione Archeologica Tuniso-Italiana INP-Uniss a Numluli e si vuole già illustrare qui preliminarmente l’attività di ricerca svolta nello scorso mese di settembre nel sito del municipium. Le aree di scavo aperte nella piazza del foro di fronte al Capitolium e in una basilica paleocristiana ai margini occidentali dell’abitato hanno dato notevoli risultati dei quali viene qui proposto un primo sintetico esame, insieme allo studio delle iscrizioni della città romana che costituisce l’altro importante filone della ricerca.
- Published
- 2022
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34. Con un colpo di spugna e sapone 'Gallseife'. La rielaborazione del passato nazionalsocialista in «Heimat» di Nora Krug
- Author
Alessandra Goggio
- Subjects
German literature ,PT1-4897 - Abstract
This paper intends to show how and to what extent the practices of postmemory (Hirsch) and “cumulative heroization” (Welzer), which are typical of the so-called generation of grandchildren in Germany, are embedded in Nora Krug’s graphic novel Heimat. Ein deutsches Familienalbum [Heimat. A German Family Album] (2018). It will be shown how these practices contribute to creating a work that in the end idealizes the German and family (Nazi) past rather than coming to terms with it, thus also reiterating a Germano-centric concept of Heimat.
- Published
- 2022
35. Democrazia o capitalismo. Sulla inevitabile matrice autoritaria del neoliberalismo
- Author
Alessandro Somma
- Subjects
Law ,Political science - Published
- 2022
36. Gustaw Herling-Grudziński e il totalitarismo
- Author
Alessandro Ajres
- Subjects
Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law ,K201-487 ,Political theory ,JC11-607 - Abstract
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński knew two forms of totalitarianism directly during his life, the Nazi and the Soviet, and immediately after his transfer to Italy he had to deal with the still visible ‘footprints’ left by Fascism. His represents, therefore, the concrete example of those who saved themselves from the most ferocious face of totalitarianisms, that is from a work camp, clinging to the ‘religion of freedom’ learned from Benedetto Croce, and then spent their entire existence in the secular prayer of writing to study Evil and denounce the overwhelming mechanisms of totalitarian power.
- Published
- 2021
37. Pubblico e privato, insieme, per far funzionare il PNRR
- Author
Alessandro Diotallevi
- Subjects
Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law ,K201-487 ,Political theory ,JC11-607 - Published
- 2021
38. Solidarity with vulnerable migrants during and beyond the state of crisis
- Author
Alessandro Mazzola and Mattias De Backer
- Subjects
Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Published
- 2021
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39. Un pellerossa nel presepe: Il binomio fantastico di Gianni Rodari e la didattica della creatività
- Author
Alessandra Minisci
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
Gianni Rodari hat lange über den Wert der Kreativität im Bildungsprozess nachgedacht. Das Ergebnis seiner praktischen Erfahrungen und theoretischen Überlegungen ist Grammatik der Phantasie, ein kleines Buch, das 1973 erschien, aber auf vielfältige Weise auch heute noch aktuell ist. Es enthält Techniken, um mit der Sprache zu spielen und Kreativität zu entwickeln. Sie sind zwar hauptsächlich für Kinder gedacht, jedoch für jedes Alter geeignet oder anpassbar. Nach dem italienischen Schriftsteller und Pädagogen muss man Erfinder sein, mit der Phantasie erschaffen können, um sich eine andere – und möglicherweise bessere und gerechtere – Welt vorstellen zu können.
- Published
- 2021
40. Editorial 03/2022: Digitale Grundbildung als Pflichtfach – Kontexte und Konkretisierungen
- Author
Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann, Petra Missomelius, Christian Swertz, and Alessandro Barberi
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Editorial 03/2022
- Published
- 2022
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41. Dietary Changes in Bronze Age Switzerland
- Author
Alessandra Varalli and Mireille David-Elbiali
- Subjects
Bronze Age ,Farming ,Human diet ,Prehistory ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Published
- 2022
42. Stato di partiti o partito di Stato?
- Author
Alessandro Diotallevi
- Subjects
Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law ,K201-487 ,Political theory ,JC11-607 - Published
- 2021
43. Non solo razionalità economica. Stato e morale nel pensiero neoliberale
- Author
Alessandro Somma
- Subjects
Law ,Political science - Abstract
review on: Jessica Whyte, The Morals of the Market. Human Rights and the Rise of Neoliberalism, London / New York: Verso Books 2019, 278 p., ISBN 978-1-78663-311-8
- Published
- 2021
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44. Integrating genomic and infrared spectral data improves the prediction of milk protein composition in dairy cattle
- Author
Toshimi Baba, Sara Pegolo, Lucio F. M. Mota, Francisco Peñagaricano, Giovanni Bittante, Alessio Cecchinato, and Gota Morota
- Subjects
Animal culture ,SF1-1100 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Abstract Background Over the past decade, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been used to predict novel milk protein phenotypes. Genomic data might help predict these phenotypes when integrated with milk FTIR spectra. The objective of this study was to investigate prediction accuracy for milk protein phenotypes when heterogeneous on-farm, genomic, and pedigree data were integrated with the spectra. To this end, we used the records of 966 Italian Brown Swiss cows with milk FTIR spectra, on-farm information, medium-density genetic markers, and pedigree data. True and total whey protein, and five casein, and two whey protein traits were analyzed. Multiple kernel learning constructed from spectral and genomic (pedigree) relationship matrices and multilayer BayesB assigning separate priors for FTIR and markers were benchmarked against a baseline partial least squares (PLS) regression. Seven combinations of covariates were considered, and their predictive abilities were evaluated by repeated random sub-sampling and herd cross-validations (CV). Results Addition of the on-farm effects such as herd, days in milk, and parity to spectral data improved predictions as compared to those obtained using the spectra alone. Integrating genomics and/or the top three markers with a large effect further enhanced the predictions. Pedigree data also improved prediction, but to a lesser extent than genomic data. Multiple kernel learning and multilayer BayesB increased predictive performance, whereas PLS did not. Overall, multilayer BayesB provided better predictions than multiple kernel learning, and lower prediction performance was observed in herd CV compared to repeated random sub-sampling CV. Conclusions Integration of genomic information with milk FTIR spectral can enhance milk protein trait predictions by 25% and 7% on average for repeated random sub-sampling and herd CV, respectively. Multiple kernel learning and multilayer BayesB outperformed PLS when used to integrate heterogeneous data for phenotypic predictions.
- Published
- 2021
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45. Protectionism and the global trade stagnation
- Author
Alessandro Vitale
- Subjects
protectionism ,neo-protectionism ,European Union ,Eastern Europe ,Global South ,global trade ,Political science ,Social Sciences - Abstract
The protectionism of the last twelve years is forcing many countries to backtrack in the face of the devastating consequences of those policies on their economies and the world trade. The pandemic COVID-19 has highlighted even more how those policies may be destructive and produce impoverishment. The current global pandemic crisis is producing an abrupt and probably very long braking effect on international trade. However, it would be wrong to consider it as the exclusive or the most important cause of global trade stagnation. In fact, the ground had already been prepared by the economic-financial crisis of 2007–2008 and in particular by the choices of “economic nationalism” of neo-protectionist type, which made a precise political use of the modern linear border. Globalisation means mainly the overcoming of political barriers, borders, and the opening to the global free trade market. On the contrary, it is now still hindered by heavy political factors, among which protectionism has been the main one for many years. Those policies, implemented on the large areas by major world powers, have caused a long phase of “de-globalisation”, characterised by the renewed use of the modern border to enclose economies, well before the pandemic crisis.
- Published
- 2020
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46. Editorial 02/2022
- Author
Jan Torge Claussen, Nicola Przybylka, Petra Missomelius, and Alessandro Barberi
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Die pandemiebedingte Schließung der Schulen und Universitäten setzte die Dringlichkeit von Digitalstrategien in der Fortbildungskultur von (Hoch)Schulen und die Notwendigkeit einer Stärkung medienpädagogischer Kompetenzen von Lehrenden, Studierenden sowie von Schülerinnen und Schülern vermehrt auf die bildungspolitische und gesellschaftliche Agenda. Eine Umstellung auf digital geprägte Lehr- und Lernangebote für den sogenannten Distanzunterricht musste jedoch unter großem Zeit- und Entscheidungsdruck erfolgen. Eine tiefergehende Auseinandersetzung mit der Medialität dieser veränderten Lehr- und Lernarrangements trat hinter pragmatischen Entscheidungen zurück. Damit einhergehend war vielerorts eine Vernachlässigung der ästhetisch-künstlerischen und damit körperlich, sinnlich erfahrbaren Ebene des Lehrens und Lernens zu beobachten (Krauß 2021 sowie der Beitrag von Anke Redecker in dieser Ausgabe). Die Suche nach den ästhetischen Wahrnehmungsdimensionen digitaler Lehr- und Lernmedien machte die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Medienkultur und -bildung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft daher zum Ausgangspunkt ihres Symposiums (2021), woraus auch die Schwerpunktbeiträge dieser Ausgabe stammen. Es sollten Lehr- und Lernformen in den Blick genommen werden, die durch digitale Medien wie beispielsweise Games, E-Portfolios, Videos, Webplattformen, Augmented-Reality- und Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen oder Apps unterstützt, erweitert, verändert oder womöglich ersetzt werden. Die Beiträge konnten unter anderem die folgenden Fragestellungen adressieren: • Wie können körperliche Ausdrucksformen und ästhetische Erfahrungen in digitale Formate überführt werden? • Welche Potenziale oder Herausforderungen lassen sich beim unterrichtlichen Einsatz von digitalen Medien im Hinblick auf ästhetische Praxis (Elberfeld/Krankenhagen 2017) ausmachen? Inwiefern sind dabei Fachperspektiven und unterrichtsspezifische Rollenzuschreibungen zu berücksichtigen? • Welche Formen der Bewertung von Leistung, Kompetenz und/oder Wissen werden durch digitale Medien etabliert oder in digitale Bildungsangebote eingeschrieben (Claussen 2021) und inwiefern werden dabei inklusive Prozesse oder künstlerische Artikulationen mitgedacht? • Werden im Rahmen der medialen Spezifikationen und Interfacegestaltungen von digitalen Bildungsangeboten bestimmte Körper idealisiert? Inwiefern findet eine Reflexion darüber statt, auf welche Körper und Medienpraktiken die Applikationen rekurrieren und welche diese hervorbringen (Orland 2005; Beinsteiner/Kohn 2016; Rode/Stern 2019)? • Wie kann über ästhetisch-künstlerische, partizipative Umgangsformen ein medienkritischer Zugang zu digitalen Medien im Unterricht geübt werden (Niesyto 2012/2013; Wiesche/Lipinski 2020)?
- Published
- 2022
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47. O som elétrico de Fausto Romitelli
- Author
Alessandro Arbo
- Subjects
Fausto Romitelli ,music and post-modernism ,electric sound ,music quotation ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 ,Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Abstract
Like other composers of his generation, Fausto Romitelli was interested in the discussions between “modernist” and “post-modernist” musical poetics. He felt solidarity with the former, and openly refused to adhere to the strategies of the latter. Unsurprisingly, this opposition was reflected in a hierarchy of values in his discourse: to him, classifying a musical work as “post-modern” meant singling it out as disengaged and superficial. However, Romitelli’s work manifests some aspects which could be considered to be in line with post-modernist perspectives: think of his tendency to integrate musical quotations; of his explicit import of the electric sound of rock (as well as of its instrumental gestures); of his use of samples taken from electronic music; of his taste for trash. I intend to reflect on these aspects in order to grasp their function and thus better understand how Romitelli’s music brings together present and past in an original technological dystopia
- Published
- 2022
48. Academic News: Olga Kapeliuk Awarded the British Academy Edward Ullendorff Medal
- Author
Alessandro Bausi
- Subjects
Academic news ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Academic News
- Published
- 2022
49. Editorial
- Author
- Subjects
Editorial ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
- Published
- 2022
50. Tedros Abraha, ed., tr., Mäṣḥafä Sawiros zä-Esmunayn: la versione geʿez del Kitāb al-īḍāḥ di Severo di Ašmūnayn (X/XI sec.), Omelie I–III, Introduzione, edizione del testo etiopico con traduzione italiana annotata
- Author
Alessandro Bausi
- Subjects
Coptic literature ,Ethiopian Christian literature ,Theological treaties ,Gǝʿǝz literature ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
- Published
- 2022
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