Impaired pulmonary gas exchange can result from lung parenchymal failure inducing oxygenation deficiency and fatigue of the respiratory muscles, which is characterized by hypercapnia or a combination of both mechanisms. Contractility of and coordination between the diaphragm and the thoracoabdominal respiratory muscles predominantly determine the efficiency of spontaneous breathing. Sepsis, cardiac failure, malnutrition or acute changes of the load conditions may induce fatigue of the respiratory muscles. Augmentation of spontaneous breathing is not only achieved by the application of different technical principles or devices; it also has to improve perfusion, metabolism, load conditions and contractility of the respiratory muscles. Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) allows spontaneous breathing of the patient and augments alveolar ventilation by periodically applying positive airway pressure tidal volumes, which are generated by the respirator. Potential advantages include lower mean airway pressure (PAW), as compared with controlled mechanical ventilation, and improved haemodynamics. Suboptimal IMV systems may impose increased work and oxygen cost of breathing, fatigue of the respiratory muscles and CO2 retention. During pressure support ventilation (PSV), inspiratory alterations of PAW or gas flow (trigger) are detected by the respirator, which delivers a gas flow to maintain PAW at a fixed value (usually 5-20 cm H2O) during inspiration. PSV may be combined with other modalities of respiratory therapy such as IMV or CPAP. Claimed advantages of PSV include decreased effort of breathing, reduced systemic and respiratory muscle consumption of oxygen, prophylaxis of diaphragmatic fatigue and an improved extubation rate after prolonged periods of mechanical ventilation. Minimum alveolar ventilation is not guaranteed during PSV; thus, close observation of the patient is mandatory to avoid serious respiratory complications. Continuous positive airway pressure breathing (CPAP) maintains PAW above atmospheric pressure throughout the respiratory cycle, which may increase functional residual capacity and decrease the effort of breathing. CPAP has been conceptually designed for the augmentation of spontaneous breathing and requires the intact central and peripheral regulation of the respiratory system. Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) improves alveolar ventilation by intermittent release of PAW, which is kept above atmospheric pressure by means of a high-flow CPAP system. The opening of an expiratory valve for 1-2 s induces a decreased PAW and lung volume, which increases rapidly to pre-exhalation values after closure of the valve due to the high gas flow within the circuit (90-100 1/min). APRV may improve haemodynamics and VA/Q distribution as compared with conventional mechanical ventilation. Biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP) is characterized by the combination of spontaneous breathing and time-regulated, pressure-controlled mechanical ventilation. During the respiratory cycle the ventilator generates two alternating CPAP levels, which can be modified with regard to time and pressure. As with APRV, alveolar ventilation is maintained even if the spontaneous breathing efforts of the patient cease, which improves the safety of both modes of respiratory therapy. The contribution of spontaneous breathing to total minute ventilation may be important, since a decreased shunt and improved VA/Q relationship have been observed in experimental non-cardiogenic lung oedema. These data give support to the concept that spontaneous breathing should be maintained and augmented in the setting of acute respiratory failure.