Büscher, Markus, Krewald, Siegfried, Maier, Rudolf, Meißner, Ulf-G., Ritman, James, Rossen, Peter von, Schadmand, Susan, and Ströher, Hans
The year 2004 had been marked by events and activities that will be of strategic relevance for our institute. In February our institute was reviewed together with the GSI within the framework of the “Program Oriented Funding”, which represents a new paradigm for science funding of the Helmholtz centres. This evaluation took place at the GSI, scrutinizing the Research Program “Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei”, which is part of the Research Field “Structure of Matter”. As the major recommendations of this council, an “on-site” and “in-depth” review of the future activities of the institute, especially with respect to our close collaboration with GSI within the FAIR-project was proposed as well as to present a full proposal for the transfer of WASA from Uppsala to COSY to a dedicated review committee. The HGF-Senate has decided to postpone/defer any decision on budgets for the years 2006 to 2009 until the findings of the on-site review, which will take place in April 2005, are available. The WASA proposal has been critically examined in October 2004 by an extended program advisory committee. It concluded unanimously that this detector in connection with COSY would constitute an outstanding physics opportunity and that the proposed physics program has unquestionably strategic relevance. The institute has significantly intensified its engagement in the FAIR-project, which will set the stage for the mid- and long-term perspective in hadron physics. In collaboration with other partners our institute has taken on a leading role in the consortium that is planning, designing (and later building) the “High Energy Storage Ring” (HESR) of FAIR. In 2004 the IKP has played a prominent role in the timely completion of the Technical Reports for HESR, PANDA, PAX and FLAIR. As outlined in our PoF-application, the institute has the following strategy for its future position within the scientific portfolio of the Helmholtz organisation (HGF): • Scientific exploitation of COSY and its experimental facilities: – Hadron physics with hadronic probes – Preparatory investigations for the FAIR project of GSI (Darmstadt) • Involvement in FAIR: – Planning, designing and building of HESR, the “High Energy Storage Ring” for anti-protons – Contributions to antiproton experiments and corresponding detector systems (PANDA, PAX, FLAIR) It is evident that the timescale for the transition from COSY to HESR needs to be intertwined with the actual realization of the FAIR-project. As a result of an intense discussion within CANU (COSY Association of Networking Universities), it was agreed that COSY will be an indispensable experimental facility for the intervening period in order to sustain a viable hadron physics community. An efficient migration of the CANU-user community to the HESR is only conceivable if experimental activities can continue nearly seamlessly. As mentioned above, we intend to transfer WASA (currently installed at CELSIUS of TSL, Uppsala, Sweden) to COSY — a corresponding Memorandum-of-Understanding between Uppsala University and FZJ was signed in December. As significant resources will be allocated to the HESR, PANDA, and other activities related to the FAIR-project, WASA — together with ANKE and TOF — will be the only detector systems operated at COSY in the near future. We already phased out nuclear spectroscopy and JESSICA during the past year. As in the years before we had meetings of our international advisory committees, the IKP-Beirat and PAC for the COSY experimental program. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of its members for their valuable advice and constructive discussions. We also have had retirements of colleagues in 2004; I would like to mention: Prof. Detlev Filges and Prof. Kurt Kilian, long-term director of IKP I. I want to express our deep thanks to all retirees for their work and contributions as well as our best wishes for their future. We are very pleased to have successors for two retired directors (J. Speth, K. Kilian): • Prof. Ulf-G. Meißner, holding a chair at the “Helmholtz Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik” at the “Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn”, who had acted as provisional director of the IKP-theory since 2003, took over as director in October. • Prof. James Ritman from the “Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen”, holding now a chair at the “Ruhr-Universität Bochum”, is the new head of IKP I since September. A hearty welcome and all the best to the new leadership and to all other new staff members of IKP. In closing, I would like to thank all colleagues, collaborators, friends from within the institute, the Research Center (FZJ) — in particular ZAM, ZAT and ZEL — and national and international universities and institutions for their support and dedication that was key to make COSY a world class facility and the IKP a center for hadron physics with hadronic probes.