RWTH Aachen University, Diss., 2017; 225 Seiten(2017)., The economic significance of the German real estate market is immense. Alongside buyers and sellers, estate agents and real estate companies, notaries, lawyers etc., real estate experts are also active in the real estate sector. Expert assessment has a long tradition in Germany and is highly respected internationally. Despite the importance of real estate evaluation, basic de-mands of the expert in practising their job are not present initially. As such, there are countless “experts” on the highly fragile real estate market without appropriate qualifications. They have the unprotected designation of “expert” (German: Sachverständige) and are not subject to any checks.The expert assessment sector in Germany, unregulated in many areas, has led to growth and increased fragmentation. Overall, it is important to note that while the real estate market in Germany is of great economic significance, there are still countless situations in which, despite the professionalism and transparency which is demanded, the opposite is the result.The report is divided into four parts, with parts B and C forming the core of the report. The intro-duction, part A, covers the history, qualification and training of experts, different types of ex-perts, appraisals and the legal foundations of expert assessment in Germany. Each of the prob-lems and discrepancies which become apparent when dealing with these topics in context are formulated in context, graphically highlighted and summarised at the start of part B, which fol-lows.Part B deepens understanding of the problems determined in part A along with a detailed anal-ysis of the weak points. This part looks in more detail at the significance of public orders and oaths (German: Vereidigung), as well as personal certification, domestic professional associa-tions, and criticism of innovations and reforms in the area of expert assessment. In part C of the report, concrete possibilities for optimisation of the overarching, most pressing problems (core problems, as they are called) are worked out, based on the analysis of the weak points. Part D is intended as a supplement and as an outlook of the current trend. The focus here is on current development and trends in the real estate evaluation sector: Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of online real estate evaluation.The goal of the dissertation is to depict the current system of the German expert assessment system, to recognise problems and weak points and to work out concrete suggestions for im-provement and optimisation in order to minimise any future failed developments and to achieve increased transparency and greater legal compliance for all parties involved., Published by Aachen